
the flower bridge and the river of memories

time: 23:00 location: unknow date: march 7 2001

person a: wow same seller from last time how interesting…

person b: they must really hate their children I just can't figure out why.

Person a: I haven't the slightest clue why.

Person b: you know what where doing is horrible….

Person a: if you want it to stop than quit it's that simple

Person b: your so heart-less

Person a: everyone here is….

Person b: the audacity.

*Current time*

We had walked down for about short while until we meet paths with a white detailed bridge. with marbled stepping-tiles. pastel hued flowers grew out of the edges like and over flowing pot.

"Down there is the river of memories …" christen humbly pronounced with her green eyes flooding with the thirst for knowledge salvation and power. Christen turned with her eyes wider ever to look at me. She thumbed with her caramel blonde hair we both stared into each other's eyes. We slowly but surely realised what we were doing and looked away more embarrassed than ever. Our cheeks both glowed with a fresh strawberry red. Our eyes glinted with embarrassment.

"So…. The river usually looks likes like a huge snail trail mixed with water…. Which know I think about it sounds but nasty but it actually really pretty." Christen softly pronounced with a gentle smile on her rosy lips. I chuckled and responded with

"Yeah, I guess that true know I look and think about it." I vocalized in a hush tone while's smiling a toothy grin. To be honest our conversation was the most anti-gaunt and comfortable conversation I've had since father passed and mother became remorseless and sadistic (which I would always be on the reserving end of) . Christens ecstasy of serenity was so overwhelming it had me smiling. and I cant remember the last time I did that.

"Well, enough staring at each other before it gets dark look the suns setting and were nowhere near finishing this tour come on let's continue while we the day is relatively young. "Christen said breaking the mirthful tension with her soothing voice. I grinned and replied "yes while the days relatively young." With a soft chuckle

We walked contently for a few fragments of time grinning until we approached something worth discussion. Eventually we came across what appeared to be a field of mushrooms. Or you could call it a fungi field to be more articulate. The rose red mushrooms stuck up like strawberries on a tasty cream cake (although they didn't look the slightest bit appetising).

"This what I like to call the mycelium clearing." Christen pronounced with an overwhelming tone of joy (as if she was pitching a new sales idea to the board).

However, sudoku swiftly interrupted her and "that's not what you called it last time we showed the new guards around." Sudoku commented snidely with a grin.

Christens face went a little red as if she was hold her breath to stop her from flooding sudoku with insults the likes of which we had never seen before.

I let out a slight snicker on mere coincidence. Christen turned her head to face me and slowly but surely stepped closer. A cold bead of sweat dripped down my forehead it wasn't visible to the naked eye but it was visible to my sub-conscious most definitely.

Soon enough me and christen were once again staring at each other like goldfish.

Her emerald green gazed in my fiery jasper eyes.

"You don't laugh or smile often do you." Christen queried with a deep look of concern