
Chapter 1 Musa, life is always far away

All Choi Young can feel is cold. The cold is so extreme that it seeps deep into his bones, making his body shake with the intensity of it. The wind that blows strong and directionless, is biting in its temperature as it carries the snow with it.

Choi Young stands still as his entire being is hit with sharp ice crystals, making it hurt him as it adds to the cold, he feels that has embedded it into his being. He closes his eyes taking him to that place that he escapes to when he can rest his consciousness. 

The place that unfolds before his eyes is not like the one that he normally sees. The scene that is before him is one that he takes issue with. It is that of an endlessly wide lake that is frozen over with an unfathomable thickness of ice.

A snowstorm rages over the frozen lake, which makes his whole body shake from the cold. He covers his eyes to protect them from the snow that feels like glass, is being blown into them. 

Attempting to block it and the glare from the brightness of the snow and ice he is at the same time squinting to see through the fine powder that the wind whips up.

After a while he can just make out a dot which is the back of person sitting fishing on the frozen lake, while a spare fishing rod is propped up next to the person, waiting for a companion.

Making his way with difficulty, as he fights the strong wind that blows strongly against his body, he slowly makes his way towards the figure.

The closer he gets he can slowly make out the hole cut into the thick frozen lake that the person is fishing through, as it appears that they catch something, which is pulled out and taken off the hook of the fishing rod to be put in a basket that sits next to them.

When the person looks at him approaching, he recognises that it is his father, who is sitting at the fishing hole in this blizzard. 

Choi Young can see that his father is speaking to him, but he cannot hear what is being said, so he makes more of an effort to fight the wind to get closer.

He thinks 'What does is father saying?' as he steps forward, only to be pushed back by the merciless wind, making it impossible for him to get closer.

He wants to give up but pushes through with more determination until he is right in front of his father. 

A nostalgic smile graces his fathers face, when he finally makes it, to finally stand within hearing distance. "Have you found it yet?" My father asks, making me aware of how much he has missed hearing his voice.

Choi Young is unable to say anything as his mind is frozen when a voice that comes from outside of this scene breaks through trying to gain his attention, "Leader..." recognising that the voice belongs to his second in command Chung Seok as it makes another attempt, "Leader…."

Choi Young barely regains consciousness, escaping the dream to raise his heavy head to focus on who is calling him.

Noticing that he is drenched in sweat he raises a heavy hand to wipe his face, as his whole body shakes due to the fever he suffers from, to look around with blank eyes, at who is attempting to enter his private room. 

After all he is the leader of the first Woodalchi unit claimed this room is located on the first floor, seven years ago as his.

A room which was originally used as a barracks warehouse above the officer's barracks, there is only one window to the west for ventilation, making it a dark place even in broad daylight.

The locked door is being violently shaken, by one of his Chung Seok made desperate to gain entry because of his nonresponse, is asking in a panicked voice, "Captain, are you okay?" as finally the door opens to let light into the space making Choi Young squint at the sudden brightness. 

Chung Seok that he is sitting against the wall, where he has clearly been sleeping and asks him, "Why did you not sleep lying down?"

The subordinate then moves to crouch next to him on the floor to see if the captain is alright. The captain then answers, "I am not feeling well right now and I did not want to lie down, in case I had to get up quickly."

Then realising that he may need to do something he asks Chung Seok, "Have I been summoned?" makes more of a concerted effort to awaken his self-consciousness step by step, as there is clearly still work to do.

Chung Seok who had been shaking the locked door and calling for the captain, had decided to break the door open, unable to suppress his impatience, worried when he uncharacteristically received no response.

He had witnessed everything that had happened from when the captain was sent to get a Heavenly Doctor, who stabbed him with his own sword, to then show mercy and save him. 

Chung Seok knows that what was normal is now not since the captain suffered an injury which in normal circumstances would result in death.

However, the impossible happened and the captain survived, even if it is apparent to him, no matter how the captain tries to hide it that he is struggling, with the injury.

Chung Seok had also witnessed how the captain avoided the Heavenly Doctor in her attempts to monitor his condition from the border area to Gaegyeong.

He also has seen how the captain tries to hide his condition from the King, the Political Advisor, the National Assembly and the adversaries, which he can relate to, as he is aware that people can even hide their conditions from themselves. Chung Seok is a strong individual who can fight and is learning martial arts.

The captain is a formidable force that if he can remember has never been injured and has exhibited a martial art so advanced that makes him a superior fighter compared to anyone else in his experience but is one of those rare individuals that has an inner force that enables him to summon and use lightning.

Chung Seok has noticed that the captain had been trying to hide his condition, using his breathing to help his focus on his duties and responsibilities, to act like he normally does.

Nothing prepared him for the panic that set in when the captain did not respond to him when called, then trying the door to find it locked, making the panic take a physical manifestation where he forces the door open, using his shoulder to push it.

When it opens all, he can make out the captain's body which has collapsed on the floor with the little light that illuminates the room. 

It makes him wonder, 'Did you pass out here?' Chung Seok notices that the captain looks like he is barely conscious, his sunken eyes are cold, glazed and shiny.

He asks the obvious, "Captain, are you okay? Why did you not go to sleep lying down in the bed?" When the captain answers, "I am not feeling well right now and I did not want to lie down, in case I had to get up quickly." 

Chung Seok thinks that his voice seems the same and his gaze also seems the same when he answered. The captain the asks, "Is everything ready?" and he answers, "Everyone has been assigned to their seats."

Choi Young gets up and passes his second in command to exit out the door left open, not looking directly at the other man.

Chung Seok is fully aware that the captain is not okay and accepts his avoidance of the obvious, watching as he walks, looking in all directions carefully as the sun rises marking the start of the early morning, dawn.

Among the military that oversee the guarding inside and the outside by monitoring the surroundings of the palace for any enemy attempting to enter.

Now Prince Eun-gyang is in command of the troops that are in position inside and outside of the palace and who are currently on duty, patrolling now, and there is no apparent tension whatsoever, between them and the Woodalchi that have arrived with the King.

The consistent role of the military that Prince Eun-gyang commands means that there has not been a moment where the palace is left unprotected. 

Seon In-jeon and his subordinates only need to guard Ju Sang's closest associates. While the deployment of the four groups of Gabul soldiers, expanded the scope to monitor and patrol the entrance to the river. While an archer's tank was placed on the castle wall, and a dead angle was created for each round.

Among the members of the Woodalchi unit, one group was asked to take a rest, while the remaining three groups put all their resources into their work, to be prepared to defend for any attempts whether it be during the day or night.

Choi Young notices that the number is woefully insufficient as he walks past a corridor with Chun-Seok.

The Woodalchi unit that numbered in the hundreds, now barely passing one hundred in its numbers, due to having lost a lot during the expedition.

Seeing how the numbers of troops is totally inadequate makes him frown as he wonders 'How long can we get away with it?" 

Taiwan has joined them at some point and was following along, scampering sideways, not even looking at the captain.

The way he moves reminds Chung Seok of an animal, but at the same time he has experienced how this child can sense things and becomes aware of threats, way before anyone else that, which is one of the reasons Choi Young has taken him under his wing.

Choi Young has a lazy approach to the number of Woodalchi members that have decreased since he took over as leader.

He does not stop members from resigning and the recruitment of new members who presented daily.

The new recruits were trained harshly before being put into rotation with the rest of the Woodalchi unit since they were the only men entrusted to protect His Majesty, personally.

Among the children of the influential (noble or aristocratic families, it is a position that are most desired by those who dream of becoming a military officer, because of the proximity to the Lee Royal line.

It is also for that reason that Choi Young subjects them to such harsh discipline, to weed out those that are predominately there to ingratiate themselves and use it as a ladder to gain influence and wield power.

Word of his harsh methods has infiltrated to those who are interested and that is why the number of recruits has decreased and therefore the number of people has also decreased, leaving those that truly want to serve in the military. 

