
The End begins

"Zane do you know if I die, the 4 elementalist will come and murder all of you." Allock stated, breathing heavily. "Yes I'm hoping for that to happen, I'm gonna destroy them one by one and then your precious kingdom and the hunters will win the war." Zane spoken aggressively. "I'm going to release HELL on you! Praeter quatour regna elementalist!" Allock said as his eyes turn white. What did you say!? Answer me!" Zane bellowed. "Nothing of your concern. Just know your a dead man Zane." Allock replied taking his last breath. Zane's face looks more calmer and confident. "No your the one who's dead King Allock"

~Inside the castle.~ "Oh Magus! He's been out there for too long. Deros I'm going to the kitchen." Eris says leaving the room. "As you wish young lord." Deros says. ~Down at the kitchen~ "Oh my there's just too much to pick. The best thing about being royalty is the food!" Eris bragged. Eris hears movement behind the counter and peeks and sees someone. "Umm is that someone? WHOA who are y- wait you don't have any wings, your a hunter!" Eris said shockingly. 'And a cute one at that.' Eris thought to himself. "My bad for just popping up in your kitchen. Let me introduce myself.

I'm Henry, the hunter prince. "Well I guess I should introduce myself too. I'm Eris the fairy prince." Eris said. "Hahaha. Isn't funny that we're both princes?" Henry asked chuckling. "Yeah I guess it is. Well what are you doing here?" Eris asked. I'm hiding from the peace treaty- Wait my dad and the hunter king are doing a peace treaty?" Eris asked seriously. "Yeah they are I mean that's what I heard." Henry said nervously. "Shhh someone's coming." Eris said hiding Henry.

"Young lord! Oh, good your safe" Deros said after rushing into the kitchen. "Yeah why wouldn't I be? Deros what happened!?" Eris asked aggressively "I'm so sorry y- your father is dead." Deros said "NOOOOOOO!" Eris yelled, sobbing.

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