
Dreams of the Past

Hello, do you guys have some Erza Wallpaper; I need a 1920x1080 resolution wallpaper, but I want some epic ones, you know? I'd be very grateful if you have one and share with me :)

Chapter 8: Dreams of the Past


After the judgment Berk went through, he went to the home, jumped to his bed, and sleep. He had released all the unnecessary thoughts in his head while he was in the bed and went straight the dreamlands.

In his dreams Berk saw Hüma. She was in her bird form, laying on an excessively big tree, taller than even the dragon itself as she was speaking to a dragon.

The dragon itself was massive, it was tallest creature Berk ever saw.

It was more than 150 meters tall, bulky bluish black dragon; its upper back was all over greyish sharp spikes, two curved horns on sides of its head, and two razor like long teeth spread vertically on its jaw, four wings behind its back was ablaze by black fire; the fire felt like hot and uncontrollable, yet the fire was dancing with the wind peacefully on the dragon's wings.

It was scary and magnificent at the same time.

Berk saw Hüma looked at the dragon, who was countless of time bigger than her, with an unpleasant expression.

"What do you want, Ejder?" Hüma asked coolly.

Not the dragon named Ejder narrowed his eyes. "Most of dragons started to kills humans. Why do you not protect humans, Hüma?" He asked coolly; its voice was hard and loud.

Hüma stood up and looked at the dragon intensely. Ejder taken back by Hüma's gaze as he unconsciously took a back step.

They stood silent for a long time; Ejder was looking at Hüma as coolly as much as possible while Hüma was looking at Ejder coldly.

"Hüm-," Ejder broke the silent, but Hüma cut his speech.

"Quiet," Hüma said coldly.

Ejder closed his jaw and nodded silently.

Hüma, after he assured her dominance over the oversized dragon, scoffed. "For a beast who considered as the ancestor of all dragons, you have pretty little influence over them," she said coolly.

"Why don't you stop them?"

Ejder looked at Hüma and sighed. "My time is about to end," he said coolly.

"Normal dragons have a thousand year life spam," Hüma said coolly. "Yet, you were not a regular dragon. Considering the strength makes your kinds life longer, you should've around 1 million years still, no?"

"You are right," Ejder said sadly. "But, I've been cursed, and I cannot get rid of it," he said.

Hüma's crimson eyes looked at Ejder with shock. She did not show much emotion regularly, especially surprise, but that was a big affair. But, In the end, Hüma regain her composure, and narrowed her eyes darkly.

"How?" Hüma asked curtly.

Curses do not appear in the world, people and beast alike believed only gods could curse. It was not impossible to use curse by other beings however, Hüma never tried herself, but he saw some how to use them on some tombs, but they were impossible to find by humans, since they were weak; also, Dragons since they were huge to enter dungeons.

'Some of the dragons learned transformation magic, maybe?' Hüma thought while looking at Ejder.

"An otherworlder," Ejder said with a chuckle. "He fooled us... I thought he was a dragon at first, but he wished to be dragon to them, and he had some special type of magic... he called it... sharingan? Also, that stupid clone magic... He could clone himself hundred times."

(AN: I dunno if some of you start roasting, so I'll tell this in advance; This is the past.)

'Copy wheel Eye?' Hüma thought. 'What an odd name.'

"It is not important," Hüma said coolly. "What happened to the otherworlder?"

"Dead," Ejder said, with a tint of wrath in his voice, "I ripped his head apart."

"Good," Hüma said with satisfaction. "Otherworlders wreck chaos enough," she added. She looked at the dying dragon in front of her with an unreadable expression.

Ejder, after he saw Hüma's expression, stood in silent. That was a new expression for Hüma, she was usually took a cool expression on her face, but now it was different than usual coolness.

"Do you want to be cured?"

