
Fallen for the Forbidden Alpha

"Mike." She gasped and whined when Michael suddenly broke their kiss.   "Little wolf, I'm about to ravish and violet your body in a way that every wolf out there would smell who you belong to." Michael's words lingered in her ears like the most vile promise she'd ever hold onto in her heart. She felt thrilled, excited and somewhat endangered learning the gravity of his tone.   She let out a whimper as he squeezed her little frame with his monstrous one. "No one, not even your father will dare to take you away from me." Evelyn noiselessly whimpered again and hid her face from his devilish intentions. She wasn't fond of this foreplay, let alone the mention of her father.   Abruptly Evelyn saw Michael's eyes turning into the darkest shade of forest green. She felt cold shivers run down her spine when a sinister smirk swept away all the harshness of his face. ~~~~~~ It was the beginning of a forbidden love, a sin she couldn't avoid. He was her enemy, she could be hold for treason but nothing mattered to her wolf except that she'd found her mate. ~~~~~~ Evelyn Osborne was born into an aristocratic werewolf family as the werewolf princess of one of the seven cursed packs. However, she was living a long way from the luxury and happiness of an ordinary princess. She was cursed by blood but no one knew up until now. All her bliss and happiness burnt into ashes when she figured her father's plans for her. She was trying to run away, run away from everything and everyone, leaving this life behind but someone had other plans for her apart from her father.   She was kidnapped by the most brutal and feared alpha among the seven cursed packs and most of all, her father's oldest and most feral enemy. He was going to use her as a means of revenge but that thought slipped his mind when her wolf submitted to him willingly. That was it, the beginning of an everlasting forbidden love.   As Evelyn struggles to fight the tension between the two packs, more secrets begin to unveil. Secrets about her past, who she was and who she's meant to be. There are risks, curses, casualties, danger and most of all pain. Pain of losing someone close to her heart.

KatieLamb26 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
34 Chs

30. The Envelope

'Mate.' It was all that echoed in his mind. Xavier was going insane from his anger and the cruel impact was visible on Michael's face. His hands were balled into fists at his sides as his legs crushed the tiles beneath his steps. His pace was reverberating in the empty hallways as his eyes searched for one thing.


His mate.


She was the only one who could tame the beast in him, her presence could influence Xavier to stop his maddening act more than Michael admitted to himself. He didn't like being so much affected by a girl, a mate and his enemy's daughter.


He wasn't holding a grudge against her just yet but the 'chat' with Lucas had seemed to hit a nerve deep in him. So deep that he didn't care if his angry impression would trouble his mate. He wanted her in his arms and he wanted her now, no place for arguments.


As he stormed past everything in the hall except for a breathing soul he couldn't help but notice the irregular abandonment around himself. Everything seemed hectic than usual and even though it was a good thing, he couldn't help but feel suspicious.


Shaking away his thoughts he walked closer to the stairs, following the vague trail of her scent left behind. Not much later he'd reached downstairs with everything seeming out of place, especially the throng that had gathered in the midst of the hall with her being the centre of attention.


"What's going on?" He yelled his question and within the next few moments stood by her side.


At first he was doubtful about this little gathering that excluded him but included even his beta and soon-to-be luna. He felt now a scrape of fear running in his veins at the sight of her. She looked distressed, every one of them did.


He looked over at Kyle and without another word exchanged he was given an envelope.


Michael tensed as his eyes hovered over the seal on it. Without wasting a second he tore the envelope open and scratched out the letter in a hurry. He unfolded the paper and held it between his now slightly two shivering hands.


It wasn't everyday you got a letter from the counsel and Michael had had a rough past with the Elders.


He skipped every unnecessary detail and tedious remarks until he reached to the conclusion and with that his eyes widened in both fury and shock.


'Alpha Michael Arnault of the Moonstone pack is hereby demanded to made his presence known in the next counsel meeting along with the six alphas to discuss the everlasting enmity between his and Midnight Crescent pack.'


But that wasn't it. The part that threw him over the edge and made Xavier crawl at his skin in both anger and disgust was when he read the last line; an invitation in italics for a particular guest.


'The presence of Evelyn Osborne of the Midnight Crescent pack is sought and mandatory.' Xavier let out a thundering growl.


They invited Evelyn and the seven alphas of the cursed packs. It could only lead down to one thing.


William knew. He somehow had found out that Michael was holding her captive and now he wanted her back. He had the majority of support from the other five alphas either due to marriage relations or companionships. He'd empower Michael quite easily in the Elders' presence and Michael would be bound to hand her over.


The mere thought of letting her go was painful. Something clenched around his heart when he realized he'd have to give her up.


It was almost unbearable until a pair of hands advanced to hold his big ones. He was stunned and overwhelmed when he saw her sharing the identical fear in her eyes and pain on her face. Could it be that she didn't want to leave him either?




Michael looked so tensed and overwhelmed, Evelyn thought for a second that she might've heard his bones twitch from the hardness. His face was a burning red and she felt heat radiating off of him as if he was a giant furnace. His pupils had thinned and his forest green eyes had adopted a shade slight darker, the kind that could make you recall a dark midnight.


Evelyn and Jasmine were just walking down the hallway to her room until she had heard Kyle and then they advanced towards the main foyer, only to find him standing there with a sealed envelope. It wasn't just any seal but the Counsel's seal and Evelyn already had a hunch about something going bad.


The Counsel consisted of the old and retired werewolves without mates, one from each cursed pack. As much as Evelyn had heard, they're rude, professional, cruel and nowhere near sympathetic and that they lived longer than other wolves and alphas. She didn't want to face anyone of them in her life but surely William had good connections in the counsel so he and Oscar often visited the Counsel's House and afterwards she'd heard Oscar elaborate his journey to her.


But this unexpected letter in the pack had caused a great chaos in the hall. Seldom the Elders would keep to themselves and would avoid getting in the pack matters unless it was too necessary. She hadn't known much about the rules and regulations of the Counsel but she knew enough to declare receiving a letter from the Elders wasn't normal or good.


Besides she had heard her father saying once that Michael didn't have a good reputation in the Elders' eyes, which had also come to his advantage.


Michael's jaw was clenched and sharped enough to cut rocks and the look in his eyes was lethal, murderous. Selene realized that Xavier was in the mood for some bloodshed.


Out of instinct she decided to comfort him but he was taken aback by her little gesture. He looked at her in shock before the fear and rage disappeared from his eyes, replaced by a grave possessiveness.


She believed he'd calmed down but he was keeping Xavier in check. He swiftly wrapped a hand around her wrist and before she knew, he was dragging her away from everyone and the hall.


Before leaving he perched the letter back in Kyle's grip and continued hauling her little frame away. Evelyn was worried but nonetheless walked, not daring to test his confusing temper. If she'd learned something about Michael was that his mood swung rapidly and more often than a teenage girl.


She followed him like a ghost as he hauled her away, waiting patiently for his next move. But the wolf inside her was getting nervous, excited, and worried as she saw the dim lit hallway began and soon enough they're standing by a dark door, smelling of lavender and secrets.