
Chapter 1

Meeting you is where I found passion but loving him I found balance.


My mother has successfully spoiled my ideal first day of my new class, which I had been looking forward to. I am perished. My almost perfect plan was to get to Second Street, where I could probably run, and if I was fortunate, get on a bus. I would then drop myself off at an internet café to play a couple of games, and I would be home in no more than two hours.

"Not happening whatever you are plotting in your head " said mom.

"Why I just want to have some fun I have tortured myself enough last month with books"

"Just this once I promise I 'll be back soon. I 'll meet you after 2 hrs just this time please so that I can recharge myself and study dilengently."

Mom quite aware of me said "no more running you are going with me this instant"

She dragged me.

And now I am sitting in this coaching class studying the boring stuff. All other student around me are listening or not I don't care but pretending.

These 10 nerd ones.

Who already completed course one of this year syllabus. I can bet whole .

I mean literally who on the first day of school go to study .

Somehow I ended up here straight after school. My plan A failed to escape from school but don't underestimate the power of Aisha.( Watch me )

Making mental note to my self.

"Mam can I go to washroom "

"Yes you may " said the teacher.

I carefull taking my back started walking toward door.

" Aisha why you are taking bag "

"Mam girls problem I need few things can I go home after this I am feeling quite dizzy as you know it's just first day so can I leave "

I said making face of lost puppy and said while having my head down and did perfect act of gaining sympathy.

"Yes you may"

As soon I heard this I quickly took made myself out and descended the stairs. Who in their right mind would study on first day .

I quickly decending stairs and went outside.

Now here comes my freedom.

I quickly moved and jumped to next Street.

Evening are most beautiful parts of day you can see bad day ending

You can see hope of new day

You can see stars at night moon lighting the darkness and feeling the quietness stillness of it .

As I entered the cafe it opened the door went into adventure.

Next chapter