Ejder looked at Hüma in shock. Hüma was a proud creature, she considered herself above the rest, and she hardly bear with him. Ejder, at first, tried hundreds of times only to get a word in her mouth, only to attacked by immensely powerful magics. But in time, they have spoken with each other. Hüma now did not attack him at first interaction, she attacked him after couple words. That was a development for him.

Hence, after a thousand years later, Hüma stop attacking him; and spoke to him time to time.

Ejder somewhat understand her, at least that was what he hoped. Hüma was lonely, without a doubt, but she was in this world god knows how long. When Humans appeared in the world, she was there; when dragons appeared in the world, she was there.

God knows how many lives she saw that lived and destroyed. She had no social skills whatsoever, she had a cool face, and an even voice when she spoken with him, and her sentences were normally small and precise, straight to the point.

"This is a first," Ejder chuckled. "Am I considered as a friend now?"

"Don't flatter yourself," Hüma said coolly. Ejder could feel she was joking though. "You are just more bearable than rest of your kind," she added.

"Thank you, Hüma," Ejder said sincerely. "But I have to refuse," Ejder said sadly.

Hüma looked at Ejder emotionlessly. Ejder could feel she had judged him as an idiot with that sentence.

"What?" She asked coolly. "Why do you don't want to live?"

Ejder chuckled. "I have lived enough, and dragons need a new leader," he said softly.

"They will divide," Hüma said without any hesitation. "It will always end up like that."

"That maybe so," Ejder said with a smile. "But... that will lead a new era. It is time to younger generation take some responsibilities," he said.

"You are weird," Hüma said curtly. "That is why you want me to stop dragons harm humans?" She looked at the first dragon appeared in the world.

Hüma would never admit, but she considered herself as Ejder's friend. But all the friendship she had always ended up betrayal. They tried to steal her powers, her knowledge, her body. Over the time, she learned to read people's auras.

The one who betrayed her always had pinkish aura, naïve ones had yellow, fanatics had white, etc. Ejder had black tinted with yellow. He was a naïve leader who knows dragons will break havoc in the world when he left living; but still he believed they would live harmony with humans in the end.

'Black means honorable... A honorably stupid and naïve dragon overlord.'

Hüma feel sad again, this time not because of betrayel, that time because of her friend's incoming end.

"I want you to at least protect humans for a time being," Ejder said. "They have no magic; they can't protect themselves."

Hüma looked at Ejder coolly, but she was in dilemma. She was not sure what to do.

"And please make me a promise," Ejder said softly.

"You are forcing your luck," Hüma said coolly. "But, considered this is your last times, I allow it, yet I cannot promise you beforehand."

"Leave this place," Ejder said.

"Excuse me?" Hüma asked.

Hüma lived almost all her lives in the world tree. The tree was the largest tree on the planet, taller than 30 kilometers, and fused with Hüma's magic. The tree accepted Hüma as its owner, and its capabilities only know by Hüma.

When Humans appeared by the portal, they start their first civilization started with there, then they collapsed because of their greed over Hüma. Eventually, Hüma let some of them go away from her home. They reached to the shores of some continents and build their legacies.

"Leave, interact with others, I want you to be happy," Ejder said. "You live in alone enough; eventually it will harm you spiritually."

Hüma glanced to the endless view over her tree. She took a relaxing breath and looked at Ejder. A tint of smile could see on her face, yet her voice was still emotionless.

"I will not help humans by myself, but I will give them ability to use magic. That is all I will do for them," Hüma said.

"Why did I not surprised about you giving humans magic?" Ejder said with a chuckle. "But, can you really give all the humans magic?" He asked.

"Not all of them. They were here before you dragon case to exist, hence they breed a lot. I can only give magic to less then %1 of their population," Hüma said.

"How are you going to do that?" Ejder asked.

Hüma looked at Ejder, then smiled. Ejder, who saw the first time Hüma's full smile, stood in shock; and before he regained his composure, the world tree started glow in crimson.

The tree began shaking, countless branches started fall with the intense pressure the tree emitting; things did not end there. A monstrous storm appeared above them, shake the arena around Hüma and Ejder to the core.

