
217. Acnologia

Ben & Makarov face Acnologia to give the others time to escape. Makarov attacked in the front and tanked Acnologia's attack in his giant form. Then Ben attacks Acnologia from afar using his long-ranged attacks.

Using his Sun Dragon Slayer Magic, Ben attacks Acnologia from the sides & behind. He also increases the gravity on Acnologia's body to the max. Currently, his limit is 70 times gravity, which has increased after he ate Bluenote's gravity magic.

This spell increases Acnologia's weight 70 times higher. However, Acnologia only gets affected a little and it doesn't really change anything. It's as if his weight just increased a little, not 70 times higher.

"His physical & magical power are very high. So this is a Dragon's power," says Ben while preparing a spell.

Ben creates a solar energy bomb in his right hand and throws it when Makarov holds Acnologia's head. He throws it on Acnologia's tail base and Makarov releases Acnologia to back off.


Makarov backs off to avoid the explosion of the solar energy bomb. The bomb's explosion is big enough to engulf Acnologia's body and the area around him. If Makarov didn't release him, then the explosion will engulf the old man too.

"You must be kidding me!" says Ben with a surprised tone while looking at Acnologia.

When the explosion subsides, Ben looks at the tail base and there's no damage at all. There's not even a scratch on Acnologia's scales even though Ben used a lot of power in that attack. That bomb is enough to kill A-Class creatures instantly and gravely injured S-Class creatures.

But Acnologia doesn't take any damage, not even a scratch. His durability must be very high to receive that attack without any problem. Dragon Slayer Magic gives more damage to Dragons, so if Acnologia is fine, then it means his durability is very high.

Acnologia is looking at Ben with interest after receiving that attack. Then he moves toward Ben to attack but Makarov tackles him from the right. Ben snaps out of his trance and moves to the left then charges his Pendragon sword with Sun Dragon Slayer Magic's solar energy.

He swings the sword at Acnologia's stomach and creates a golden flying slash attack. The golden flame flies fast and hits Acnologia's stomach. But just like before, there's no damage inflicted on Acnologia's scales.

However, Ben doesn't stop and keeps attacking Acnologia. Makarov also does his best to hold the Black Dragon while Ben attacks. Their strategy seems to be doing quite well because Acnologia doesn't retaliate.

What they don't know is that Acnologia is playing around with them. They finally realize it when the Black Dragon suddenly pushes Makarov easily and puts his right leg on Makarov's body. He also swats Ben's attacks with his wings & tails as if they're nothing.

"Damn, I don't care if he was playing around if it could give us more time. But now he is bored so he will fight back. The ship shouldn't be too far yet, so he still can chase it easily. I can't let it happens," says Ben.

Acnologia raises his left front leg to attack Makarov who lies beneath him. Ben can't let it happen so he teleports on top of Makarov's giant chest. He extends his hands and a dark purple aura covers them.

"Almighty Push!" chants Ben.

Ben releases a strong pushing energy using his gravity magic. It pushes Acnologia from below but he only gets pushed a bit. Ben clicks his tongue, but then some different magic spells fly and hit Acnologia's right body, pushing him away to the left.

Makarov & Ben are surprised so they look at where the spells came from. They see the Mages who should've escaped coming back here. All of them returned and attack Acnologia together just now.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" asks Makarov.

"We come to help you. There's no way we can leave you here," says Natsu.

"Idiots! We can escape after you guys reach the mainland. If you all are here, then we won't be able to escape unless we defeat him," says Ben angrily.

"But can you hold him off before we reach the mainland?" asks Mira angrily too.

"We'll find a way," says Ben.

"No, you can't. It is clear that he was playing around with you and he can finish you off anytime. If he targeted us, then he will finish you off soon and chases the ship. We will be very vulnerable when we are on the ship. It's better to fight him on land. At the very least, we can use our full power here. Fighting together will also make our attacks stronger," says Gildarts.

Ben clicks his tongue but doesn't say anything. It doesn't matter whether Gildarts is correct or not. What matters is that they are here now so they can only fight together if they all want to survive, there's no other choice.

They all get ready as Acnologia looks at them again. Acnologia then starts to attack them using his front legs, wings, & tails. He just uses physical attacks so far and doesn't use magic even once since he came here.

This means he is still playing around with them and they know that. But they can't do anything except attack Acnologia with all they've got. This is the only thing they can do, after all, struggling for their lives.

They all attack Acnologia from every side using long-ranged attacks. Ben forbid them from attacking at close range because they can die if they get hit by Acnologia even once. So the ones who mainly fight at close range need to change their attacks.

Everyone attacks Acnologia, even the cats who attack him using their guns. Bella lends a pistol to Happy again so that he can attack too. She also lends one to Lily so he won't need to attack using his sword at close range because it's dangerous.

Meanwhile, Wendy is using supportive spells while also attacking. She increases the Dragon Slayers' strength, speed, & stamina after Ben asked her to do it. Dragon Slayer Magic is the most useful magic against a Dragon, after all.

Wendy is strong enough to cast these supportive spells on 4 people now. Ben has trained her for years, after all, so she is not weak. Her spells really help Ben, Natsu, Gajeel, & Laxus because their attack power increased a lot now.

After getting some buffs, Ben makes 7 clones to help them, but not to fight. The clones will help the ones who are targeted by Acnologia escape. They will use teleportation to help them escape from Acnologia's attacks.

Ben also starts to have more variation in his attacks. One of them is how he gathers the ground that gets destroyed by Gildarts & Acnologia into a big lump using gravity magic. Then he throws it high into the sky before dropping it at Acnologia with 70 times gravity.

This attack managed to push Acnologia to the ground and destroy the ground where he stands too. But still, it's not enough to inflict any damage on Acnologia's body. A Dragon's body is far tougher and stronger than they thought.

"Damn, nothing works against him. Just what should we do?" asks Elfman in his Beast form.

"Just keep attacking, Elfman! Don't stop your hands!" shouts Ben.

They continue to attack even though nothing works. Acnologia just stands there and receives their attacks as if telling them their attacks are useless. He shows them that they can attack him all day, and he will still be fine.

But it seems he has gotten bored playing with them so he swipes his tail around and pushes them all back. Then Acnologia takes off and flies to the sky before stopping at quite a distance. He floats there and then he opens his mouth to suck magic power.


The Mages can feel the massive power that Acnologia gathers now. All of them know that none of them can stop this attack. But they can't give up so they all think of a way to defend themselves.

Ben also thinks hard but nothing comes to his mind, until he hears a voice in his head, 'Let me help you, boy.'

It surprises Ben because he knows whose voice is this, 'Smog!?'


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

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I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 252 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 263 of Transcended as Lord Buggy


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