1 Project Orion

"Hey Jason, tell me you got a copy of Orion!"

"No, all the gaming shops in my area are sold out, they don't expect any more shipments this week."

"Dude just order it off the Dreamstar website and pay for the next day shipping you don't want to be too far behind in levels if you want any good achievements."

"It's another $50 for shipping, no way am I paying that, I can wait. I'll just take time off from work and catch up in levels. Speaking of which, I have to head out to work, I'll see you tonight at the bar?"

"Yeah sure, I'll be there at 8."

"Alright later James."

Right as James closed the voice app his alarm went off.

*beep beep* "10 minutes until server activation." *beep beep*

Excitedly he rushed to his bed where his gaming equipment had already been setup. Laying in his small bed James powered on the Mark 1 helmet and put it on. For a second there was nothing but darkness and he thought the unit was faulty. Just his luck to receive a broken unit. Suddenly, flash, light appeared and a welcome screen slowly displayed.

"Welcome to Project Orion"

"Only one character can be created which will be linked to your unique ID, would you like to proceed?"


"A standard character will be created base on your body profile and facial features scanned by this device, would you like to edit your character further?"


"Would you like to start the tutorial to explain oth..."


"Please enjoy the music while you wait for the servers to be brought up"

*Elevator music plays*

"Oh come on now."

Watching the timer in the corner of the interface tick down felt like eons going by for James.



"30 seconds remain, please prepare yourself for transportation to Orion"

"20 seconds"






The light from the interface started to get brighter and brighter, so bright that James had to close his eyes for fear of going blind. After a second he heard the sounds of birds chirping and people talking. Opening his eyes and taking a look around James appeared to be in a small village, with what looked to be a church at the center of the village with a golden bell atop it's tower. A general store next to a gravel road, the only one leading in and out of the village. The local inn and bar being right next to it and a blacksmith shop to the left, houses lined the opposite side of the gravel road.

Checking his inventory, "What, how can I start with no items, what kind of start is this. Guess I should look around for some quest givers." Walking into the inn he noticed that only the barkeep was there cleaning some dirty plates and glassware.

"Hello good sir, would you happen to know of anyone needing assistance?"

The barkeep looked at James and grunted before going back to his business. "If you want work speak with the blacksmith or the manager at the lumber yard, the priest was looking for some help a few days ago. If you've got coin you can eat, drink, and sleep here, otherwise you can get the hell out."

"Okay... Thanks." Said James, thinking to himself that the barkeep is a d*ck as he turned around and walked out the door. Looking around he saw the blacksmith shop slightly down the road and the lumberyard further down near exit out of the village. "Hmmm.... chopping wood or beating metal, there's gotta be some quests or something out here, I refuse to believe the game designers wouldn't have any in the starter town." James continued to walk around the village talking to anyone around until he was back at the inn.

"NOTHING! THERE REALLY IS NOTHING HERE!" Said James in immense frustration. Everyone in the village just looked at him like he was crazy.

*Sound of horses galloping on gravel*

Looking in the direction of the horses James saw there was 12 armored soldiers in formation around a carriage. Rushing into the village center the group finally halted, the coachman jumped down and opened the door and a man in royal looking attire got out holding what looked to be a scroll.

"By the order of the King, all able bodied men are hereby conscripted into the Kings Army. You have 1 hour to say your farewells and prepare any equipment you wish to bring. Hold any questions until everyone is gathered. Anyone found in dereliction of duty to the King will be hanged." After the last sentence the man got back into the carriage and the coachman drove to the edge of the village, all but 1 knight followed along, he dismounted and stood there waiting for everyone to gather.

James ran in the direction of the lumberyard and as he got in view of the manager he started to shout, "Hello good sir, give me some work! You won't regret it, I promise!"

The manager looked at him and shouted back "1 copper for every log split take it or leave." he said before turned back and yelling at some workers to chop faster.

James ran to an open chopping spot and begin his mission to earn money. Log after log until finally 50 minutes had passed, exhausted he collapsed on the ground against a tree trunk. "Damn, this game is too realistic, my arms are sore and I feel like I've been hit by a train." he then shouted to the manager, "I've finished splitting 100 logs can I get paid now?" The manager slowly walked over and began to count how many had been chopped.

"I see, not bad, not bad at all." Said the manager "Here's 2 silver, now you better hurry and gather with everyone else."

James grabbed the coins and ran back to the shop and started looking for anything of use. In the store he was able to get a backpack with a month worth of dried rations, some bandages with some healing gel in a small glass vial, and a map of the general area around the village, all for 1 silver. He then went to the blacksmith to get a bow, quiver of arrows, and a short sword also for 1 silver, afterwards it was finally time to meet up with everyone else who was conscripted.

The knight in the middle of the square yelled right on the hour mark. "I want 5 even columns with 1 meter in between each column, move your arses!" It took all of 5 minutes for everyone to line up correctly. "About damn time if you guys were any slower I'd be wondering if you were born from turtles. My name is Sir Thomas, it's an hours march to camp, there you'll receive a pack with rations, water skin, and other supplies, along with basic armor and weapons. If you survive you can keep the armor and weapons and will be given 2 gold coins, if you die, the equipment and 5 coins will be given to your families." He paused for a minute to let everything sink in. "Perform well and there will be other benefits allotted to you, more will be explained by the quartermaster once we arrive at camp, now lets move." Sir Thomas then mounted his horse and began to move back to the carriage and other troops. "Move out!"

Next chapter