
Dragonborn Awakens

-- The Author POV-----

"This beings origin seems to be from the same origin as mine, The Overvoid. No Wonder I felt the birth of something terrifying in this vast emptiness. From the look of it, It's weak currently but its potential seems to be higher or at least as high as mine."

The Author contemplated deeply. Although he had been overseeing his creation, as an almighty being he had never interacted nor met with someone equal to him. He had been here in the infinite Over void, floating in its vastness with no end.

"Hmm... I shall seal this being for now, and decide what to do next after some eons. It gets boring when you are all alone in this void. Maybe I should just create my dimension and live there. It seems I will just do that"

The author decided to create a dimension and went there. It was a beautiful place, where there were birds and there was no such thing as the cycle of life. All the animals created there would be full and healthy with just the air present there.

----Montes Secreta X300 (Exact date unknown)----

Screams of women could be heard in a hut, where some males were outside. Sweating and having a nervous look.

It seems one of the women was giving birth to our protagonist and there was also another woman beside her.

There were two women, one had tanned skin and blue hair while the other woman had black hair with fair skin.

They both had a blanket-like cloth covering them and an old woman helping them give birth to their kids. Both of the women were holding each other's hands indicating that both of them were good friends.

Their husbands were also on their other side, although they didn't say anything. Their eyes were filled with worry for their wives but they also had determination and faith in them.

After some more cursing and screaming. Both of the children got out pretty safely. They both made it out alive with their child.

The old nurse took the two babies and looked at them. She then held them high up, after a while, the newborns started crying and the nurse smiled at this. If they cried then it means they are healthy and will grow up just fine.

"Alatar! He-Our Son, how is he?" Istari asked while huffing and puffing, she had nearly fainted out from all the pain but her determination for the baby kept her awake. She was nearly unconscious and she was on the verge of fainting.

Alatar smiled and a tear dropped down his eyes, "He is healthy as a person could be. Don't worry."

Istari smiled and said, "Give him to me, I want to see him now." Alatar nodded and handed Istari the baby.

She looked at him and said, "Alduin- From Now on you shall be called Alduin."

Alduin was already asleep, so Istari hugged her baby and fell asleep.

On the other side,

Éowyn, who also just gave birth, said to her husband, Aragon. She wanted to see her baby, so she carried him up and smiled.

Éowyn smiled at the baby and said, "You will be named Aeron from now on." Aragon also smiled at this and he slept beside his wife Éowyn.

--- 5 years later Montes Secreta----

"Aahahaha! Come try and catch me if you can Aeron"! A black-haired kid who was Alduin (The Main Character) was laughing and running while Aeron was chasing after him.

"Haa!! Just you wait!! Let me catch my breath!!" A blue-haired kid tanned kid with bandages around his arm and huffed and puffed.

"Too much for you Aeron? Rahaha," Aldiun laughed and patted his back. He was a lively kid with black spiky hairs till his ears and wore a blue tunic with a white sash around his waist.

*Huff* *Haaa* *Puff*

"I guess... I'm not meant to be someone with high stamina and strength like you Alduin. You can even defeat adults. Your strength is monstrous". Aeron laughed it off.

Aeron was a gentle kid with tanned skin and blue hair. His mother's name was Éowyn and his Father's name was Aragon.

Alduin's parent's names were Alatar and Istari.

"Let's go back home, Alduin. It's getting dark and I'm a bit hungry." Aeron said to Aldiun but Alduin seemed hesitant. He didn't want to just go home yet, he still had the energy to play around.

"Mmm... You can go back, Aeron. I'll... wander around for a bit and come back." Alduin replied, Aeron seemed hesitant to leave Alduin behind but complied as he was tired and Alduin is stronger and faster than him.

Aeron walked back home while Alduin kept wandering around the forest. After a while he saw huge shadows and looked up.

When he looked up he was awed and shocked to see huge dragons were blocking the sun and filling the sky.

Awed from the sheer size of the flying dragons and shocked by the sheer numbers of the dragons.