Meanwhile, the remaining Woodalchi are gradually becoming more proficient, and some are even experts in martial arts. The head of the Jungnang asks, "Would it not be better to have more numbers?"

Chung-Seok reinforces this with, "The Unit would work more efficiently with at least five hundred men."

Choi Young looks at them in annoyance before he responds, "It would be noticeable, to those who are interested in monitoring our movements and using it as a reason to disband the unit."

It is important to keep those who like to brag about his martial arts skills, to undergo the training that I have implemented to earn his place in the unit or to have him kicked out right away.

Everyone that undergoes the training are used as examples, whether they fail or succeed, it makes and impact to those and makes them reconsider the ease that they thought would it be to gain entry to it. Most of those that observe take note of the ones that have been kicked out."

Choi Young, who was walking, stands tall, to look over the surroundings taking note of what is happening. Noting the distance between those who guard and the ability to protect and defend, seems to be lacking.

Choi Young then turns to Chung-Seok to command "Reinforce three more archers on the western roof." Chung-Seok answers, "Yes. Three archers on the western roof."

Choi Young then asks, "What about the temple?" Choi Young then answers, "The Queen Mother will be taken care of by Mugaksi, so take care of yourself."

Chung Seok then clarifies, "You said there was none. I guess that is what Palace Chief Choi said, 'I am telling you to do your best.'" Choi Young then asks, "Are you afraid?"

The answer is quite comical, "Huh? How did you know? What is it you say exactly? 'Do it right.'" Choi Young smiles slightly at how his second in charge quotes him, nods and starts to walk again, feeling better.

Noticing his change in demeanor seems to to encourage Chung-Seok to take the opportunity to ask what he has been curious about, "What on earth are you protecting? Is it the Kingdom of Goryeo itself? Should we put a retainer guard for His Majesty and the Queen Mother in the palace of Goryeo? How is it possible that anyone can harm them in the palace? I thought that they would be safe once we entered the palace."

Choi Young contemplates seriously as he readily answers the questions, "I, initially thought so too. It was not until I met Deokseong Buwongun in person yesterday."

Chung-Seok kicks at the ground in frustration remembering the encounter, agreeing "It was very scary, when I think about it…. Yes?"

Choi Young stops again look at Chung-Seok, "You saw it yourself. At that banquet hall, when I called his name and when I demanded he kneel, how he refused to comply."

Chung-Seok answers "Ah! I was upset about that. If only I could have pushed him harder, he would have been..."

Choi Young responds in a matter-of-fact manner, "If he had pushed harder, he would have killed you instead of me."

Chung Seok's eyes widen, and his mouth opens in shock at the revelation, "No way!" Chung Seok cannot close his mouth; he looks dumbfounded at Choi Young as he leans on the wall next to him.

Abruptly pushing himself off the wall he commands, ""West Roof. Reinforce the archers. "The command snaps Chung Seok out of his trance, "I will do it."

He runs off to follow the command, leaving Choi Young whose knees unexpectedly buckle at that same moment, making Taiwan run to catch him, before he falls to the ground. "Leader. I have been sent by His Majesty to let you know he requests your presence. The congressman also wants to talk to you. Did you want me to tell them that you cannot right now?"

Taiwan stops talking, noticing that Choi Young is looking at him with stern eyes, when he says, "Watch your mouth." Taiwan cowers as he answers, "Yes." Choi Young dismisses him "Go."

Taiwan turns around with unwillingly and moves to scamper off, to quickly disappear. Choi Young exhales the breath he had been holding, supressing the burning he feels inside the body to keep his mind clear despite the heat he suffers from.

Choi Young smiles in anticipation of being free from his obligations, when he leaves the palace behind. The smile disappears as unfortunately right now he must report to the King what he has found out.

A part of him wonders what did the Kings' response is going to be to Deokseong Buwongun's challenging behaviour? Will he accept it? Or will he hold a grudge? Is he going to fight?

Is the expectation going to be to die in place of the King? as it has been something he has been taught to die protecting the King.

All the Woodalchi troops will act as the King's Shield, while he will put his life on the line for the King he protects.

Choi Young that in his heart is now uneasy and it makes question in his mind, 'What is that? Is it sad? Is it more resentful to die than to live? The dream of meeting his father where he was asked:

:Had he found it yet?' the answer is 'I do not know' His father than asked him 'Do you really need to look for it? It is not that hard to find…. Find it soon and you will be able to accompany us to the gates of heaven.'

The mention of heaven reminds him that he still needs to fulfill his promise to the Sky Lady to return her to Heaven.

Not knowing when the Sky Gate will open, makes it imperative to find a safe place, surrounded by those he can trust to look after her, while she stays to wait until it will open again. Choi Youngs conscious is heavy with regret as he knows that he has to apologise to her and seek her forgiveness for delaying her return. 

He will need to seek her understanding when he explains that he needs to go and risk his life and he may not be able to keep his words that came were to not die and to keep the covenant until the end.

He wonders if she will be angry when told that he will not be able to protect her, as he his death seems to be inevitable and wonders if she will cry?

The rising sun began to slowly spread light along the walls of the palace and beyond. Choi Young leans against the palace wall, to absorb and relish the light with his whole body as he wonders, 'What will the one who had come from heaven say?'

Eun-soo found it hard to sleep and ended up tossing and turning all night, trying to suppress the thoughts that kept popping into her head like the bubble in a boiling porridge.

Not being able to sleep Eun-soo has put down to the hard wood floor she was required to sleep on, with only a thin, rough mattress to use as a bed. How she misses her own bed which is latex mattress and the 400 thread count cotton sheets, that she had spent a lot of money on. 

After having just barely falling into a deep sleep, she was scared awake at dawn by the girl, Dougie kicking her door open.

Recognising who has woken her up so abruptly, Eun-soo asks in confusion, "Are you a teenager?" She finds it hard to guess the age of the kid but does not find it difficult to see the hostility that is clearly being displayed, aimed at her.

The Kid does not answer, making Eun-soo wonder if she is deaf or hearing impaired.

Dismissing the thought as recalling how it seemed that she has heard everything and is snapped out of her recollection by a wooden tray being roughly dropped on to the table before the Kid storms out of the, shoving the door open, which makes it slam shut.

Eun-soo looks at the tray where there is a bowl of rice water and two dishes of pickled herbs. Rolling her eyes, she looks at the closed door in exasperation asks loudly "What are you, a nun?!" Looking at the food she pulls up a chair and sits down, determined to eat every bite, as who knows when she will be given food again.

Sitting on the hard floor, she starts to eat pretending that she is picking up and eating scrambled eggs made with a little salt, crispy, sizzling hot bacon, hot, freshly baked bread with butter on top, and coffee.

How she misses coffee…. just the thought of it makes her think of how it smells freshly brewed and hot in the cup before she takes her first mouthful.

Recently the café had employed a famous barista who chose the beans and blended it himself. She had bought this coffee regularly and acquired a taste for the drip coffee that it inspired her to invest in the equipment and ingredients required to make her own drip coffee.

She found if she brewed it twice, it was perfect, nice bitter taste and deep aroma. Thinking about it she picks up some herbs and puts them into her mouth and chews them.

The identity of the herbs is unknown the strong scent of it hits her nose at the same time, the strong taste spreads throughout her mouth making her want to say out loud "Mom. I really want some coffee."

Tears well up as she thinks about her mother, they fall quietly down her face as she continues to eat and drinks water, which stops her completely breaking down to sob.

Eun-soo had been planning to call her mother on the weekend, which something she routinely does to make sure she is doing well.

It normally worries her when her mother does not answer the phone, so she knows that if she does not call that her mother will worry about her adding to the people that are already worrying about her after being kidnapped. 

She wonders if the longer she is missing will make them contact her mother to notify her of the situation.

The thought of the consequence to that makes her heart ache, with worry about her mother's wellbeing. 

It is normal for any mother to worry about their child. Eun-soo works hard in the hospital and has been careful not to add to her concerns, especially after mother was diagnosed with a stomach ailment.

