
67. Yeti

Ben is talking with Roubaul in the Guild Hall now about his first S-Class job.

"Your job is to subjugate an S-Class monster that resides on Mt. Jaya's summit. It's an Ice Monster, a Yeti. It has Ice power, so your fire & heat power will be very effective," says Roubaul.

"But the environment is disadvantageous for me," says Ben.

"Yeah, it is the best environment for Ice Mages. Some Ice Mages have taken this job, but no one succeeds because the monster is immune to ice & cold," says Roubaul.

"So only fire & heat that can affect it?" asks Ben.

"Yeah, they're opposite, after all. Other elements might work, but it will be less effective than fire & heat," says Roubaul.

"I guess you're right. This will also be a challenge for me. That place must be colder than winter, so my power will be restricted," says Ben.

Ben thinks about the job & its environment. Cold & snowy place must've affected his magic. But he doesn't know to what extent. So this will be a good test and challenge for him.

"What's the reason for this job? Why should I kill that monster?" asks Ben.

"It has hunted a lot of creatures in the mountain. The creatures there are scarce even before this. Now it gets even more scarce. The Kingdom is worried that it will start to hunt humans in the nearby village. Also, the mountain creatures are the food source for nearby villages," says Roubaul.

"So it's a battle for survival like usual," says Ben.

"It is," confirms Roubaul.

Ben & Bella then prepare everything they need for this job. Wendy & Carla also help them while keeping telling them to be safe. S-Class job is a lot different from normal jobs, so they know it will be very dangerous.

After finishing their preparation, Ben & Bella bid farewell to everyone in the village. Then they leave by riding their car.

On their way to Mt. Jaya, Ben tells Bella to not get involved in the fight. It will be bad if the monster targetting Bella because of her attack. She needs to stay away from the battle and run immediately if something happens.

Bella nods and understands Ben's worry. She knows she won't be able to help and just become a burden if she gets involved. So she will stay away from the battle, like what Ben instructed her.

Ben & Bella then talk casually while going to Mt. Jaya. It takes them 5 hours to reach Mt. Jaya because it's far and the track is difficult. They still need an hour to reach the summit by car.

"Ben, snow!" says Bella excitedly.

"Yeah, you can play after we finish the job, so be patient," says Ben.

"Ok," replies Bella.

Ben finds a flat ground, so he parks the car there. Ben & Bella wear thick fur clothes to protect them from cold. Their clothes are magic items that Roubaul made using a monster fur that Ben killed in the past. It has a heating system to keep them warm.

Then Ben walk with Bella sitting on his head like usual. Ben uses his magic sense to find the monster. Ben keeps searching for half an hour before he hears a loud roar.

Ben gets alerted because he senses the monster is running toward them. It seems the monster has found them before they could find it. Its sense must be very strong to find them easily.

He tells Bella to get away & hide before the monster arrives. Bella nods and flies away to hide behind a tree. Ben gets ready to fight the monster that most likely is their target.

A silhouette suddenly appears from the high ground and it jumps toward Ben's position. The silhouette land some meters in front of Ben. Now Ben can see the figure of that silhouette clearly.

It's a tall & big humanoid monster with white fur all over its body. Only its face, chest, and palms are not covered by fur. The skin that isn't covered by fur looks very thick and tough.

"ROAR!" the monster roars at Ben and shows its fangs.

"Just like the description of my target. You must be the Yeti," says Ben.

"GRRR," the monster just growling, it doesn't seem to be able to talk.

"Well, whatever. My job is to kill you, so get ready for that," says Ben while creating a red magic circle above his head.

"Fire Mode!" says Ben as his body gets covered by fire.

Ben raises his fire temperature, but it's harder than when he used it in a normal environment. He can only reach 2000 Celsius here using the same MP for 2500 Celsius in the normal place.

The snow around Ben starts to melt and it alerts the Yeti. Then the Yeti release a cold aura that slowed down the melting. But it doesn't affect the fire temperature on Ben's body.

The Yeti roar again and rush at Ben. It jumps at Ben while covering its right hand with blue-colored magic. The Yeti send a punch at Ben, so he grins and also sends a fire-coated punch.

Their punch clash and creates a booming sound. The clash blows the snow around them and the hot & cold clash makes small turbulence in the air. They get into a stalemate for a moment before both of them get pushed a few meters back.

"You have a nice punch there," says Ben excitedly.

It's unusual for Ben to fight an opponent with a punch that equals his lately. The previous Etherious that he fought at the S-Class exam is too fast for him. So he couldn't face its punches with his punches and it wasn't interesting.

Ben rushes at the Yeti again and sends many punches. The Yeti also send many punches to meet with Ben's. Their clashes create some tremors that break the snow ground slowly.

They keep clashing and don't realize that the tremors from their clashes have shaken the snow around them. Then suddenly, a rumbling sound is heard from the high ground.

Ben & the Yeti stop and look up at the sound's source. They see a white cloud is moving fast toward them from above. The tremors have created an avalanche.

They widen their eyes and the Yeti run away immediately. Ben also runs toward Bella's hiding location and takes her to their car. He uses his Light Mode to run faster and reach the car shortly.

They enter the car and Ben drives it down the mountain fast. Ben drives very fast and even overtakes the Yeti that run first. The Yeti sees Ben's car move very fast, so it jumps to Ben's car and hitches a ride.


"ROAR!" the Yeti yells back angrily.


"BEN, AVALANCE!" shouts Bella reminding Ben of the avalanche.

Ben realizes their situation that doesn't seem good. It's not the time to worry about the Yeti. So Ben drives faster to run from the avalanche that almost reaches them.

They reach the non-snowy area, but Ben still drives away because the avalanche has become too big and still chasing them. They are finally saved when they reach the mountain's foot. The avalanche can't reach this place.

The three of them sigh in relief, but then they remember their battle. Ben yells at the Yeti to get down, so it gets down and jumps away. Ben tells Bella to stay in the car while he will fight the Yeti.

Ben cracks his fingers and says, "Let's start round 2!"


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1. Chapter 97 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 108 of Transcended as Lord Buggy

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