
Chapter 2: Nice to meet you

The next morning, she found herself lying in the same room where the guy who saved her last time brought her, shocked and puzzled as she pushed her torso up and rubbed her eyes- that are swollen and looked around the place.

"This is the same place how did I get here ?", she muttered to herself with a puzzled look. "how careless I am not even noticing that I was carried up here... AGAIN. I didn't even have a chance to say thank you to him when I left last time ." she thought. Gripping the blanket and tossed it onto her feet. She was moving her legs up and down alternately and her hands were pressed against her face and shaking her head.

*knock *knock

She suddenly paused when she heard that someone's knocking and the door opened slightly." miss can I come in?"

in her thought " that was him!"

"Uhm... y-yes," stuttering and shivering, and she was looking away

He sat down next to her."So why would a beautiful young lady fall into a pit and sleep inside the roots of a tree?" he asked.

Hanasuki can't look him in the eye - feeling shy.

He tilted his head a bit," we met last time don't you remember?". he asked

"yes!", she said suddenly, "of course I remember", continued her sentence in a soft voice - still can't look him straight.

The boy gently laughed and grinned as he stood up." you must be hungry I'll get you some food."

"wait", She suddenly said " thank you by the way", she said as she glanced at him. " ... and uh I'm sorry because I just left last time without even saying a word... I was so frustrated an -", her explanation was paused as the boy spoke and interrupted her.

"Hey hey, it's okay... its nothing...so calm down," he said with a grin and looked back outside and walked to get the meal.

Hanasuki just watched him leave. Suddenly she heard a gurgling sound from her stomach." he's right I am hungry" she muttered to herself while her hands on her tummy.

The boy came back together with the scrumptious meal he made. He places the tray containing the food on the small table beside Hanasuki and sat next to her on the other side." you may eat up miss", he said with a kind smile.

"you can just call me Hanasuki", she said with a smile and her eyes shone looking at him.

"Okay, then Hanasuki ... I'm Toriko" he replied in a soft voice as he grinned.

Hanasuki slowly picked up some food and one by one she put it into her mouth.

"any way you haven't answered my question yet," Toriko said

Hansuki gagged for a while, rotated her head slightly and looked at him looking puzzled." what question?", she asked while munching.

"What are you doing in the woods, getting traped and sleeping under a tree?", he asked."

"Ahhh, yes," she said as she remembered and swallowed." I was being chased." she said in a soft voice while looking at her hands.

"chased by who?", he asked bewildering as he pushed his face slightly towards her looking so interested.

"Can I trust you? she asked.

"If it is a secret, I'm good at keeping those". he answered with a grin.

"Okay then I'll tell you but please be calm," she said as she looked with her anxious eyes to him.

"yes I promise ", he said as he lifts his hand at eye level on the side of his head.

Hanasuki was looking at her hands." I was chased by fairies".

Toriko paused for a while and his face was puzzled. "D-did you just say fairies?" he confirmed stuttering.

"Please just keep calm", she said as her eyes widened and just focusing on him observing his reactions.

" Why would the fairies chase you?", he suddenly asked.

" I'm half-one of them." she blurted as she quickly looked away and thinking that telling that to a person she just met was stupid.

Toriko was prevented from his position as he blinked two times with his eyes focusing on her.

Hanasuki rotated her body facing on the back. She patted her forehead feeling so stupid and bit her lower lip.

"ooh, I see", Toriko was barely believing." so fairies exist?"

" yes, believe it or not, but I'm half-one of them", she said

"so FAIRIES ARE TRUE," finally he believed" I just heard stories about them from my mom, so are does your original appearance are tiny and have wings?" he curiously asked.

" no, we - I mean them who are full-blooded fairies are not tiny and they don't have wings but can perform a lot kind of magic," she explained.

"THAT'S AMAZING", Toriko said looking very impressed" so that's it? they chase you because of your half-fairy?"

"No not just that... I- I am a princess in our world, my father is a king and soonly ill take over his throne when I'm on the right age," she explained.

Toriko was just listening to her looking very interested in every word that comes out of her mouth.

"...but I don't want to be queen"

"why?" he asked and wondering.

" I was really looking for my mother, I want to know if she's still alive and I want to live as a human," she said while picking up some food and took a bite

" oh, I see", he said as he looked at her anxiously" so your hiding from them?"

"yup", she replied while munching.

"you can stay here as long as you want since I live alone," he said with a smile.

"where's your mother?" she suddenly asked as she swallowed.

"she passed away a few years ago", he replied.

"oh, I'm so sorry I didn't know," she apologized.

"it's okay" he smiled.

"anyway when you're done just leave the dishes on the table and if you're going to take a bath I can let you borrow mine for a while," he said kindly.

"so you're really letting me stay here?" she asked delightfully.

"of course, this can be your room, now rest because you seem very exhausted."

He stood up picked up the dishes and exited the room.

Next chapter