Her father moved to the countryside as soon as he retired to set up their own farm, so that her mother would be less stress and cleaner air then living in the city.

Eun-soo knows that the whole kidnapping incident has been followed up by the police and now the media, as the whole thing was at a national convention of plastic surgeons. 

The whole thing was being televised as soon as the police had been mobilized. The outcome is that the hospital where she works, the places she has affiliations with and the people that she not only works with and interacts with will be worried about her safety, but they would also have been contacted the police and probably being interviewed. 

Eun-soo had tried contacting her a few times but could not connect. She curses under her breath and drinks more water as she wonders what has made her life this way.

Most of the time she does not like to be disrespected and will brush off people who worry or care about her as it shows weakness to her competitors and meddling of people that would spread rumours about her.

Eun-soo tries to laugh in moderation in any circumstance to convince others of its unimportance to her and its impact to her life. It is in this way that she has lived a solitary life like that.

She suddenly stops thinking about the past as she set down the bowl of water, to look at her fingernail in contemplation.

'How many days has it been since you were kidnapped by that Psycho?' The nails she looks at seem like that they have not grown at all. 

Eun-soo always keeps her nails closely trimmed and filed smooth so that they do not get caught in the surgical gloves, required to be worn during undertaking any elaborate plastic surgery.

It is one of the reasons she has maintained her top position, making sure to file her nails every other day in case in preparation of going into surgery. 

Unfortunately, the past few days, she has lost track of when she has done it. It must have been well over a week, but they appear the same. It must be due the amount of stress that she has been under.

If stress is severe, the growth of body tissues also stops. Was it Chuna? That determined, the relationship between stress and cell growth... 

She chuckles to herself as she wonders aloud "Should I write a thesis? Still chuckling at her thoughts, she picks up a bunch of damn strong-smelling herbs to look at them and then shoves them into her mouth. 

The kid named Dougie enters looking at her like she is going to eat him again before grabbing her by the upper arm to pull her up and drag her into another room. 

The room appears to have a dirt floor and appears to be used as a kitchen, as a cauldron heats the air close to where a large crock pot of heated water sits, shoves some towels into Eun-soo hands, motions to the pot of water and then walks out closing the door. Eun-soo looks at what has been shoved into her hands and looks at the pot full of water, realising it is for her to bathe.

After bathing and dressing, she comes out as she wraps her wet hair up in the towel to see the Oriental medicine doctor waiting at the table, she had eaten at which is now clean and clear of the plates she had used. "Did you sleep comfortably?" he asks. Eun-soo recalls he introduced himself as Jang Bin and of all the people she has met here, this person has the best manners.

She answers rudely, "I did not sleep well. The bed is hard, the room is cold, the blankets are thin and there is a strong smell of medicine everywhere."

Jang Bin ignores her rudeness and motions to what looks like clothes placed on the table. Eun-soo is confused "What is it?" J

ang Bin answers, "The captain gave me instructions, to have you dress inconspicuously. So, I arranged with the seamstress to prepare you some clothes."

Eun-soo's eyes widen at his words and asks in exasperation, "The captain? You mean that Psycho?" Jang Bin smiles in amusement at her description of the captain and answers, "Is it not good for women to change their clothes?' 

Eun-soo knows that she needs clothes, it is the part about it being inconspicuous that grates on her nerves. 

Forget it she thinks as she leaves the room to go and get dressed in private deciding after putting them on that it is thanks to him that she feels a little better in the clean clothes, with the bonus of being better dressed.

Returning to the main room where Jang Bin remains sitting at the table, she notices that he is now laying out what looks like herbal medicine on its surface.

Lamenting in her head that if she had known that she was going to be transported back hundreds of years like this, she would have studied Han.

She then changes her mind thinking that 'No. If she had known that this would happen, that she would have thrown it all away and drunk water, to study science.

After all, if you had proper physics knowledge, a more thorough understanding of what had happened would make it easier for her to think of a solution.

Her grades in Physics had been good in school, it was just her ability to calculated at speed which had been the problem. 

No matter how much she could have learned to do would have prepared her for this. After all there were no formulas that go back hundreds of years.

Deciding that this is a dream where she slipped back in time, rather than breaking down and crying. 

She reasons in her head that there are some things that only a select few experience, examples are ghosts, aliens arriving on spaceships, and astronauts that venture out to space.

The possibility of her being able to slip back in time could be added to that list. The difficulty she experienced putting on the clothes she was given made her wonder how vivid her dream was. 

The use of strings to fasten instead of zippers or elastic bands, had been incredibly complicated, after figuring out where the front was and how to thread it through to then tighten it, made her relieved that she had chosen the simplest to wear. 

The real problem was that she needed clean panties and a bra, which appeared that nothing similar existed. Eun-soo then asks Jang Bin, "What I want to know is that if there is a way to get here, there is also a way to return. Is that not, right? If your captain brought me back, then he must know how to return me."

There is no response from Jang Bin, so she decides to be confrontational and states, "Everyone speaks very politely, but I do not know, what is a lie and what is truth. Can I really trust what you say? Will I really be sent back? You not sending me away, right?" 

She notices that the Oriental doctor is deliberately turning his head away to not look at her, so she keeps bombarding him "Why does my question bother you? Perhaps even if I told the world that I was kidnapped at COEX where I went for a seminar and dragged away to Goryeo. No one would believe me. You would never have to worry. They would treat my recollections of the King and Queen, the captain and my visit to the palace in Goryeo as hallucinations that are triggered to deal with the post-traumatic stress I experienced."

Stepping out from behind the screen to only to be seen in one layer of clothing. Jang Bin quickly looks away to abruptly ask, ""What happened to all the clothes I gave you?"

She responds, "Why?" He answers, "What you're wearing is underwear." Eun-soo looks down at her clothes, "What?"

He states, "Those clothes are worn underneath, clothes that should not be seen by others." She asks, "Is it see-through? The bra I washed last night has not dried, so I did not wear it." 

Looking down she can see how it seems transparent so obediently goes back into the room as she continues to talk "If I were a physicist, I would not know, when it will be possible for me to jump back and forth in time and space like this. I would have been able to research this and won the Nobel Prize. You could be crazy but still be in the running to win the Nobel prize, but I am not. After all I do not want to be diagnosed as mentally ill and be hospitalized."

She stops looking at the clothes she was given trying to determine What is underwear and what is outerwear?

Annoyed she makes a rough guess and decides on the order to start putting them on again, noticing how the layers resembled what the oriental doctor had been wearing. The clothing is so like what he is wearing she wonders if he shrinks his clothes to give them away. 

After all she knows how to judge people and of all the things, she has experience and the people that she has interacted with in Goryeo.

Mr. Jang had the most common sense and it seemed like he was a reasonable person. Besides, they were of the same profession, and it seemed like in her walk through the clinic all the people in the clinic wore the same outfit apart from different colours on the outside of the outfit.

Eun-soo is looking at a a string that she holds in both hands that she cannot quite figure out how to tie it, waddles out as the bottom of her pants dragging.

Jang Bin sighs seeing her dilemma, he gets up and approaches her as she continues to look in confusion at the string she holds in her hands.

Noticing her confusion, the oriental doctor approaches her and she holds her palms open towards him, wordlessly requesting his assistance. He looks around to see if he can spot Dougie or another female assistant, but they are alone.

Deciding to comply with her request he takes the two strings that she holds towards him and starts to tie it for her, while she watches.

The outer garment is first taken off and readjusted to be worn backwards and then the cloth at the back is left with a minimal opening which is then tightened closed with the string to wrap around her body making its way to the front of her waist, to the back again, where it is the tied to secure it.

While this is being done, she asks him politely with a tone of desperation "What if you have people escort me back to entrance of my world? I can then return to the Ewha Women's University. Is it not alright to just let me runaway now? I can have more medical people return with the people that you have escort me?"

Jang Bin looks down into Eun-soo's eyes for a moment and wonders if all the people in Heaven have eyes like this? 

