
Chapter 27 : The Lunch Meeting

Cayden POV

I had absolutely no plans for today, but I couldn’t take another day off of work. At least, that was the excuse that I was giving myself. But I knew it wasn’t the reason. Not really.

I needed to see her again. I couldn’t go another day without seeing her. And that had been without my mother’s words of encouragement. But after listening to my mother, it was all the more something I knew to be true.

I didn’t want to give her up, and I wasn’t going to.

I got to work, still not having a plan formulated. But before heading into the building, I stopped at the coffee vendor on the side of the street and grabbed myself a cappuccino. Maybe I would be able to think a bit better once I had a caffeine fix inside of me.

I stood outside, drinking my coffee. I wanted to be near the stand in case I needed a second dose to really get me jumpstarted.