They were all heading towards the direction of his village. He also hurriedly went towards his house. When Alduin arrived there he was once again shocked to see the villagers smiling towards the dragons.

He hurriedly went towards his only to see that people were smiling and laughing with the dragons. The village was peaceful and happy. The dragons though looked majestic and big. They were kind-hearted and didn't attack.

The leader of the dragons was Acnologia and the second in command was Paarthurnaax. When Alduin arrived on the scene, both Paarthurnaax and Acnologia looked at Alduin. The other dragons also felt something.

Something fearful, not like the dragonslayers, but they felt that the boy could drain their very essence of the soul while they felt that dread, they also felt a closeness to the boy. It was due to Alduin being a Dragonborn, but they didn't know that.

"Who..are...you..boy? What...Is...Your...Name?" Acnologia asked in a deep voice, Alduin stared at Acnologia for a long time, before replying "I am Alduin"

"Hmmm..... Who...Are...Your...Parents?" Acnologia again asked in a deep voice. The dragons and humans were shocked to see the guardian of their town and village showing interest in just a 5-year-old boy.

"My mother's name is Istari and my father's name is Alatar" Alduin replied in trepidation.

Acnologia watching this felt a bit of disappointment yet he didn't express it, he felt the dragon inside this kid, yet he trembles.

When Acnologia saw this kid's potential, unbeknownst to him, a seed of betrayal was planted in his heart. It was but a seed that would grow into a tree sooner or later. His potential scared the gargantuan dragon. Yet he didn't know about it.

"Hmm..." Acnologia put on a contemplating face and started to fly off. At that time, Paarthurnaax came towards Alduin and said, "Little...child...don't...fear...him...for...he...protects...this...place".

When Alduin heard that Acnologia protected this place, Acnologia's image instantly grew inside him.

------Montes Secreta 10 years later-----

"Hey, Aeron. What will you do, when you grow up and become an adult" Alduin asked Aeron while they were sitting on a cliff, watching the beautiful scenery Montes Secreta provided.

"Honestly Alduin, I don't know. Maybe I'll become a healer. I don't want people to suffer from the disease. I once saw an old man who was sick and looked like a dried leaf." Aeron looked at the sky and replied to Alduin.

*swoosh* *whoos*

The wind blew towards Alduin and Aeron.

Alduin chuckled at Aeron's answer and said, "Haha, that's so like you Aeron, but even I do not want to see people and my townsfolk suffer. They are such nice and lovely people, sometimes Hrongar can be stupid, Hilda can be stubborn, Jon can act stupid and Damien can be a dick, but I have learned to cherish every one of them"

Their peaceful life would come to an end soon when the dragons would betray them. Such tragedy will surely cause their minds to develop and change but alas, the story must proceed and plots must be made. Life must go on forward and death must arrive. Such is the cycle of nature.

"How about Alduin, what will you do when you grow up?" Aeron asked him in a contemplative manner, Alduin was the most relaxed person you could find in the village. He'd talk with you for hours, he had the strength to fight a bear and win. He was intelligent enough to have a long conversation with the elders, and he was kind enough to help even those who he hated.

Many girls in the village had a crush on Alduin. He had that charm.

"Aeron, just remember that even if something bad happens and even if you have been brutally broken, but still have the courage to be gentle to other living beings, then you're a badass with the heart of an angel. You are one of the most gentle kids in this village anyways."

Alduin said philosophically but then went back to his easy-going manner. Aeron and Alduin both got up and moved towards the village.

Alduin again said, "Something terrible will happen soon, be ready and remember what I had said." Alduin held out his hand into a fist bump, Aeron also smiled and fist-bumped at him.

They both went towards their house and hugged their respective parents. Their house was nearby and they were practically neighbors and family. If Alduin made a mistake even Aeron's family would hear it and laugh.

Alduin came towards his mother and offered to help her make the food. His mother smiled and helped while his father was on the farms. His parents had found out about his magic, more than 10 years ago when he was five and have kept it a secret.