"What is happening?" Ejder asked in awe.

Hüma only said only one world. "Magic."

(Yo! How did you find this section? I will write about Hüma's past, time to time, to improve her character development over the time, and I like to write story before the Fairy Tail's canon starts.)

(I have a story with that, I have written something like that before, but it was my first book... and well, meh.)


Berk opened his eyes to the new day. He got up and washed his hands and face.

"What was that dream?" Berk muttered while looking at the mirror.

[Millennials old of memory,] Hüma's cool voice echoed in Berk's head; it had some nostalgia and sadness. [...You should not be able to see that.]

"I see," Berk said and took the toothbrush. He began brushing his teeth while in thoughts about something.

[Are you not going to ask me what it was about?] Hüma said.

"Do you want to tell me?" Berk asked.

[Not about him, no. Neither the other subject.]

"Then I will not ask," Berk said. "I don't want to be dramatic, so I am okay if you have secrets. I did have some as well and hid them for a long time from others. I can understand you on that," he said nonchalantly.

[...] Hüma stood in silent and said nothing. [Your friends must be worried. You should go.]

"I guess I have to face them eventually," Berk chuckled and left the house. While he was walking people was looking at him with countless emotions; some of them was in awe, some was glad, and some was approved look in their faces.

'I wonder what it is about?' Berk thought.

In the way he saw Floweria. The first thing he thought was the gamer; but he was dead. Then he remembered the request.

'Hüma, what happened the Roks?' Berk asked.

[There was no Roks. It was only to deceive the girl,] Hüma said coolly.

'Oh, then should I talk to her?'

[I don't know. I was with you all the time remember?] Hüma said coolly.

'Yet you know things far away from here?' Berk asked.

[My magic works different way. I have some ways to gather information from The Seven Kingdom, but that is it.]

Berk stood there and raised his eyebrow. Eventually, he sighed, entered the shop, and saw the brunette shop owner.

Yukine was sitting on a wooden chair, sulking. She had tears in her eyes, and her eyes were all red and swollen, clearly, she was crying for a while. She sniffed and looked at Berk.

"Berk!" Yukine yelled and ran towards him and quickly hugged him tightly. "I am sorry," she said solemnly.

Berk was not sure what to do, since he was not expecting hug from Yukine, hugged her back awkwardly. "What for?" He asked.

"About the request," Yukine said. "I... and thank you for the person who killed my parents," she said with a sniff.

"Mayor?" Berk asked and Yukine nodded. "I did not kill him," Berk said. Technically, it was true. The mayor killed by his body; but it was Hüma. After the thoughts, Berk figured he missed a big part in that sentence.

"Wait! Your parents killed?"

Yukine lowered her gaze, and Berk felt ashamed. He should play it cool, but it was a bit shocking for him. "They died short after the mayor attend there," she said sadly. "...And it does not important. You fight with him, it is enough."

Berk stood there and hugged her softly, after sometimes later Yukine released him. "I wonder how you did not know that?" She said a bit sadly.

"Your imprisonment is a hot topic today."



Berk was now in front of the guild's door. He was not sure why he was nervous. He took a breath and opened the door.

As soon as the door opened everybody looked at him, the world stopped as the guild became as quiet as the void itself; then Makarov's cheerful voice emerged in the crowd.

"Berk is back! TIME TO PARTY!" Makarov yelled and the chaos went loose.




"Man, the bloody council!"

Berk was a bit shocked to the things happening in the guild; but he was okay with it. He was expecting some drama for some reason, but it was okay it seemed.

He tried to look for Erza, and while Berk was looking for Erza, he saw Makarov was gesturing him to come closer. He went next to him and looked at the short man.

"Master," Berk said politely.

"The council had put you in custody without any permission," Makarov said. "You know why Merchives called... Well, Merchives?"

