
Fairy tail:Sun Eater(fixed grammar)

Before we begin, I took this from 'https://www.webnovel.com/book/fairy-tail-sun-eater_21090122406408905' and fixed the grammar, so this is not my story. The only thing I did was fix things. The author is Capt_mermain1, and I'm just correcting it. Have a good day!--the original has 444 chapters currently! Ben Cooper was an elite soldier, but a tragedy change his life. That tragedy lead to his death, but it isn't the end for him. He get a new life in a new world, and he won't waste it, he will enjoy it in his own way. He is born in Earthland, World of the fantasy manga/anime Fairy Tail, world of magic. Given the Sun Dragon Slayer Magic by the one who give him this new life. So, he is basically a Sun Eater with his Dragon Slayer ability. ______________________________________ Cover is MC's face that was drawn by my sister's friend. I will post more pictures of MC in my patreon for my patrons. Artist name: Fatma (Instagram:@fatmaqn_) ____________________________________ Disclaimer: I don't own FT and it's character

mujo404 · Fantasy
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26 Chs

New Training Regime

After Ben's big attack, the surviving Lizardmen retreat. There are only a few of them left, and they feel like they can't win, so they retreat. They even leave their comrades that have big injuries. The guild members kill the ones with big injuries but didn't chase the runaway enemies.

Ben lays on the ground and pants a little. That technique uses a lot of MP even if it's just a very small version of the real Supernova. Even the dragon can't make the technique that matches the real Supernova, not to mention him.

'Why'd I compare it with the real Supernova? I can't even match the real dragon's supernova technique yet, sigh.' - Ben

Ben stops his thinking and eats sunlight to restore his energy. Then he helps the guild members who are badly injured and carries them to the village. Wendy treats the injured ones with her healing magic, prioritizing the ones with big injuries.

Ben is also helping by patching some wounds with ointment and bandages. Wendy will use magic on those with big injuries, while the light injuries will only use normal medicine. Wendy's MP is still low, so she can't heal too many people.

"Good job, Ben-boy. That attack is very impressive." - Roubaul

"Thanks, but I'm not satisfied yet. That attack used almost half of my MP, so I can only use it twice. I need to raise my MP capacity." - Ben

"Well, don't worry about it; your capacity will raise naturally. Besides, your growth is already fast enough. Your MP has raised almost 5 times from one year ago, so it's good progress." - Roubaul

[Name: Ben Cooper

Age: 11

Status: Alive

MP: 1547/9832

STR: 40

AGI: 34

STA: 41

INT: 37]

"It's not enough. Dragon Slayer Magic uses more MP than normal magic. Even more so for me who utilizes 2 elements at once." - Ben

"Hmm, so what do you want to do?" - Roubaul

"Can you reduce our job intensity? Give us 3 hunting jobs a week so that we'll have more time to train." - Ben

"Hmm, okay, we can do that." - Roubaul

"Great, I want to train in that cave when we're not on a hunting job. The Ethernano density can help us to get more results in our training." - Ben

"Alright, just don't eat the Lacrima crystals, alright?" - Roubaul

"Huh? Why would I do that? Even if dragon slayers like us eat elements for magic, we're not stupid enough to eat lacrima crystals." - Ben

"Well, I just warn you because the lacrima crystals are solid Ethernano, so it is the same as eating elements for magic power." - Roubaul

"Hmm, now you made me curious about the taste. Maybe I'll try a lick of it later." - Ben

"..... Whatever, just don't get high on it!" - Roubaul

"You talk like it's a drug or something." - Ben sweatdrops

"It's similar." - Roubaul walks away

".... I'll be careful then." - Ben

Ben now has more time to train, and he'll really focus on increasing his MP. He has put more importance on MP before, but it's still not enough. Well, what could he do? It's his first year of training magic, so he has a lot to learn.

Luckily, Ben has an A.I Chip that can help him learn faster. He has learned almost a third of Roubaul's book's essentials. It takes longer than he thought because processing all those magic theories isn't easy. Even more so when he wasn't someone from this world and never got in contact with real magic.

The next day, Ben takes Wendy to the cave again for training. The problem with Lizardmen has finished; those guys won't mess with the village again anytime soon. Now Ben & Wendy can focus on getting stronger.

Wendy also feels the same with Ben and wants to get stronger. Yesterday, she can't heal everyone because of her low MP. She wants to help everyone, so she needs to raise her MP and magic mastery.

Roubaul has told them the best method to raise their capacity. They will need to release & absorb Ethernano, like breathing; it will make their capacity raise slowly. However, they need to gain full advantage of it too.

Roubaul told them to release the Ethernano by flowing it through their body. The Ethernano that flows through their body will slowly strengthen their muscles, bones, veins, skin, everything. Of course, the effect is small, but if they keep doing it, then the gain will be high.

Roubaul said that the reason for this is because Ethernano is the basic energy of the world. Cells that keep getting nourished by Ethernano will be strengthened slowly. It needs a lot of effort, but that's what everyone who wants to be strong did.

Then after they release their Ethernano, their body will automatically absorb it again from their surroundings. Roubaul forbids them to use their ability to eat elements and let their body absorb the Ethernano naturally. This will also train their body to absorb Ethernano faster, so they can recover faster too.

Ben & Wendy start doing their training, and Ben gives Wendy an example first. Ben does as Roubaul said, and with A.I Chip assistance, he can do it easier. Then Wendy also tries with Ben watching over her to stop her if she does something wrong. But she can do it just fine, so he doesn't need to worry.

Both of them train for the whole day and eat the lunch that they've brought. They return to the village when the sky starts to get dark. They aren't allowed to overdo their training and must return before dark by Roubaul.

Ben & Wendy do hunting jobs again for the next day. Then after hunting, they'll train their spells and their other normal training on their usual place, not in the cave. They'll just train in the cave when they don't have a job.

Their schedule is:

1. Hunting Job and normal training at Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

2. Training in the cave at Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday.

3. Rest at Sunday.

Days pass with nothing strange happening. They keep training and getting stronger slowly. After 3 months, they have gained a lot of results too. Compared to their previous training speed, this is faster.

Between the two, the one who grows faster is Ben. He is older than Wendy, so his body can take more training than her. He is also very disciplined because of his experience in the military and never skips training like Wendy.

Well, Wendy is still a child too, so she still wants to play sometimes. She often skips training to play with the guild member, and Ben lets her do what she wanted. She needs to enjoy her childhood too, so it's not a problem.

He is a grown-up— he WAS a grown-up man, so he already has his fair amount of childhood memory. That's why he will let Wendy have her good childhood memory, and he will take the responsibility as a big brother

 to protect her.

Today, they have a hunting job like usual. But when they return to the village, they find a strange thing. They find a big white egg with some pink markings on it. They've never seen such a strange egg before.

"What should we do?" - Wendy

"Hmm, let's bring this back and ask Gramps about it. Maybe that old fossil will know something." - Ben

They decide to take the egg to the guild, and Wendy carries it because Ben is carrying their preys. After arriving in the village, Wendy immediately takes the egg to Roubaul. Roubaul checks it, and he also has never seen an egg like this.

"How about if you hatch it and find out what is inside that egg? You can make it your friend and maybe your partner." - Roubaul

"Ooh, that sounds good. Do you want to keep it?" - Ben

"Yes, I will take care of it." - Wendy gets very happy

"Then you need to focus on it, I think. You can skip your training until it hatches, just make sure that egg didn't break!" - Ben rubs Wendy's hair

"Okay~." - Wendy