1 Prologue: The Fairy Godmother and the Prince

Love-struck and smart princes were a rare species, bordering extinction.

Fairy godmother Jean studied the man seated opposite her, scrutinizing every feature of his face.

(Clean cut salon hair—Check. Well-sculpted nose and jaws—Check. Eyes are brown…and uh…not that tantalizing—Ex. Oh! Her thoughts paused as he smiled at her. Toothpaste-commercial smile—Double Check! And most of all…)

Jean gawked at the wad of cash and black card at the center of the table. Her grin widened. "Okay," she finally spoke to break the long silence. "So you really are a prince?"

Prince Ethan's smile shifted into a frown. "Are we never getting past this discussion? Yes, I am. First son of—"

"Sorry," Jean interjected, "that wasn't really a question. I was just thinking out loud."

Ethan huffed. "Okay."

Jean fell silent again, scanning Ethan's face once more, making the latter flinch. "Can I—uh—just get this one thing off my chest?"

"Is that a question? Or are you thinking out loud again?"

"A question."


"So I can go ahead?"

Ethan nodded.

"Your brothers are way sexier."

Ethan responded dryly, "Thanks."

"You're welcome," she replied with a bright smile amidst the sarcastic tone.

Ethan glowered at Jean who was now back to ogling the cash and his credit card on the table.

Greedy and unpleasant fairy godmothers were supposed to be non-existent.

But now Ethan had to deal with one. He looked at the fairy godmother, eyeing her keenly. She was too young for her profession. She was even younger than him.

(Black hair tied neatly in a stylish bun. Thin face. And lively blue eyes. Really young…Where did all the plump, old fairy godmothers go?)

The image of his Chemistry professor in college flashed in Ethan's mind. As much as he disliked that professor, Ethan would rather deal with her right now, instead of the one in front of him. It was easier to do business with adults.

Also, this one seems…a little…unstable, to be politically correct.

All of this started on his younger brother Zach's wedding. And that one decision made by Fate. A decision Ethan could never accept. And he'd willing to risk everything to challenge Fate's decision and even Fate himself.

With a determined face, Ethan placed his hand on top of the wad of cash. Jean turned to him with raised eyebrows.

"So do we have a deal, Miss fairy godmother?"

Jean smiled and extended her left hand to him. "Jean. Call me, Jean."

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