"It is a combination of Memory and Archives," Berk said. "Aside from that, I don't know," he said and looked around to see Erza.

Makarov chuckled. "You will see Erza soon; she went straight to the council to get you back. They did not inform us your release, you see," he said.

"Well, anyways. The council fucked up big time," Makarov said with a grin.

"What do you mean?" Berk asked. Surely, his imprisonment did not hold much weight over the big scope of things; even though, he bluffed it would in the court.

"What the council know from Merchives, the royalty knows too. It has two way output," Makarov said with a chuckle. "A pity Gran Doma did not denounce, but he lost too many lackeys," then he added with a chuckle.

"Why royalty care that much?" Berk asked with curiosity. Clearly, he had nothing to do with royalty, so the reason was still a bit blank.

"Hmm. Politics... let us leave with that," Makarov said.

"Alright," Berk said, and left the old man to his own world. He sat a desk and ordered food. Gray went next to him as soon as he ordered the food, and grinned.

"Sup," Gray said. "I heard you got you ass beaten," then he added smugly.

Berk rolled his eyes. "Yeah, I did," he said sweetly and looked at Gray with a sweet smile.

Gray felt danger all over his body; all the cell in his body screaming him to run as he looked at Berk's emerald eyes. Berk's eyes had a circle tinted around his pupil, spreading like roots around it, and it was glowing in crimson, making him scarier than his chilling emerald colored eyes.

"...And it seems I need something to let my stress out," then he added, grabbed Gray's head without giving him any time to react.

Berk tightened the grip he had on Gray. "Will you help me with that, Gray-chan?" He asked sweetly.

Gray sweated. "O-oh, well. I h-have to pass," he said politely.

"Thought so," Berk said and released Gray.

Gray felt relieved after Berk released his pressure over him. He took a relaxing breath and looked at Berk again.

"But, what happened?" Gray asked with interest. "He must be some powerful wizard, if he managed to beat you."

Most of the guild was rampaging in party while some of them listening the conversation between Gray and Berk.

"I am waiting for Erza to tell this story," Berk said. "I don't want to repeat myself," he added.

"He must be beaten pretty badly," Mira's smug voice emerged from behind. "It seems without your little tin can, you can't even finish a request," then she added with a grin.

Berk hummed. "Indeed, Mirajane, indeed," he said sweetly.

"What?" Mira asked in surprise.

"I mean, it was understandable if I am not comfortable when I am apart from Erza. It is not like you can understand," Berk said, looking at gothic white haired girl sarcastically.

"It's not like you will have a boyfriend with that attitude, right?" Berk said sarcastically.

"I don't need a boyfriend!" Mira shouted.

Berk chuckled. 'It seems details were untold to the people,' he thought. 'I don't think if they knew my hand were chopped up, they would not act like that.'

Berk looked at Mira again without any interest. "It is okay, Mira-chan. I am sure you can find someone eventually. When you mellowed out, like, dunno, never?"

"You are so childish!" Mira yelled.

"Well, I am a child," Berk countered with a raised eyebrow, that time smirking. "...And based on your act, it is working," he put his tongue out.

Mira growled. "Fine," she said. "I will wait tincan to listen your story," she 'Hmph'-ed.

They did not wait too much since Erza showed in front of the door. She immediately spotted Berk and rushed towards him; without giving Berk any time to react, she jumped at Berk and hugged him.

Berk hugged her back. "Are you okay?" He asked softly.

When Berk went to the quest, Erza had allergic reaction to a perfume. She was ill, hence he could not go to quest with her.

"I am fine, thank you," Erza said softly. She looked at Berk's eyes warmly as Berk did the same; time stop between them as they started to be getting closer each other.

"Ehem," Mira faked a cough. "We are here," she said between coughs.

Erza looked at her arc rival stingily, then she smirked. "Jealous?" She asked with a smirk. "Don't worry, I am sure someone will like you eventually," then she added sweetly.

