
Chapter 19

Looking back, I remember, Serina tried every means to transfer the assets I made my first bucket of money and my business grew from. I was fully aware of everything she’s been doing to bring back all properties I had to their possession.

As I have planned, I also let Mira introduced Lee to a few sexy women. The women put sex drug in his wine, let Lee more obsessed with the female body, exposed him in other things to take his mind away from more important things, make a not-so-good image of him, then spread the news. The plan was successfully accomplished.

From then on, Lee was known as a womanizer, Serina had become very disappointed with Lee. And there came times that she can’t fully trust all business matters to his very own son. Little by little, Lee lost her mother’s trust, slowly becoming undeserving of what his father leaves for him. He was being put on a bad light while I focused all my energy on business. Closing deals one after another. Three years I did not go home even once. I focused more on making the business grow. I was absent for most of the family’s events, missing most of the important moments. I have dealt with so much hardship but I have grown the family fortune more than ten times, and already gave part of the shares to Serina and Lee. So, I got more recognized by Serina, and I gained her trust again.

Mira spent some difficult times with me also. She was there beside me through my wins and losses. But admittedly I just used her, I never loved her.

Since childhood I only love Elena. She is like an angel, so simple, so beautiful. She is also an adopted daughter by William and Serina. What I love about her is she is full of sunshine inside. Everything I accomplished, I had her in my mind. Now that I finally have the money and fortune to marry her, I can't lose her. I promised to go back home so I could pursue her and be with her.

After a while of silence, I cut myself from reminiscing. I took out my cell phone and called Mira.

"Mira, what do you really want? "

Elena’s POV

When I got home, I dragged my weary body and sprawled out on the bed, my eyes staring dully at the ceiling, my head blank. Thinking of what happened in Haden’s office really pained me inside. Questions of why’s and what if’s run through me. I just want to scream it out loud. A crystal photo frame in the corner of the shelf snapped me out of my thought, and when I turned it over, I was dazed. It was actually a picture of Haden and Mira together on the beach, adding more wounds in my heart.

There were hurried footsteps from the corridor and the door was yanked open, "Elena!"

Haden hugged me from the back and asked in a short breath, "You're my wife, aren't you? "My heart ached, but I didn't say a word. "I didn't handle this well and I'm sorry. I should have told you everything. I should have been more transparent and honest with everything. But please, you don't have to take Mira's words to heart. Believe me, everything between her and me, that was nothing!" He continued explaining, "I've been separated from her for years and haven't had any contact with her since.” I love you Elena. It was always you. I hope you do trust me. These are the thoughts I’ve been wanting to tell her.

I turned, facing him, "It's okay brother, I didn't take it seriously, our marriage was just all about bringing this baby into the world, wasn’t it? You've been good enough to me and there's nothing you owe me. We'll be separated when the baby is born anyway." I blurted out.

He was deeply in thoughts as he was listening to me. I don’t know what’s going on his mind at the very moment. He hesitated then suddenly asked, "That night you spent with Lee, are you sure nothing happened to you?" I had never expected that question.

I remembered the day Sara was on my birthday three years ago, she invited all the family members to came to the bar that day. We were all drunk high. We just danced the night away, enjoying each other’s company. Sara arranged each of us a room, as we stayed up so late that night.

Haden was there that day too, we still played card games together. I also remember, Lee gave me a diamond bracelet that night, very nice as a present and I liked it very much.

When I woke up the next morning, I was astonished to find myself naked on the hotel room couch and Lee was on the floor sleeping. I don't know what happened between us that night. I really went drank and I don’t have a clear moment of what happened to me but Lee told me that he didn't touch me.

That was a mystery to me, too.

"I don’t know. I was so drunk that night. But I'd rather believe Lee. I know he didn’t touch me. I believe Lee that nothing happened between us." I answered Haden carelessly.

Haden had suppressed his anger, and after hearing that, he finally tensed. "Then why are you still speaking for him? Just because you were drunk, he took advantage of the situation. And you slept with him, you even spoke for him. You were always at his defense. Tell me, do you love him so much?"

"Haden, it's not your place to interfere with my personal affairs. It’s because I believe Lee that nothing had happened that’s why I am speaking for him. Is there anything wrong with that? And even if fell in love him before us, I think it’s none of your business." Haden's coldness intensified, and I could even sense an irresistible killing intent, like an open sword waiting to be washed in blood.

"Elena, you are mine alone, make no mistake about it." A few soft words, with a warning that went straight to my heart. Those words, did he really mean it?

Haden gave me a look, said nothing more, turned and left.

I shivered.

Haden's pov

I went to the bar, reminiscent of past suddenly flooded in. There was this lingering anger inside me, waiting to burst out anytime.

A few years ago, on Elena's birthday, I drugged Lee’s drink and arranged for a woman in his room, along with a paparazzi team for the next day. Everything was carefully plotted. The woman waited all night, but Haden did not return to his room. The next day, the paparazzi team finally met him. But I never dreamed that the moment I walked out of the room I would run into Lee coming out of Elena's room. Yes, it was Elena’s room. Paparazzi team was feasting on the scene as I recall giving him a double dose drug, I can clearly remember. I wanted to help Elena that time. I wanted to cover her up from all the paparazzi taking pictures of her and Lee. But I was really shocked that I was not even able to move. This is not what I had planned. What had happened between the two-last night? Why was he on Elena’s room?

The thought of it made my heart twist like a knife and I walked over to the bar, sipping some wine, one glass after another. “Nothing had happened.” The voice of Elena kept ringing on my ears. Should I believe that? He was with that man all night; they were both drunk and nothing happened? I didn’t know what to feel at the very moment. I was caught between believing the woman I love and thinking if she is in love with another man. I can’t give her up just like that. No, she’s mine. I can’t afford to lose her. I have gone through so much to achieve everything I have now and it was all for her. I can’t just give her away to some undeserving man especially Lee. That crook, he’s not and will never be for Elena. I got so lost with my thoughts and not knowingly, I dozed off.

"Haden, you're drunk. Let’s go." A woman's voice, woke me up and I saw Elena’s face who looked down at me, seemingly dazed. She’s really beautiful. I only have my eyes on this girl. No one can take me from her. I love her even though she doesn’t believe me. “Elena. You’re here.” I smiled and said as she helps me get up. “Haden, why are you so drunk?” I heard her say. “What are you doing with yourself?” She held me walk into a hotel room. I was really drunk, and I just let her lead the way. Soon, we got inside the room, it was dark. She lay me down into the bed. I do not know if what I was seeing is true or is it just because of the alcohol intake but Elena had taken off her skirt and was wearing only a shirt, I gave a jerk of my eyebrow. She was charming, so charming that I could not resist it.

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