They look so big and clear that the definition between the black and white of the eye, shining with an innocence and guileless that makes it easy for the observer to read the owners intentions.

Paired with the face that anyone would wish for, with flawless, clean skin and expressions that makes it easy to reveal her inner thoughts.

Jang Bin wonders if all women of Heaven are like this? He then asks Eun-soo in a calm, low voice, "Let me ask you first. Where you really planning on killing the captain?"

He watches her face intently, while she is interpreting the way he looks at her as being severe, hesitates and answers "No."

Jang Bin not understanding quietly challenges her to explain, "No? That is not right. I you took the sword of the captain, to stab directly into his chest for his crime. Is that not, correct?" Eun-soo then answers "That is not it."

Feeling a bit uncomfortable under the scrutiny she is being subjected to, by the one person she felt was on her side, explains as best as she can, so as not to lose his support, "That's not it." Stammering as she is plagued by her own inner turmoil about the reality of what she had done.

To explain not only to him but to herself she says, "I just... at that moment... I got heated and lost my temper. I am normally not a person who would try to kill people. I thought that if I ran at him, he would have avoided me. But instead, he moved in front me making the sword I picked up stab him." Jang Bin asks, "So, are you saying that he actually accepted your attack?"

Eun-soo then looks at him with her eyes clear, yet confused and upset as she answers, "Yes." Recounting what happened he watches how her eyes and expression become clear with understanding as she says, "That is it. Not only did he let the sword make impact with his body, but he then put his hands over mine where they held the sword like this and embedded it, so it pierced straight through his body."

She stutters to a stop as she stands in front of Jang Bin who digests what she has said. The thoughts that run through is head is that this person who the captain had kidnapped from Heaven, is willing to risk his life for, as revenge or punishment. He had thought there was something strange when he had initially heard the whole account.

Witnessing who this person had put their whole heart into saving the captain, after trying to kill him was so unusual, he asks, "

Then let me ask you again. Why would the captain willing let the sword stab him? Do you not know?" Eun-soo's face tells him that she is as confused as he is, when she answers, "That is what I want to know. Why that man? What is his deal? The words that came out of his mouth where, that I could not stab him, even if I wanted to. I even asked him why he wanted to commit suicide and he said that it was because he failed to keep his covenant."

The heavenly doctor says this with big eyes that have not even blinked. Jang-Bin recalls hearing how the covenant (Vow/promise) Goryeo warriors involves pledging their lives on it being fulfilled.

"Covenant…...?" Understanding slowly dawns on him as he thinks, so it was like that. He turns his attention to Eun-soo as her eyes seem to reflect her recall of that moment as she says with a mixture of sadness and disbelief, "But the captain ended up breaking the covenant, because of the command the chief priest was entrusted to carry out. Even if it is a covenant then so what…. Was he intending to pay the consequences by letting me take his life…? It is crazy…. He was really wanting to die…. crazy…. this world is crazy..."

Eun-soo's words stop coming out even though her mouth is still open she is speechless a reflection of how the whole concept has left her dumbfounded. 

Jang Bin tries to comfort her by reminding "You paid for your sin by bringing the captain back to life. He did that allow for that."

Jang Bin know that the covenant is taken so seriously by the Goryeo warriors that, the captain would not have even had any other intention apart from dying.

Eun-soo asks him, "So the reason you are asking this question is that you are trying to determine, whether it is safe to send for the captain?"

Jang-Bin watches how the sky doctor's eye lids tremble, as she says no more, collapsing on the chair as a chill starts to take hold of her body making her tremble. 

Jang Bin notices picks up a robe and drapes it over her shoulders, in appreciation for his concern she says, "Thank you."

He responds quietly "Yo." As he contemplates everything that has been discussed wondering what the captain is planning on doing. The whole thing is making him feel stuffy as he has no idea how to send her back and knowing that the captain made the covenant first, meant that the captain would be more determined to fulfill it.

The captain is not someone who goes around making covenants, let alone swearing carelessly. Jang Bin looks at the Lady from Heaven who now sits quietly and motionless as a painting.

The sight is uncharacteristic of her past behaviour of chatting nonstop, about anything and everything that came into her mind. 

Jang bin keeps his hands busy automatically separating and distributing medicinal herbs into piles for easier distribution while his anxious mind while his mind wonders why did the captain risked his? Captain, are you possessed? Is your heart not attached to anything on this earth?

Is it easier to leave this earth after meeting someone who was of not of this world? Was she the excuse you needed for you to leave this earth?

Where you happy for her to do this to you? Coincidently Jang Bin was not the only one who cared about Choi Young in Geagyeong.

Deokseong Buwongun Ki-Cheol was listening to the Western Master's report while he wrote on his desk located deep inside his mansion.

The Western Master was reading the report in his hand out loud to Ki-Cheol finishes with "The only person under heaven I can trust is you, Choi Young.

Ki-Cheol seeking clarification asks, "Are you sure he said that?" The answer is simple, "One of the two eunuchs in the palace is the child we planted. There is no mistake that the child heard the name Choi Young.... It is not the first time I have heard this name."

The Western master then goes on to say, "His, father is Choi Won-jik, who held official positions such as the Constitutional Regulations and the Secretary of the Constitutional Department, where I spent a lot of time.

He is a direct descendant of Choi Jun-yong, who contributed to the founding of Goryeo article, his wealth was passed to Choi Young via Choi Ong. 

If it is Choi Woong, there is no way he would not know. It is said that there is no book he has not read and was a man known for his mastery of erudition.

From the time of King Chungnyeol's reign, he was a teacher of his teacher. After his accession to the throne, his favour grew even stronger, and it is said that he became anxious if he did not hear his teachings and exchanged wit. It is said that he not only sits in a high-ranking official's chair that he has a personality and likes music.

The story goes those students lined up and competed to become his disciples. I also remember that his family is one of the families with daughters that who were listed to be considered as Queen.

It was amazing how Woodall caught my eye at the banquet hall, being a descendant of Chi Naburangi who was one of the top ten families in Goryeo. 

Remembering, made Ki-Cheol ask the Western Master, "Is he an outcast?" The answer is, "No. I heard that he is the legitimate son who will inherit the family."

This answer making Ki-Cheol's face furrow in confusion as he then asks, "Why would a child who is a direct descendant of such a family act like such a bully? Did you see him wearing that black armour?" The answer is, "The family for generation to generation is known to have tattoos…."

Ki-Cheol's face clears as he recalls the tradition that was carried by the males in the family as he says, "I understand. I understand. It was when we suffered a disaster during the Muin Rebellion. That to save his life he had no choice but to go unmanned, is that not, right?"

The Western Master answers, "That is not true. The thugs were looking for men with that tattoo and were beating them up. It is said that Choi Won-jik's group got out of the way while they were slaughtering people."

Ki-Cheol asks "Why?" Was it not the only tattoo that was respected among warriors? Who are not interested in touching the highest office of Saheonbu?" The Western Master then answers, "I have all my warriors with tattoos in Gaegyeong, who were able to come and protect me, when Won-jik Choi's house was attacked, by rogues."

Ki-Cheol suddenly loses interest in the subject primarily because people who are famous or have high virtue are outside of his interest. All these people are trapped within their own norms and reflect his own worry about getting out of that trap, where you worry about how he can be judged in the eyes of others? He sees them as things that make you worry about whether you are making it or not.

Growing up under a father whose lived his life like that made it obvious that this life lacked flexibility and would be difficult for anyone to use as kindling. The Western Master then says, "There is another reason why Choi Young became a warrior."

Ki-Cheol, who has lost interest, does not respond, does not deter the Western Master from taking a step closer to continue in a somewhat secret manner. "Ever since he was young, coveted those qualities and came to see him in person. He was teaching him when his father died and took him in right away."

Ki-Cheol's interest reignited at this revelation says, "Wen Chi-hu? I know that name. How do I know that name?"