"As if," Mira countered. "I don't need a boyfriend," she said proudly.

"I see," Erza said simply. "Don't mind if I do then," then she added and kissed Berk softly. It was a small but loving kiss as Erza put her head on Berk's shoulder.

Mira huffed. After she saw Erza stop kissing Berk she asked again.

"So, what happened?"

"Indeed, what happened," Makarov asked, appeared out of blue.

"Master," Berk said politely. "You will scare some of us someday with that," he said.

Mira snorted, Erza giggled, and Gray laughed. They were gotten used to their master's strange habits, so that was nothing new to them; Jump scare was another thing, but master's voice was calm and collected, so they did not scared.

Berk looked out his friends and Makarov.

Berk sighed. "Well..."

Berk's speech interrupted by a pink haired boy who carried a big egg. "Berk! You come back!"

"Natsu! Don't run with the egg!" Then came Lisanna's worried voice.

Berk chuckled. He had another people to tell his story it seemed.


Berk told his story as fully as possible; he did not hide the mayor came from another world, but he basically explained that the mayor himself told him he was from another world. He told them about [Command Magic], and his hand. He hid them the fact that mayor lure him in to have Erza himself.

Berk told them after he commanded that he must fall asleep, he opened his eyes in the cell, and did not know anything about what happened the mayor.

Erza did not need to know that nor others. The man was dead, and all the remain experiences buried with him.

'I guess this is what is called hypocrisy?' Berk thought.

[A person needs to a hypocrite time to time. Sometimes, you have to hide things from the people to protect them.] Hüma said.

[Also, like I told, there will be no one like him in the future.]

'Guess so...'

"Unbelievable," Makarov said angrily. "What was his reason for your suffering? People started to be getting mad each they, honestly..."

Mira stood there and said nothing. She exhaled and looked at Berk guilty. "I am sorry," she said weakly.

"I am sorry?" Berk asked, surprised. Mira did not apologize; it was not in her bones.

Mira growled. "I am sorry, okay!" She said, strongly. "I did not know situation was this severe!" Then she added.

"Oh, it's okay. Apology accepted," Berk said nonchalantly. Everyone had gotten used to Mira's behavior anyway, she was a big softy inside, but you have to dug too deep to find that soft persona; most of the times you should just gave up and deal with her tomboyishness.

"Do not expect to have more of these." Mira hmph-ed and leave the desk and gotten out the guild rapidly.

"What's her deal?" Gray muttered.

"She is just a tsundere," Berk said with a chuckle. "So, have you guys have any question?"

"How did your hand heal?" Erza asked worriedly. She broke her silent thus far and looked at the Berk's eyes anxiously.

Berk smiled. "A little bird helped me," he said simply.

Makarov and Erza looked at Berk understandingly, while Natsu and Gray looked at him dumbly.

"What does that even mean?" Natsu asked.

"Who knows," Berk smirked.


[Two Days Later: Forest, early at the day]

Erza and Berk was doing dynamic stretches; they were about to train to measure which one of them was stronger, again.

"So, Erza. Are you ready to lose, again?" Berk smirked with a taunt. Erza was a competitive girl all around; she did not like to lose. Hence, Berk always tried got under her skin to anger her.

People said Berk was playing dirty, but when you fight with a criminal, he would not play fair. Getting used to those kinds of stuff was beneficial in the long term; also, it was entertaining to see Erza a bit angry.

'I am a little sadist, maybe?'

Erza rolled her eyes. "[Requip]!" She said and her outfit changed.

Erza normally wears a shirt and skirt in the guild; she used to wear armor regularly, but nowadays she started to wear her armor less and less.

"Oh, that is a new one," Berk said with a whistle. Erza was wearing no armor at all. She had white sarashi that covered her upper chest and a red hakama with golden flame pattern at the bottom with black highlights. Highlights tied by white string, and she wore no shoes, her hair tied up in a long tail at the back with a headband.