They didn't cause any commotion, although they could say he had magic, the color of the magic wasn't a good sign. It had a black and red aura around it and repelled a very dangerous and chaotic aura. The chaos magic.

Alduin would sometimes flirt with the village girls and sometimes help the village elderly. Everyone in the village liked Alduin. He made his parents proud.

(A/N: Lol, wish I could do that)

---- 3 years later: Montes Secreta----

Chaos could be seen in the town of Montes Secreta, buildings were burning, people were dying, children were crying, the dragons were slaughtering.

The dragons the people of Montes Secreta had trusted so much, turned their back on them. Their very own guardian betrayed them. Hopelessness and despair filled the town.

A huge dragon could be seen rampaging through the town, it had gray scales and horns protruding back from its forehead, yellow eyes, and what seemed to be fur covering its neck.

(A/N; Not good with describing items. Sorry)

[Pic of the dragon]

"ALLLDDDUUIIINNN!!!!" The dragon shouted which shook the entire town. It seems the dragon was none other than the guardian of the town. Acnologia.

"ALDUIN!!! NO!!! Don't go there!!" Aeron shouted at his best friend. Aeron was healing the people while some of the guards of the town were fighting the ex-guardian of the town.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT?!!" Alduin, although heard what his friend had said, didn't listen to him. The guards were dying and he was powerless. He could only go.

"I.AM.HERE.TO.KILL.YOU!!!!" Acnologia shouted, he saw the potential he had within him, and he feared if he learned dragon slayer magic. The dragons would be doomed. He didn't want to take this chance.

So Acnologia decided to finish the boy himself!

Alduin could only stand powerlessly while he saw the fire coming out of Acnologia's mouth. He although could beat 10 bears at once, couldn't stand a chance against the might of a dragon.

Acnologia burned Alduin until he seemed like a roasted human. Acnologia's heart now finally calmed down. He-He had killed a potential threat to his race.

"NOOOOO!!!!!!!! ALDUIN!!!!!!" Aeron could only grieve and held down his heart. He couldn't protect his family, he couldn't protect his best friends, he couldn't protect the townsfolk.

Grief and Hatred blinded him, seeing all of that. Aeron fainted. Everything was burned to the ground, nothing remained. Dragons were on the mountain laughing. After a while, they decided to fly away following Acnologia.

Little did the dragons know, Alduin although looked like a roasted human, his regenerative ability and vitality kicked in. He had been blessed by the 9 divines and The Author themselves. How could a backstabbing nutsack of a dragon kill him?

His body started to shine, and yellow light wrapped him around. The regenerative ability was so fast one could completely see it with a naked eye. The night started to rise. Aeron still hadn't woken up.

Alduin woke up only to see such a picture that he felt this was a nightmare. His chaos magic started to leak and a deadly aura surrounded him. He regained his composure and started to run towards his house.

Although everything was burnt, he still hoped he would find his parents alive, but the plot-- I mean the dragons didn't leave anything unburnt and alive.

Alduin could only see the ashes of his parent's body slowly flying up the wind. Tears started to fall and he was powerless. Now, Alduin had sworn to take revenge upon Acnologia.

*Flap* *Flap* *Flap*


A huge gray dragon just landed in the cemetery of Montes Secreta.

------- Authors Note---------------

If you people are confused about what happened, the Acnologia is not the badass black dragon king, but a dragon just named Acnologia. He was the guardian of Montes Secreta where The Black Dragon of Apocalypse ( Our Badass Acnologia who is named Aeron for now) was born and was his home.

The reason why The Black Dragon King named himself after Acnologia is that dragon slayer magic overtook his sense and made him fall into anger and hatred for dragons.

The only name he remembered was Acnologia so he decided to name him after that, but The Black Dragon King will also be named Acnologia don't worry.

Now, If u have any questions go to my discord to ask ;)

It is: https://discord.gg/V3ATruMW9t

Hope to see you there. Stay safe.

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