The Western Master answers, "Wen Chi-hu was the leader of the Red Moon Battalion...." Ki-Cheol's eyes sparkle with clear understanding, "Choi Young, that child was Wen Chi-hu's disciple? Then that child. Was it also a member of Red Moon?"

The two of them laugh in a scheming manner. The Western Master has served Ki-Cheol for over ten years and knows what can capture his interest, and what information he likes to be told to enable him to solidify any strategies, goes on to say, "That's right. He became a member of the Red Crescent at a young age and learned a lot there. I heard he was talented and was also became the youngest manager."

Ki-Cheol jumps off his chair in excitement and quickly paces around the room, unable to contain himself, usually an indication of when the so-called 'fun stuff' begins says to clarify, "I thought the Red Crescent was gone. After Wen Chi-hu died, I thought that I had heard that there was no one left either." 

The Western Master corrects him by saying "It was not like that. There were some who remained, after Wen Chi-hu's death that went into hiding. The place Choi Young had chosen to hide was the Woodalchi."

Ki-Cheol's eyes widen, "That guy, Choi Young was also the commander of the Red Moon?" The revelation made Ki-Cheol stop pacing, making him stop right in front of a wall as he recalls having met him only one after the passing of Wen Chi-hu. 

It had been the site where the King's rain ceremony was held. Was it King Chunghye? Attempting to pinpoint the memory which evades him he thinks in frustration Why are you so useless? It does not matter which King it was, he even forgot he had attended.

Anyway, while attending the ceremony, he had been running of patience, when there was a commotion in the back, which was a crime. Amongst the panthers, it was the head tiger that lived deep in the mountains of Baekdu Mountain. It has ability to subdue other beasts with its presence without any hesitation. To not only hear it growl, but the force of the vibration that could be felt from its growl made his heart pound violently. 

It was a feeling he was not used to; it was fear. It had made him turn around to see if he could locate where the sound was coming from, but it evaporated as quickly as it took hold. It made him question whether what he had felt was an illusion.

Standing in front of him was a human being, wrapped in black, wearing a black hood and mask that covered his face apart from the eyes. Only then did see the symbol on the cloth that covered the man's forehead.

Embroidered on the black cloth under the hood that was wrapped around him was the crescent of the Red Moon.

The place erupted in whispers, from what he could make out it had been passed down from leader to leader of the Red Moon. Ah…It had been him that had been the Leader of the Red Moon, he remembers that there had been men on either side of him, but unlike the Leader where unable to cultivate inner energy.

The symbol of the Red Moon was easily recognisable and the flag they carried was used to identify the group of people who mobilized secret attacks to fight and kill enemies.

It was the life lived by those people who were part of the Red Moon and those people who supported them was all clouded in mystery and inspired respect, awe and fear.

People parted unconsciously creating a large empty area that surrounded what looked to be three people who stood in the centre of it, even the chief minister that escorted by the appeared to not be part of the group that entered.

Whispers could be heard, one says, "Is this the Red Crescent that I only heard about?" Another can be heard commenting, "They say that they are more powerful than the hundreds of soldiers who came"

While one next to Ki-Cheol says like and announcement, "The one in the middle is Wen Chi-hu, the leader of the Red Guards. The sword he uses can transmit energy increasing its killing length past the actual length of the sword, enabling it to kill people without it touching them. I could not hear a single sound, while it cut down a dozen Japanese enemies alone. If needed it even summons lightening from the sky to attack the enemy."

Another can be heard questioning, "What do you mean by hitting the centre? This must be a lie." The one who made the announcement answers, "It is not. There is more than one witness to having seen it in action."

One of Geumgun's generals approached them and said something, resulting in the group being divided and the person named Mun Chi-hoo being hidden, while Ki-Cheol had been left alone. He is in awe and finds it all fascinating and at the same time it makes the heart tremble.

Ki-Cheol becomes impatient, deciding to approach him, sees that he has finished his business and has turned around to leave. Ki-Cheol is surrounded by too many people, which makes it difficult to run after the man.

The chief mourner is in the middle of a rite and Ki-Cheol does not dare shout out. Wen Chi Hu groans in regret pauses and looks back for a moment and Ki-Cheol thinks he is looking at him but sees how the gaze is looking past him to another person or place. 

Ki-Cheol also turns his head to automatically look for what the other man looks at thinking how it cannot be possible that the man is looking at something that is not himself.

He looks around but could not find what the other man was looking at. By the time Ki-Cheol turns his head back to where the men from the Red Moon had been standing, they were nowhere to be seen.

After that, Ki-Cheol had tried to meet with Wen Chi-hu several times, through a middleman, but since the Red Moon moved so secretly, they were hard to locate and there was no known way to track them, making it impossible for the middleman to make contact and arrange.

Ki-Cheol wondered if he should arrange for one of his men to join the group, but again there was no way to find out how the members of the unit were decided on and recruited, even the leader is called a ghost.

The whole mystery surrounding the Red Moon means that it belongs to the other world, and not this world.

The way it conducts itself sends this message "The world we live in is different, so do not think about calling for any reason."

Even the King back then had figured it out and Ki-Cheol did not have the strength at the time, then the news that King had killed Wen Chi-hu spread and the Red Moon disbanded, and all its members had been killed. 

Ki Cheol had been in a bad mood for several days after finding out this news, so much that anyone would have mistaken him to be a caring person, when he was in disbelief and disappointed that the ghost could be killed like that by the King. The Red Crescent was disbanded, and all its members were killed.

Recalling the past, he had momentarily forgotten the reason when it suddenly makes him wonder if Choi Young was the child whose qualifications Wen Chi-hu coveted? Did you personally visit this kid when he was young and taught him?

Ki-Cheol then turns towards Yangsa to ask, "I heard that the Red Cross is made up only of people who use internal skills?" the response, "Yes, there was such a story.

No one knows the details." Ki-Cheol rubs his hands together, eyes sparkling with mischief, "Shall we find out? Let make that child use his inner energy skills. Call sister-in-law, that kid has been dying of boredom these days."

The reality it was Ki-Cheol himself that was the person who was dying of boredom. After having planted a spy in the Yuan Imperial family, which he had found fun to do and moved people to make his sister empress.

People or things that got in the way had become easier to remove secretly when she had given birth to a son, which had been named crown prince.

After that he had taken over the position of Buwongun in Ryo and taking over Jeongdong District, where he had found it was a piece of cake to flatter those who considered themselves the King's servants. 

The world had become increasingly boring the thought of working hard did not seem to be fun at all. If they tell him to ascend to the throne, where the requirement is to hold meetings every day and to have people advising him all the time, did not seem like fun. Why would he do it?

Everyone he meets now was the same, when they see you, they bow their heads and tremble or rush to flatter you. Ki-Cheol could not be beaten in a martial arts fight and even when he played baduk he could not find a rival.

The possibility of reigniting that 'if there is something you want, you will fight with passion and use your head, there is absolutely nothing I want more makes him declare "If the child is as I heard, I will have it." 

The anticipation of having a rival that is cuter than himself be part of his loyal followers, gleams in his eyes. Yangsa who has been observing asks carefully, fearfully, "Are you talking about a child with inner strength?"

Ki-Cheol thinks for a moment about how people with inner strength are becoming increasingly rare and as time goes on it is getting worse. The teacher had spent half his life looking for someone with inner strength. The remaining half was spent looking for people with the ability to learn inner skills. When he found one, he would send it to the teacher for them to be taught.

Even in his dying moments, his teachers last words were, "He is going to be somewhere, so I need to learn the skills that are appropriate for him. There must be someone who knows how to use energy..." 

He then had closed his eyes, muttering as the problem plagued him in his dying moment, so much so that the last bit of his vitality was used up with faint words being uttered as his breath was being expelled, disjointed and random, until with the last bit of energy the teacher said clearly, using his last breath, "I am angry."

Was it Choi Young the one who he was looking for so much? The one who was nowhere to be found even after searching the entire midfield...? It could not be that kid...However....… Ki-Cheol then answers Yangsa, "Once I have him. I will decide how he can be used later."