On the other hand, Berk was also the same. He was wearing a white shirt and flexible pants to fight against Erza.

"What is this about?"

Erza stood there and smiled. A katana formed in her hand as she took a relaxing breath.

"You know, I am starting to wear armor less and less," Erza said.

"Yes," Berk said. "I am happy with that. I am happy you feel more comfortable to open your heart;" then he added.

Erza nodded. "Exactly," she said. "I was haunted by the past long enough, and this armor represent my heart clearness."

"Since you have no armor..."

Erza nodded. "Yes, I will not haunt by the past. I lost my friend, I cannot find them, Jellal betrayed us, I do not know if I can forgive him; but I will not be haunted by our past. I am sure that you, Rob-jii-san and others would like the same," she said softly.

"That is one way to put it," Berk said softly as a crimson portal opened his behind. He lifted his hand and grabbed a long spear.

The spear was crimson and phoenix patterns sculped around the base. Its head had a long and curvy sharp blade.

"Now, lets see your clear heart can beat me." Berk smirked.

Erza smirked as well. "No magic?" She asked.

Berk nodded. "We can fight with our all when this part over. I want to improve my weapon mastery."

Berk, with magic, was a strong foe to his enemies. But strong body was always acceptable. Also, with the runes Hüma showed him, he could use weapons to do many things. That was why he wanted to be master with all the weapons.

...And Erza was the perfect teacher for that. When it came to the weapons, Erza was a beast. She already mastered all the weapons she saw, and number was still improving.

"Fair enough," Erza said, and they stood there in a ready position.

The faint wind was whirlpooling around them, floating the leaves along with it; Erza and Berk looked at one of the leaves about to drop, they grabbed their weapons tightly and waited the leaf's drop.

As soon as leaf dropped, Erza jump towards Berk with a strong yet steady push.

Berk was using a long spear in the fight, he had an advantage in distance, so Erza had to close the distance and making him focus on defense, then push Berk to make mistakes.

Berk understood his girlfriend's intentions and immediately steadied his position. Erza was planning to use momentum to hit harder with her katana; letting Berk chose between dodge or block.

If Berk dodge the attack, then Erza would have the advantage of close combat with her katana; but if he decided to dodge and retreat, he had to think how to counter Erza's attack next time. Erza was faster than him on foot, so she could close the distance more rapidly.

Yet, Berk was stronger and durable in combat. He was not sure risking it was alright move, so he sidestepped and oriented Erza's katana in another way with his spear's body.

Erza katana slip past Berk's weapon, and the momentum made Erza took a strong step in front of her to counter the force, otherwise she would lose her balance. She immediately spun her sword next to her, knowing Berk would use that little opening to attack, and as Erza expected their weapons collided again.

Erza took a step back to escape the force Berk put on the spear. She was faster and flexible, but Berk was stronger and durable than her. So, she must not enter the power fight with him. She immediately took a jump to attack him, again.

Erza's had two main plans. One got close to Berk as much as possible to use her sword's maneuver advantage in close combat, second if the first did not work, using attack and retreat method.

By all means, Berk was not slow or bulky, yet Erza was still faster and flexible. If she wanted to use these features in her advantage, she had to fight smart.

Erza knew Berk was smart enough to understand her plans; they were not unexpected or new methods used by agility type of fighter. But basic plans always worked better, the ones who decides the outcome of a fights were mostly on spot decisions in clashing.

They were exceptions, but that was the case in one-and-one mostly.

On the other side Berk was smirking. She was training with Erza for two years, and they both know their weakness.

Erza was a strong girl, her raw strength was stronger than any other girl in the guild, even most of the men. Hüma said that was the result of her being fused with dragon essence for a long time, and her insane durability was another fruit of that.

Of course, her intense training regime was a big part too. Erza had a strict training schedule. She always woke up at 06:00 AM and eat a healthy breakfast. After an hour later, she trains for 3 hours with 2 breaks. Then she went Fairy Hills to wash; then she started her day at 11:00 AM.

