
Rule of Heaven and Hell

Two days have passed, and Azrael is still not awake after taking a rest.

Mirai was just guarding him and worried about his current state.

"Angels heal very fast. Even if we are badly wounded, it should only take a day to recover; I don't know why Azrael is still not recovering," Mirai asks herself.

After a few hours, Mirai fell asleep while waiting to guard Azrael in his sleep.

Suddenly, Azrael woke up and saw Mirai sleeping while holding his hands.

His face blushed and turned red because of the feeling that a lady was holding his hands while he was asleep.

Mirai: "Ohhhh, Master, you're finally awake!"

Mirai saw Azrael's face blushing about the situation in which she was holding his hands. She was also unaware that she did that and immediately removed her hands.

Mirai: "Master! I'm sorry!"

Azrael: "It's OK, Mirai. I'm fine."

Mirai: "But why you're blushing?"

Azrael: "Nothing! I'm just not feeling well, I guess."

Mirai: "Ohhhh, I see. Haha! You're still shy when you are with a lady, right? And I'm holding your hands right now, so your face turned red. I'm sorry, Master, haha."

Azrael: "No, no, no! It's nothing, and by the way, don't call me Master; just call me by my name."

Mirai: "Hmm, OK, but Azrael is quite difficult to pronounce, and I don't feel like calling you like that. So maybe I'll just call you Az. Is that fine?"

Azrael: "Az??? Hmmm. That's strange but also convenient because it's easy to memorize."

Mirai: "Come with me today, Az. I'll show you around my office and introduce you to other people."

Azrael: "OK, that's a good idea. I want to see also what normal people are doing."

Mirai invited Azrael to go to her work and introduce him to other people she knew.

She gave Az a corporate outfit so he could blend in with other people inside her workplace.

While they are walking through Mira's office, everyone looks at them, especially Azrael.

He looks very handsome, and his look is very different from ordinary people.

He had long black hair, red eyes, clear skin, and a very lonely look on his face while wearing the corporate attire that Mirai gave him. And Mirai looks beautiful and very different from the first time Azrael encountered her.

The Assassin image was different from her image right now.

Together they go inside the elevator, and Az is very surprised by the technology of the elevator.

Mirai is laughing at him because other people kept staring while they were inside the elevator.

Azrael: "Mirai, is there something wrong with me? why is everyone staring at me?"

Mira: "Nothing's wrong with you, Az. You're just too handsome. That's why their heads keep turning to see you."

Azrael smiled and began walking when they reached the floor for Mira's office.

Upon entering the office, He was shocked when he saw everyone greeting Mirai and bowing their heads.

"Good morning Ms. Mirai."

He asked Mirai why everyone was bowing their heads and kept greeting her.

Mirai explained that she owns this company, and the Humans in this building are working for her as their boss.

Azrael: "What???? you own this whole company?"

Mirai: "Yes, Az, at first I used my ability and manipulated some humans to create my own company, but a few years later, I started to stop using it and just treated them as normal who's working for me. but of course, in return for their work, I'm repaying them equally so they can earn money while working."

Mirai introduces Azrael to her employees and tells them that he is her friend who came from another country.

Suddenly, Azrael felt strange energy near their location.

He looked out the window to see outside because he felt the energy was coming near them, and it was going stronger.

Once he looked out the window, he saw a man sitting in the park, and he felt that this man was about to do something wrong. Then suddenly, a creature with a horn walks in front of the man.

While watching them, he saw the creature whispering something, and that man had gone crazy and mad. Azrael calls Mirai and asks what is happening and why everyone does not know that creature he saw.

He also told Mirai that he wanted to help that man who was looking depressed and going crazy.

Mirai: "I'm sorry, Az, we cannot help them. A demon was the first to interfere with that human, and we cannot bypass that rule."

Azrael: "Why??"

Mirai: "This was a rule within Heaven and Hell. No Angel or Demon should interact physically with human beings, or they will be punished. You can whisper or show something to them without being seen by anyone"

Mirai explained to Azrael more information about the rules of Heaven and Hell.

God and Satan both want to be worshiped by humans because that is the main reason why they are powerful. If you worship God, he will protect and care for you so that God's power will increase when humans do good things with each other. But if you're going to worship Satan, he doesn't care about your protection or health. He will just give you whatever you desire the most. And when humans feel despair Satan's power gets more vigorous.

They've been fighting for thousands of years, and many humans also fight for their religions.

So, they came up with the idea that they would stop any interaction with humans, influence them, and let the humans choose what they wanted to believe.

Some of the demons and Angels became an influencer.

They are the ones who influence humans on what to do and what to believe. The rule is no physical interaction; they can just tease them and show some image of the outcome in every step they want to do in their lives.

But sad to say that most humans can be easily controlled by despair and greed.

Instead of doing good, they choose to do bad things to make their lives easier and convenient without thinking of their actions' outcomes.

So, most of the time, a demon appears; they can easily manipulate their minds by showing what they desire the most and giving them more despair.

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