According to Taiwan's knowledge, the Prime Minister went to Deokgyeongbu (德慶府). It was where Joo-sang's biological mother, Lady Hong lived. According to Taiwan it was where Joo-sang had been planning to go to visit and meet his biological son after returning to Korea after 10 years of separation.

Choi Young sighs at it looks like he will need to prepare to leave again, as being part of the Royal entourage, it would be part of his job to provide protection for the journey, "Let's go." He says as it is imperative that the Captain of the Woodalchi cannot be late to escort the chief minister. 

Choi Young moves to leave after uttering that command when Taiwan stops him by holding out something to him. It was yellow grass about two nodes long, Taiwan then explains, "Lady Choi asked me to give it to the commander to use on the way when you escort the Prime Minister. She used it to sit quietly and pray for the safety of the fishing boat, which you did." Choi Young stops smiles and takes the candle thinking how she has eyes like an eagle.

Lady Choi Sang-gung only gave a glimpse of Choi Yeong's physical condition from side, which enabled her to find out, and convey her intention through the giving of her East River orchid, which he took, grateful that he has a fortune-telling breakfast. Taiwan aware of the intentions of the Head Court Lady says, "I will stay your side." 

The stammering he suffers from decreases significantly when he is alone with Choi Young. Choi Young ruffles his hair and says, "No need. You go and move amongst the others. If anything happens, come running right away and I will know. Go, let Eel now I am going to Jeonuisi. Do it." Taiwan's face brightened up, looking relieved and takes off running.

Choi Young had felt frustrated and nervous not knowing what to do. Letting out a deep stuffy sigh at how the King had commanded him to find out the inside story, as if it had been something that I needed to find out right away.

Strangely the King had seemed to avoid Choi Young's request for an audience after that which made him wonder if he was afraid of finding out the instigator of that inside story.

After all he had been barely over ten years old, when he was taken hostage by Yuan and spent ten years there, witnessing how the Kings of Goryeo had changed several times and how he had participated as chief mourner at more than one funeral.

Now having returned to Goryeo as King, it must make him nervous to find out who the instigator is, behind the attack is in Gaegyeong where twenty-four Goryeo officials in Seon Hye-jeong had gathered and were burned to death. It was not difficult to guess who was behind it, after all out of those nobles that died in Ki-Cheol's jurisdiction of Deokseongbuwongun.

They had been officials that are known to oppose Deokseong Buwongun which is life threatening, let alone to risk a meeting, but they were people who did not give up hope and did it. Their deaths required hard evidence to be found that could link the atrocities to the instigator, to raise a case. 

Choi Young recalls how he had been repeatedly invited to join them, which he never did, choosing instead to protect and support new King despite growing up in a rural area far from Goryeo, it is said that he is a smart person.

Choi Young had listened to the Officials believed that with the new King, we can dream of independence for Goryeo. I

t was something that they so deeply believed that they wholeheartedly that they wanted to influence change through teaching a King with an excellent character who would rule Goryeo, who they would serve and advise.

It was those who dreamed of the revival of Goryeo that had been locked in the pavilion and murdered.

Upon examination of the spot, it was found that the fire had various points of origin where it was probably started from to take hold simultaneously from all directions at once.

It did not take much for him to imagine how the Officials felt trapped in a blazing flame, struggling to open the locked doors and barricaded window until the very end, being like they were in hell. 

In his experience there was only one person in the whole of Goryeo who that could do, the problem was proving it, because unless the other party was caught at the scene, in the act of doing it, there was no way it could be proven that they were the cause.

Even then the instigator had subordinates under him that infiltrated different levels of the kingdom, which could influence how the case was solved, to benefit the instigator not being found to be at fault.

The Jin Milji that had been found had were two lines of text written on it; 'Consideration'. Choi Young, who came from a prestigious scholarly family, learned writing directly from his father, had read the leaflet and laughed.

If Deokseong Buwongun himself ordered this trap, then he is either more childish or more ambitious than Choi Young had heard.

Ki-Cheol only needed to be coaxed just a little bit by him to reveal his true colours, so, needing to know how much it is the latter, Choi Young had decided to see him in person.

All the ministers of Goryeo who had been summoned to welcome the new King returning to the palace had instead been gathered at the house of Deokseong Buwongun. Clearly reflecting that the so call high officials of this country believed that Deokseong Buwongun Ki-Cheol that the centre of power was with him, instead of with the new King.

In fact, Choi Young had seen Ki-Cheol several times before when the attention had been on Lee Seo, he was careful to not make eye contact with the man. Choi Young remembers his teacher Master Wen Qihu had said, "There are several people in Gaegyeong who have great skills.

Among them is a man named Ki-Cheol. Please be careful as that only after seeing him once, during the rain offering that I noticed he had a depth of inner power which was quite powerful.

It is unusual that he should stand out to me as much as he did, if he was a normal person that has an above normal inner force, he may decide it is a good idea to give it a try. But in this case be careful not to make eye contact and not to stand to close to him. 

The look in his eye was one that most people who would not be able to endure, let alone win against him. If it had not been so crowded, I would not have noticed him normally."

Ki-Cheol had brought attention to himself using the name of someone of influence and received an audience with Eomyeong, who was the central focus, while Choi Young blended with the background.

It was the spirit personally guided Choi-Young when he had asked Ki-Cheol to speak quietly and was led to Ki-Cheol's study. It was there they sit, and he hands over a piece of paper that he had found in the place where Seon Hye-jeong was burned.

Ki-Cheol takes Milji without even looking at it, he puts it on the desk as he to make eye contact with Choi Young who appears to remain still and not breaking the eye contact.

The way he appears hides the tight control he has over his feverish body, the loss of his inner energy and the importance not to reveal this to Ki-Cheol as they sit eyes locked.

After a long pause Choi Young breaks the silence in a calm tone "This is what came out of Seon Hye-jeong's burned place.I have come to ask for wisdom as to what this might mean. Who and why would they write something like this? For some reason, I thought Deokseong Buwon-gun would understand, so I came to ask for advice."

Ki-Cheol asks, "What did you say your name was?" Choi Young dismisses his question with, "It is not a name worth hearing twice and remembering. Would you like a copy of this? I must return the original to His Majesty."

Ki-Cheol laughs when Choi Young says this, his smile seems to get bigger and his eyes glisten making both look bright and reflect his inner enjoyment at this new game the answers, "That is right. I will make a copy of this and interpret its meaning myself, then I will report this to His Majesty the Lord."

The person called Yangsa, who serves Ki-Cheol moves from beside Choi Young to grind the ink stone to prepare the ink while Ki-Cheol opens a drawer to retrieve the paper and takes out his brush and with its stand to then start copying the message that he was given to analyse.

While doing this Choi Young stands up and moves about the room making sure to avoid line of sight as much as possible by standing sideways, making it look like he is looking at the paintings, statues and calligraphy that decorate Ki-Cheol's study. 

Feeling that persistent gaze follow his movements despite the attention to detail normally needed to copy the message, until Ki-Cheol stands up to hand the original to Choi Young saying, "I will see you again soon. Woodalchi Choi Young."

At the sound of his name passing Ki-Cheol's lip makes a chill run up the back of his neck, it appears Ki-Cheol remembered his name.

After returning to the city of Jeonui, he had to be updated on the Heavenly Doctor's movements. He sent Taiwan to run ahead to let Deokman who he had assigned to guard her to report to him.

When he entered the palace Deokman came running out to report quickly, "She is fine. Nothing is wrong. She is in the pharmacy right now." 

He is about to lead Choi Young there but is stopped when he is asked, "Has she had breakfast?" the answer "Dougie made sure to serve it to her said she ate all of it. Now, it seems that she is talking about medicinal herbs with Eel...Is that not strange?"

Choi Young asks, "What?" Deokman explains "If you are a doctor of Heaven and a disciple of Hwata, should there be nothing you do not know? It is strange how she keeps asking questions and how she does not even now that Shaanxi is a toad."

