By a stroke of luck, our main character, Chrollo Sagōru, finds himself transmigrated into the world of Fairy Tail. Upon arrival, he inherits a run-down guild known as the Phoenix Guild. Determined to make his mark, Chrollo discovers he possesses a unique system tailored to guild development. With the goal of turning his guild into the most prestigious in the kingdom, Chrollo embarks on a journey to recruit talented mages and enhance their skills. Along the way, he faces challenges from rival guilds, repeatedly defies the magic council's regulations, and engages in battles against dark guilds. Ultimately, Chrollo's determination and strategic brilliance propel the Phoenix Guild towards its ultimate goal: to become the number one and strongest guild in the Fairy Tail world, earning respect and admiration from allies and rivals alike. Disclaimer: Photo not mine 1 chapter a week