
Chapter 1 - Mirror Mirror

Once upon a time, there lived a beautiful woman named Snow White. She was every man's dream girl. With her charcoal colored long hair, her bloody heart-shaped red lips and her fair snow-like skin, she knew that she can get any man her heart desires.

As white as her skin is the opposite color of her heart. For her heart is as black as the depths of Tartarus, a heart that was too proud, too selfish and too greedy. She wants everyone to adore her. She wants them to notice her, to idolize her... Only her.

Beauty is what she possess, but compassion is not in her vocabulary. You can't really judge a book by its cover. For Snow White is the living proof of that.

Contrary to everyone's knowledge, Snow White is not the protagonist of this story. Truth be told, she is the evil one in here.

Snow White married the king. She doesn't really like him, she just used him to gain power. Who would've like an old man anyway? No one.

The king has an only son. This son of his is his son to his former queen before Snow White. The said son was traveling around the world for he was still a squire at that time and is training to be a knight in against to his father's will for him to take over the kingdom. Snow White did not know about this son, so she was surprised one day when he arrived and demands to see the king.

She was mesmerized with the beauty he posses. He was the most handsome man she laid her eyes on. Not just an ordinary man, but a prince and the only successor to the throne.

Snow White as evil as she is tried to seduce the prince. But to her dismay, it seems like the said prince don't have any interest in her. Frustrated, she went to a secret room in the castle, a room only she knows about.

She walks to the corner of the room and stop in front of a mirror. She looked at herself and was awed by her own beauty.

"Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all"

The mirror from being an ordinary looking one suddenly showed a swirling pool of illusions until a face tuned in.

The face look at Snow White and said "You Snow White is the fairest" happy of what she heard, she gave him a small smile but then take it back as she remembered something.

"If I am the fairest, why is that the prince seems has no interest in such a beauty like myself" she demanded as she looked like an insecure little girl who is throwing a tantrum.

"You are the fairest my queen, but your beauty can't defeat a very powerful thing in this world" the face said calmly.

"What is that thing you're talking so highly about that you said my beauty can't defeat? " she asked full of curiosity and loathing.


Snow White knitted her eyebrows to the unfamiliar word she knows nothing about "Love? " she asked.

"Yes, my queen. Love" the face answered patiently.

"What is that thing? "

"Love is cannot be defined by me, for only the person who's feeling it can do such thing. But you can say that love is deeper than liking someone, it is much more deeper than infatuation."

"I can't quite understand you. But I guess I see your point. Is what your saying that love is liking someone very very much? "

"You can put it that way my queen "

Snow White nodded in understanding then her eyes widen in sudden realization "You are telling me that the prince had taken a liking to someone and that someone is not me? " she asked, shock is written all over her beautiful face.

"Yes, my queen "

"Who is that treacherous girl? Is she more beautiful than I am? A goddess maybe? Because only a goddess can defeat me"

"She is nothing but a daughter of a farmer and a baker, my queen. She is also a beauty indeed, but as I said you are the fairest of all. A good hearted girl that the prince met in the woods"

"What's her name?"

"Her name is Red, Red Riding Hood "

"Show her! "

The mirror then show a pretty girl with a bright red hair flowing to her waist. She's wearing a smooth red cape with a hood. A basket is hooked in her right arms. The said girl is picking up flowers and putting it in the basket.

"Red! " a familiar voice called the pretty girl. As Red turned her back, she saw the lad who called her, the same time Snow White saw him. But it is not just an ordinary lad, it is the prince himself, her prince.

Snow White eyed the scene playing in front of her with so much hatred, specifically towards the redhead girl.

She then showed a sinister smile that ironically complements her angel like face as a plan forms in her evil mind "Our little Red...Be careful and watch your back, I maybe watching and waiting for the right moment to stab you directly to your heart"

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