Noticing that Choi Young does not seem to be surprised or perplexed by this like he is asks "You are not surprised." Choi Young states "The words used in heaven and the words we use seem very different."

Seeing Deokman's facial expression change at this revelation he says, "Ah, so you did not know." Then commands, "Go and let Eel know quietly that I have come and to come out without drawing any attention as to why." 

Deokman cannot believe what he hears, "Are you going to be quiet… so that Sky Lady does not know…?"

He is stopped from saying more as Choi Young's eyes get that cold look to them appearing like a bottomless dark abyss. Deokman quickly turns around to comply with the command feeling upset that his Leader will pay if something goes wrong with the Sky Lady.

What kind of pride do you have for this? The last time Heavenly Lady visited Woodalchi Barracks, Deokman had been there to witness with great embarrassment, she came dressed in revealing clothes.

How this appearance looked down on the dolbae which in future will be a heavenly building, inspiring me to write a poem called 'Jimmy (美)' and even drew a picture next to it, which Chung-Seok confiscated after scolding me severely for it.

Anyway, at that time, the Heavenly Lady and became very angry with the captain and was seen weeping, which made everyone feel sad to see because it was like when Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara cries.

He had heard how the captain had to vacate the position at that time, making it clear that even when the captain makes a mistake, it becomes a big deal.

He not only forcible stopped that person from returning to heaven, by carelessly touching that body, but was left alone in the central barracks after talking privately with the Heavenly Lady so no one knew what the subject was.

They only knew that it was not good at the look on the Heavenly Doctor's face was dark when she came out and the captains face had remained stiff right up until the end.

At that time, Deokman who had been present when the captain had to see the Heavenly Doctor commanded me to, "Watch you captain carefully."

Deokman immediately knew what to watch for, as it was since then, the leader could not eat well, and his face looked like a seriously ill patient, looking small, it was apparent that he must be cursed.

Ah, Captain, I will meet you now and bow my head and apologize for my mistakes, that is only right. Why is it so difficult?

Right before you die from being stabbed with a knife, he was brought back from the brink of death due to the Heavenly Doctor's mercy. Did he forget that?

Every morning, I kneel in front of my bed and bow to thank the heavens seven times for the grace bestowed on us by the pretty face of the Heavenly Doctor. Why is there a problem that seems to be 100 times as large that he could not see?

Eun-soo had been in the pharmacy all morning with Jang-Bin searching and collecting medicinal herbs that can be used as fever reducers or disinfectants. It was the first time in a long time, that she was using his brain to recall the name of the medicinal herbs and the efficacy of them.

One of the Woodalchi soldiers came in and seemed to drag Jang Bin to the door, where he whispered something in the ear, which makes Jang Bin quickly come back to gather some medicinal herbs, before following the solider out of the garden, leaving her behind.

She quickly chases after both, to catch up and grabs Jang Bin's sleeve to pull him to a stop, to ask, "Is he here?" Jang Bin stares at Eun-soo not wanting to answer, his silence acknowledging the presence of the captain, "I am going too, I want to see him."

She moves to leave, but Jang Bin quickly blocks her way, saying "If he wanted to see you, he will come to you himself."

Eun-soo argues, "That is your idea. I need to go with you, there is something I have to say when I see him." Jang Bin says simply, "I will let him know." Before reluctantly leaving her alone with the wild child that shadows the captain, to wait.

Eun-soo waits until without sound she catches the appearance of that person, who was the tall silent man called the captain, out of the corner of her eye.

She sees this guy as not only the one who kidnapped her, nearly killed her and a person who is probably in the process of dying right now, seems to be leaving with the clear intention of not coming to see her. 

Taiwan leaves to follow the captain quickly, leaving Eun-soo alone. She thinks for about it for nearly fifteen seconds before she decides to follow, as she had been worried the whole time, knowing that if she had not paid attention that he would have died long ago.

She secretly follows the pair as they walk until they get to the entrance to the medical garden, where they pause as he talks to the girl, Dougie, who stands there with Deokman.

Eun-soo hides herself behind tree trunk that the pavilion is built around as she looks at his appearance noticing how his face does not look good. It sees the fever has started and seeing how his face looks like one that is dying in that it has a dark colour and sunken eyes, makes her want to cry.

Suddenly, Choi Young turns around as Jang Bin walks towards him from behind her drawing attention to where she hides making her duck her head behind the tree trunk, hoping he has not noticed her. 

Unfortunately for her he has been aware the whole time. Despite the pain in his abdomen, he has been aware of her breathing which he recognises.

It makes him wonder why she breathes so heavily, wondering if she had been running and the reasons why, when she had found it difficult to walk.

Ignoring he waits for Jang Bin, Deokman who had remained at the entrance of the medical garden says to Choi Young "You should see the Heavenly Doctor, in the medical clinic before leaving." 

He is about to turn to lead the way into the clinic when Choi Young stops Deokman from turning around simply stating, "Not now, later."

Choi Young realises that it seems that she had followed Eel Eui without him knowing. It seems that it was to see him, making him wonder why?

Choi Young's awareness of her presence is heightened, and he restrains himself from looking in the direction where she hides. Previously he had noticed the white outfit she wears and had seen her profile briefly.

Meanwhile Eun-soo who still is hiding behind the tree trunk is still looking at his profile as he is talking to his subordinates.

She is becoming increasingly angrier as she watches that expressionless face that never seems to smile, that makes her want to run up to him, grab him by the collar and drag him to a bed, where she would tie him down to using the restraints used on violent or out of control patients.

She would be able to treat his fever and draw blood to test to enable a proper treatment plan. It makes her wonder why she is hiding like this?

It also makes her feel ashamed of herself, as it is not a picture of herself that she likes. It makes her recall other times long ago when she had hidden like this too peek at men that she liked.

The recollection of what had been long forgotten makes her feel sick with how immature she used to be, making her wonder why she is acting like this now.

Meanwhile as Eun-soo struggles with her inner demons, Jang-Bin was looking at Choi Young with searching eyes as the other man jokes in a dry voice, "Did you hear about the disaster that occurred at Seonhyejeong?"

At which he answers, "I heard in passing as it was being discussed by others." He waits for the conversation to continue, but notices that Choi Young seems to be frozen. Choi Young has he stopped talking, he has also stopped breathing. 

Jang Bin wonders if what he had said is that shocking, when he notices that he seems to be looking past him, glancing behind him he tries to see what has the captain motionless, but does not notice anything, he wonders what he is looking at.

Choi Young at the same time is struggling with the inner turmoil that is currently bombarding him as the questions pop into his head, 'Are you looking at me?' 'Why are you standing there?' 'If you came to see me, why do you not come forward?

Eun-soo is currently wishing that someone would hit her on the head, as she recalls that while she was in college, there was a guy she had liked for three years.

Thinking it was pure love, she had given her whole heart and had done everything that she could to get his attention, while he avoided her. 

It had started like this where she followed him and hid to watch him to try and figure out how to capture his heart and make him love her, but it ended very tragically.

She had come to terms with it a long time ago realising that it being one sided that it was never a good thing to try and make someone love you, they either do or they do not.

The experience had enabled Eun-soo clearly learned one thing and made a promise to herself, never again.

No human relationship can be created by one person it needs the feelings of both people, as you can become miserable no matter what, when it changes and when it turns, because the strength of the love between two people will determine whether it will break or not.

Eun-soo tries to gather herself as she deals with her rapidly beating heart as she wonders, 'Is it Stockholm Syndrome?' 

The thought of she had been dragged around against her will makes her feel dirty. She turns around to go back to the Herbal Garden as she comes to terms with the realisation that she has a very weak heart to fall for her kidnapper. How can it be?

In the past when she has gone clubbing and been approached by a man for a one-night stand, his actions had made her almost vomit.

The recollection now of how he came to sit beside her, smiling as he tries to put his arm around the back of her shoulder as the other had strokes her arm, now almost makes her vomit.

