
Fading Star

In the glamorous world of K-idols, Yuna once shone as everyone's darling, tasting the sweet fruits of stardom. However, when the world turns its back on her, and those she trusted betray her, she's left to grapple with the shadows of her past. Now, Yuna faces the ultimate challenge: can she stage a comeback, reclaim the spotlight, and defy the odds stacked against her, or will she join the ranks of the industry's faded stars? In a tale of resilience, redemption, and the pursuit of dreams, Yuna's journey will captivate your heart and make you believe in the power of second chances. Discover the untold story of one idol's rise, fall, and her electrifying journey to reclaim her destiny while falling in-love in "Fading Star."

Hartlow · Urban
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11 Chs

It was now or never!

As his car glided gracefully down the obsidian ribbon of road, he approached a sleepy suburban town that had once cradled most of his life's memories. Out of the blue, the radio erupted with one of his all-time favorite tune: "The day I was Sun-kissed" by Sohyang. It felt as though the radio station itself was orchestrating a grand welcome, celebrating his return to his hometown. The volume knob cranked up to the max, he joined in with fervor, belting out the lyrics as if his life depended on it.

Just as he was about to hit the climactic chorus of the song, a call shattered the euphoria. Glancing at the caller ID, he saw it was his trusted right-hand, his indispensable assistant. With a sigh that mirrored the countryside's tranquility, he answered.

"Jae, can't you see I'm savoring my well-deserved break? What's the matter now?" he inquired; his voice tinged with amusement.

"sir my apologies, but Miss Park has been calling me non-stop. Trying to get to you she seems worried so I was asking if I should tell her the truth"

From the background of the call, he could hear rhythmic bangs and incoherent sounds.

"that's her sir she has been banging on my door for the last hour"

Kim Hyun-u let out a theatrical sigh, as if he were on the stage of a grand theatre,  pondering his next move. Hana was a cherished friend, but the fragile web of their plan couldn't be unraveled. Only he and his ever-loyal aide could be privy to the truth.

"The original plan stays, tell no one the truth just say I went to America or England, I don't care but my true location should not be revealed ok"

Yes sir, his response was heard from the line with the background of the banging noise.

"Now call me for something urgent ok, nothing less and you go on vacation or something you need it too. Don't just sit around. Have fun such a moment won't present itself anymore ok!"

An agreement was heard from the line before both parties agreed to hang up.

As he cruised into town, he cranked up the volume even more, the lyrics of his song resonating in the air. Familiar sights greeted him, though they appeared altered, as if time had woven a new tapestry over the landscape. It was evident that much had transformed since he'd departed for Seoul.

Meanwhile, Yuna's day had taken an unexpected turn. She had narrowly missed catching her bus, leaving her stranded at the mercy of her limited options: either an expensive taxi she couldn't afford or the kindness of a helpful stranger. Fortunately, people in this town were renowned for their generosity, so seeking assistance from a passerby seemed a natural choice. She had contemplated giving up this job, but her determination to return to school had compelled her to save money, even if it meant taking on any available job.

Today, her task was to serve as a waiter at a wedding reception, and her tardiness sent her heart pounding with nervousness. She was acutely aware of the potential clash in her schedule but believed she could still make it—how naive she had been. Now, there was a real possibility that her wages would be deducted.


Desperation compelled her to wave down any passing car that might offer help, and at times, she found herself halfway into the road. So preoccupied was she that she failed to notice an approaching truck until it plowed through a puddle, splashing dirty water onto her, staining her shirt and a portion of her skirt. Thankfully, her skirt was black, and she had prepared for such contingencies by packing an extra shirt.


She had reached the point of desperation where she was willing to stop any passing car and beg for help. Soon enough, she spotted a car approaching. It was now or never! With determination, she jumped in front of the car, causing it to screech to a halt, narrowly avoiding a dangerous collision by mere inches.


Ignoring the almost perilous encounter, she turned to the person in the driver's seat, a guy who appeared approachable. This was her chance, she thought.


"Please, please help me. It's really important, my life depends on it," she pleaded, adding a small white lie that she believed wouldn't hurt. After all, her future did depend on it.


The guy behind the wheel just stared at her, seemingly processing the sudden encounter. But she had no time to let him ponder it. Without a second thought, she mustered the courage to open his car door and hop inside. She figured he wouldn't kick her out once she was in. If need be, she could always resort to tears to navigate this situation.

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