2 Dont lose Hope

On the other day my classmate called if I'm looking for a job abroad, but sadly not in Thailand, but in japan so I'm not choosy at all so I grabbed the opportunity and finally I was accepted, After accomplishing my paper and requirement I went to Japan and I worked hard to earn and now my family is so proud of me even though I don't need the money they always support me hahaha...

Day after day i worked alot i didnt even take day off idid double job just to save money just to see Win Metawin. After 6 months working so hard i can say that i have money to go to thailand but i want to go but i go i will lose and my jobs pay good and also our boss is so nice...

My mom knows that i really want to go to Thailand because I always tell her about win and the 2gether the serie she always supports one day my mom chat me and she asked if iwant to work at thailand? I asked myself why did she text that my mom said he has a friend that works in Thailand same as my job but not the same salary. I think it twice if its a good decision to make because my salary is less than half but I made my mind i really want him iwant to meet him so bad not only in my dreams but in person soon ...