That training so far always with Berk. Berk, as a good boyfriend, train with her regularly. It was hard to do at first, but when he gotten used to it, he figured waking up early had great benefits.

Clearing his thoughts Berk looked at his girlfriend's brown eyes sarcastically. Using the psychological warfare against her like usual.

Erza did not show any expression, and they circled in the arena.

Berk knew he cannot catch Erza, and if he attack her, she would simply kite him to defeat. Hence, he waited her to attack to tire her, or look for mistakes in clash.

On the other hand, Erza was using circling to close the distance very slowly. She was circling together with Berk, but her steps also getting her closer to Berk. She hoped that little amount would be unnoticed by Berk.

They circled a bit more, they did not blink, looked for each other. Then, Erza dashed in. Berk put a strong foot behind and block Erza's attack. Erza did not use that strong push like the first time, so he could block it without many thoughts.

Berk in the middle of the fight was fall in love with Erza's style yet again. Erza was using an elegant and swift sword style; she was dancing with the blade. She was swift with her movements, precise to attack as she pinpointed the spots she wanted to hit.

Berk, on the other hand, was a bit tank. He was precise than most, for sure, but he could not find openings as quickly as Erza and attack them in milliseconds. He was a bit slower than her in that aspect.

It was not like he was tank in other fights, Erza was just too fast for her that lead him defense like a tank style.

Berk and Erza clashed for a long time. Berk, in the middle of the fight, found an opening and grabbed Erza's hand which was wielding the katana.

'Got you!' Berk thought, but before he could use that the advantage, Erza grabbed Berk's hand and revolved herself to kick Berk's head.

Berk dodge the kick while taking a step back as Erza used that advantage to tackle him with her other foot.

Berk felt on the ground but did not let Erza go. They fell together, but Erza was on top of him, Katana still in her hand, as the spear Berk held was impaled to the ground. Erza used that to advantage, grabbed the spear and swung her towards Berk.

Berk grabbed the spears body only to hit by Erza's punch. The force made him stunned for a second, and that was all Erza need as she let loose from his grasp and pointed the katana on his neck.

"My win," Erza said smugly.

Berk scoffed. "You are getting closer," he said softly. Adding the sum of fighting with magic; The results were Berk 57, Erza 22 since they started to count.

"Are you alright? I might hit you a bit hard," Erza asked as she caressed Berk's face where she hit. She was still on top of Berk, on his groin, and she started to feel something was waking up below her.

Berk smiled. "I am alright," Berk said with a tint of hue on his cheek. "I had much strong punches than that," then he added smugly.

Erza rolled her eyes; she was feeling the hardness on her below as she looked at Berk.

"Is that the thing I think it is?" Erza asked, wiggled her hips.

"You seducer," Berk smirked. "What did you expect to happen when you sit on there," he said and sit. Erza placed herself on his lap again and leaned her head to his side. She closed her eyes and exhaled Berk's smell.

They were grateful some products erase the sweat smell most of the times, but nor Erza neither Berk thought they would mind the smell at the time like that. They stood in silent, tried to relax and rest, as they leaned each other.

"You know, I guess I found a surname for you," Erza said, broke the silent.

"Oh, what is it?" Berk asked.

"Zümrüd-ü Anka, also known as Hüma..." Erza breathed. "...is a beautiful bird..." She hesitated a bit. "In the book says they, but your phoenix says she is the only one, so I say she."

"She has many names represent her like names before, The Luck Bird, The Emperor Bird, Heaven's Bird. Tales says she flies around in a high altitude that no one can see her. Yet, if some sees her, and even her shadow ran through someone, the person held as the ruler of the country."

[I really like this girl.] Hüma said smugly. [You should make hatchlings... Wait, sorry, babies with her.]

'We are 14,' Berk said.

[So? 15 is an acceptable age for marriage in this country. You have less than a year left to marry and have children... of course if you want.]

