
face your fears.

your own mother betrayed you. you're stuck in a lab like faciality where your forced to hide and fight at every corner what do you do run hide or fight.

exotic_dount · Sci-fi
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time: 23:00 location: unknow date: march 7 2017

person a: tiny little christen Ivanova how sad life's dealt you such a terrible hand

person b: I know some people really will just do anything for money

person a: yeah, I know it's sad the poor thing

person b: you know sometimes working at this job is so sad

person a: you can say that again.

*Back to current time*

"what's that noise- "I muttered

before I could even blink to sift my view, I was knocked out by the smell of poppies and roses.

my body became extremely relaxed in fact I think that was the most relaxed I've felt in a decade and that's says a lot because in 12 years of age as of a month ago. The next thing I remember hearing was muffled voices one high pitch one and one of a young girl.

"There a real looker aren't they." said a cheerful girl in a sort of hillbilly accent

a squeaky soon replied back in a slight jealous tone.

"Not as pretty as me thought, plus the guards are most likely on the look for the little sank." the squeaky voice hissed

"Hey at least my voice doesn't sound like a squeaky duck toy my little sister plays with in the bath." I nonchalantly responded while slowly opening one eye.

To my surprise I saw what looked to be a talking flower with rainbow petals know I imagined some short in-pubescent kid 3 years younger than me but a flower and of any flower a rainbow one

they could see the expression paint with sheer shock I didn't know whether I was dream or it was real.

"Oh god take me." I whispered to myself

the vexed and rainbow coloured talking flower (wow that's a lot to process) skewed at me.

"Little guy watch who you giving them looks to I could knock you out of that of that plant pot you got there and you're done." I hissed.

"Uh boys. "The cheerful girl squealed.

"And who are you again." I squeaked

"Who the squeaky one knows huh." the rainbow flower spat

"Sudoku watch your tone to our guest. I'm christen no need to introduce yourself we already know you name." christens smile grow wide

"Oh of course you know who I am." is said while rolling my eyes

the young blonde girls green and glittering eyes sincerely eased up while contently staring

"Sorry for snaping at you christen I'm just going through a lot right now." I said sincerely

my glittering and fiery hazel eyes meet with her deep evergreen eyes and I popped the question I had been itching to pop they entire time.

"Know where the heck am I." I said breaking the dense tension we had piled on through staring at each other.

the blushing blonde girl speedily replied sounding kind of unsure

"Well right know where in my garden but as a whole a don't know where we are sorry but I can show you around the garden if you'd like." she sheepishly replied.

Great blonde doesn't even know where she even is. I hope I don't become like her.

"So- how long have you been here for." I asked the clueless blonde

I bet she probably doesn't even know how long she's been here why do I even bother asking.

"I've been here for 9 years I'm 12 years of age as of one month ago." the girl sassily said

"Wait really same here what a coincidence…" I sarcastically hissed

christen gave me a fiery side eye with those deep evergreen geodes of hers. her eyes sparkling like green fire or poisoned fire.

the rainbow flower hadn't stop side eyeing me perhaps he was jealous for some reason I wonder?

"Sudoku lets go show our guest around yeah!" christen sang

the rainbow flowers premised face became even more rotten

"Guest? last time I check we caught this numbskull sneaking around our territory and know this nincompoop is our guest." sudoku snarled

"Sudoku that no way to talk to or about our guest." christen hissed in a maternal tone

I managed to gain so strength to walk my walking was very scatty by the looks of it.

"Would you like to help you look like you struggling to walk there." christen gentle spoke

"No, I'm fine don't worry I can walk just fine do waste your strength- "I spoke promptly before interruption

"Oh, just take help you dumb dumb." sudoku hissed

"Sudoku, ok I know we were both think it but you didn't have to say it like that." christen said

"Blah." Sudoku responded.

christen ascended in to the sky in a summersault and landed on the table in perfect order not knocking anything over at all.

"Here we go again. "Sudoku whispered under his breath

my sight of view sifts to the sassy flower to my right who seemed burnt out as ever.

"What." I gasped under my breath.

"This what she does whenever she sees one of the employees or a new person." Sudoku sighed

"Most people say plants is a nerd thing but I think there quite cool I mean…" she continued

"Omg I don't get paid enough. "Sudoku faintly pronounced

still shocked by what was happen I slowly blinked.

"But I think fungi are pretty funny even though mosses can be boss the still have a place in my heart just like there's so many I think it's time for a planta round. "Christen continued

"God end me." Sudoku said

"Angsty teen." I whispered

sudoku gave me the rottenest rageful face I'd ever seen in my whole life the amount of enmity I saw that little flowers eyes were enough to blow me all the way across the globe my gosh.

"Say that to me again and you'll be in the fertilizer also I'm 8 years of age bro." sudoku hissed

"Wow someone had early germination goodness gracious me." I whispered to myself.

Sudoku gave me another deadly stare beads of sweat formed on my though head he obverted his gave to christen. wow what an angsty teen indeed.