At this time Choi Young who could not stand it anymore, notices when Eun-soo leaves and returns his gaze to Jang bin and Deokman, indicating with a motion of his head to the figure that can be seen going back toward the garden.

They both follow his silent indication and see what he has been looking at all this time. Choi Young then commands Deokman loud enough for her to hear, "Now go and protect her well, while I return to the fight."

Leaving the man standing at his post, Choi Young is guided by Jang Bin to the living quarters of the medical staff, where he indicates the man to sit at the table that meals are normally eaten. 

Closing the blinds, he sits down in front of Choi Young as he states, "Please let me take you pulse." However, as his hand goes to feel for the pulse at the wrist of Choi Young, it is pushed away, which makes Jang Bin frown in disapproval, while the other man undeterred smiles at him saying, "First of all, this is what I found under the stone on the floor of Seon Hye-jeong." Jang Bin examines her paper carefully in the light, which appears scorched and discoloured, curious he asks, "What do you suspect?"

Choi Young then explains, "It was discovered at the scene of the fire. A which was enough to kill twenty-four people and cause even the main beams to collapse. Do you think it is not strange the first thing is that Gari is only injured to that extent and is safe and that no matter how hidden it was under a stone, any type of paper would have been destroyed, yet this paper which is found at the scene is remarkably undamaged so much that we can even read the writing on it? Yesterday, I went to Deokseong Buwon-gun's house to take this message and him to make a copy of it on a piece of wheat paper that I provided. After he had finished copying it, I found that the handwriting was very similar to the original message."

Jang Bin laughs, "They are sloppy people." Choi Young also laughs, "Not only is it sloppy, but I think it shows a habit of exaggerating." Jang Bin looks at him puzzled, so Choi Young explains, "Do you see the blood there?" Jang Bin examines the blood smeared in several places on the paper.

Choi Young continues to explain, "It seems to indicate that the person who wrote it and hastily hid it was a dying person who is bleeding, while the building was on fire." Jang Bin thinks on what Choi Young has said when it further pushed with "What do you think? Is it even possible?" 

Jang Bin then brings the paper closer to his nose to smell it, however, does not detect anything and looks up at Choi Young as he tilts his head and asks, "Would it be possible for me to take this to test something?" Choi Young answers, "Please do." Then he presents his wrist to Jan Bin saying, "I don't have a fever."

Jang Bin takes Choi Young's wrist taken by surprised at how hot it feels under his fingertips, which then evolves to concern at how rough and fast the pulse he feels is.

He then asks "There is pus on the wound, right? When did it start to swell? That was what Doctor from Heaven was most worried about. The procedure."

Choi Young just looks at him as Jang Bin concern morphs into anxiety at the seriousness of the captain's condition takes over and he stands to take action to remove the clothing that hides the area of concern as he says, "Let me look at the wound."

Choi Young having none of it grabs him by wrist to stop him and stands to distance himself from the other.

Jang Bin clearly frustrated with his actions tries to make explain, "If pus has appeared, there is a problem, how will you treat it? The Heavenly Doctor has said that the showing pus is due to the spread of poisonous bacteria in the body."

He recalls the conversation that he had with the Sky Lady at how it was evidence that the captain will need to undergo surgery which would require him to be anesthetized so he does not feel any pain so that the wound can reopened and investigated to see how deep the infection went for it all to be removed and treated.

They had been searching for the medicinal herbs all morning that would anesthetize him and fight the infection spreading in his body.

Jang Bin looks at Choi Young for a moment, reading the eyes of his old friend he can see it is a lost cause so states, "No matter what I say, I can see it will not convince you."

Choi Young asks, "How long will it take?" which he answers, "It will be over before the candle burns out."

Choi Yeong takes out the yellow candle he had received from Lady Choi, lights it and puts it on the table and says "Deokseong Buwon-gun kept the original message me, making it clear that there must be people the palace that report what goes on to him and I am unaware of who they are." Jang Bin says, "I am next to you."

Jang Bin leaves the room without wasting anymore time, while Choi Young remains to meditate to focus all his inner skills and concentration on the task ahead. Choi Young sits cross-legged and begins to breathe, for those who have honed their inner skills, fortune telling is the moment when they become most vulnerable.

It was also when your fortune awareness deepens, you can only look inside yourself. It did not take long before he became so focused on looking in and following the flow of energy within that the outside world vanished.

Choi Young had been first introduced to meditation at the age of ten by MasterMun Chi-hoo, whom he met for the first time.

Master Mun Mun Chi-hoo said, "I will teach you to breathe from now on. It will probably take a year. If you learn to breathe properly for one year, you will have it for the rest of your life. You will learn how to maintain a healthy body. Breathe properly, if you realize how to manage your inner energy beyond your energy, you will become my disciple. Even if you do not understand the law, you will feel sad. Those who have the ability to understand the law in the world do no harm. Because there are less than 1 in 10,000 people." 

Master Mun Chi-hoo's teaching was added to the martial arts teachers my father had invited to train me since he was seven.

Choi Young who learned how to swing his wooden sword, had at first felt disappointed at the words of Master Mun Chi-hoo who came to teach him how to breathe. It did not take him long to fall in love with the charm of breathing, and as promised Master Mun Chi-hoo he found the true spirit of moving and breathing on his own within 5 months, ahead of the year that Master M Mun Chi-hoo had stipulated.

Choi Young not only learned how to find his true spirit while he was breathing, but he was also able to incorporate it into daily activities. He did not just eat breakfast, eat breakfast with good luck. From then, Mun Chi-hoo who visited about twice a month to monitor Choi Young's progress was very happy to see Choi Young performing fortune telling on his own energy.

Remembering the how the teacher was delighted with the progress made would bring Mae hee along to accompany him in his practice. Recalling how Mae hees habit of catching her breath to shake off all distracting thoughts was her method to being able to centre her thoughts and regulate her breathing to meditate whereas all he had to do was deepen his breathing and close his eyes to centre himself.

It was the first time in a long time that Choi Young had even thought of Mae hee during this process and like all other things every time you thought of a specific thing or person it would definitely present itself.

Mae hee came to sit by his side, he tried to talk to her but there was no answer. Her presence enough to make him feel relieved as he followed her breath, making it easier for him to breathe.

Sometimes he feels that she is holding his hand and even felt that it turned his consciousness off to beyond unconsciousness, deepening its effect. 

Perhaps his Master would have been surprised and scolded him, but he felt that just as there is a path for blood to circulate within the body, there is a path for energy to circulate.

Blood goes its own way regardless of a person's will. Likewise, Ki is also like that, a person can grasp such energy with his own will, finally it's about leading the way and turning things around, he wakes up with clearer consciousness.

It had happened. It would be a big problem if you let go of your consciousness. Unlike blood flowing through blood vessels, invisible energy.

If you do not lead with precision, how can the path become tangled or disorganized? You might lose.

There must be a person next to the person who eats fortune-telling, that is why height requires teeth.

He takes a deep breath, that he pushes down to the bottom of his diaphragm and stops when it hurts. Be patient and try again, long... deep…...

Evenly, throughout he grabs hold of the energy that is about to scatter and turns it around again, feeling the pain. His whole body screams silently.

He calls out to Mae hee, in his conscious. 'What is a covenant? I have broken it at least one. If you keep it 99 times and break it once, does it matter? Does that make me one of those who do not keep the covenant'?'

As if sensing the destructive turn of my thoughts Mae hee responds, 'Do not die. Live and keep your covenant. The person who was brought from the sky is probably the magic of the sky. You seem to be using your heart like a whip.'

Choi Young counters 'When it surrounds me, I can't avoid it and get hit and tied up again and again. The sin I committed against the one from heaven.'

Choi Young was sweating like rain, slowly losing his heat which is driven into the strength he has accumulated through training since the age of ten, he is locked up in dangerous thinking where he has to hold out for a few more days.

Disclaimer. Please be aware I did use some of the dialogue and scenes to assist me in the writing of this story, to help with the flow and transition of this story, as in the back of my head the scenes from the kDrama where in my head.

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