'Are you really try to sell me every girl who praise you?'

[No, but I can do it for her.] Hüma said softly. [She is looking like someone I know,] then she added.

[In fact, she is an exact copy of her when she was about her age.]

Berk mentally raised his eyebrow and focused on his girlfriend again.

"So, I was thinking Hüma is the perfect fit for you. Considering you are half-phoenix and all," Erza said with expectation.

Berk chuckled as he thought how fitting it was.

'I mean I did not told her your name... It was mistake on my part, but...'

[Hahaha!] Hüma laughed for the first time Berk know her. [I am telling you, if you do not marry her in the future, I'll haunt you!]

'You are haunting me even now,' Berk muttered and looked at his girlfriend.

"So, what do you think?" Erza asked as she looked at Berk's eyes with a hope for answer.

"I guess it is perfect," Berk said. "Berk Hüma," he muttered. "Are you sure people know how to pronounce my surname?"

Erza smiled at when Berk accepted her suggestion. "Who cares?" Then she answered her question. "Me being one of few calling your surname correctly seems more fitting to me~," she said playfully.

"Oh, well. I guess I have to tell you something," Berk said. "The phoenix's name is Hüma," Berk said with a chuckle.

Erza stood there for a while. "Well, it is indeed fitting name then."

Berk was expecting something different.

"I guess it is," he said sagely.


[Fairy Tail Guild Hall: Noon]

Berk and Erza washed and went to the guild. In the guild many people was talking, and it was one of the few days that had no fight.

Mirajane was talking with her siblings, Natsu was unnaturally eating with Gray, Erza with Berk as she was eating strawberry cake while reading a book.

Berk turned around and looked for other people in the guild. There was a girl called Cana, she was like never there before, she was always in backgrounds; shy and a bit loner, but suddenly she changed. She started drinking, and she could drink more than many people in the guild.

There was also little girl called Levy. She was a bit timid and shy, but she was a sweet girl. She was easy to talk, and she always tries to help people. She also loves book with all kinds, Berk learned from some unidentified sources that Erza got her smuts from Levy.

Then there was Laxus Dreyer. He got S-class three year ago at the age 16; and he was a bit moody person since Berk know him. He learned Master Makarov's son did some bad things to him that resulted him became like that.

He was sting one of the desks as his group, thunder tribe, around him.

While all the communication was happening Master Makarov clapped his hands. Everybody stood in silent and looked at him.

"Brats, S-class mage promotion trial will happen this year. People who wanted to be selected must show their performance in the quests. I will explain the details when I explain the people who can enter the trial," Makarov said steadily. Then, he went his usual self and sit down.

"Now, come on, bring me some beers!"


Berk went home and jumped to his bed.

[Did you decide about your life goal?] Hüma asked.

Berk stood there for a second.

"The Magic Council stood me in there because they have public image. People love them, and they can limit our quests. I mean the 10-years or 100-years old quests," Berk said.

"We also need their permission to have money from the quests, then gave taxes to them since they are Magic Guild..."

[What are you getting at?]

"I want to be strong," Berk muttered.

[A common goal and had no meaning if you want to be strong without a cause.]

"I have a cause," Berk said. "I want to protect Erza, we are not strong enough to defeat everyone; I also wanted to protect my friends... But, I also do not want to be beaten that easily again."

[You defeat made an impact on you it seems. You can win against him if he had no [Command Magic].]

"Yet, I couldn't," Berk countered. "That is all matters."

[Good, you learned well. We can start your training tomorrow; first magic will be [The Fire].]

"What about others, when will I learn them?"

[When I deemed you enough.]


I forgot I missed something in this chapter. Now, before anything sorry for not posting anything yesterday. So I made a longer chapter to justify that.

Anyways, how was the fight scene. In the next chapter, I am planning to write S-Class Exam, so you will see Berk's magic fight too.

Hope you like it, and thank you the power stones and reviews!

Next chapter