
Gimping around the garden

time: 23:00 location: unknow date: march 7 1998

person a: seems as the years go on you can pass as any gender; I wouldn't be able to tell this was a man if we weren't told

person b: true but I could tell this one was a boy from a mile away he just has long eyelashes

person a: why can't you just act your age this why I hate working with your youngers

person b: ouch someone woke on the wrong side of the astral plane

person a: who even says that I don't even hear my grandkids say that.

person b: Jez chill your starting to sound like my secondary school bullies

person a: you had bullies why am I not surprised

person b: hush you're walking him up

*Current time *

"So, what do you want to see first?" christen began to list all the different places we could visit

everything around me deafened I lagged my head around to see a black figure.it almost blurred everything around me and it. its faceless head was blurred and shell shaded at the same time the colour drained around me my whole world became motion blurred as a looked around like it was a photo being edited, I blinked and everything was back to normal. but it was different at the same time.

"Are you ok MW?" christen inquired with a wriggly smile of confusion.

I sluggishly turned to her endearingly confused face. Her smile reminded of a baby doll sheep so innocent and darling. She blinks with a hint of concern and gently. She was adorable. I realised I was staring at her for too long so to break the silence I finial responded to her concerned question.

"Yeah, I'm fine don't worry your pretty little head about it." I spoke nonchalantly trying my best to sound cool.

she squinted like the cinnamon roll she was and opened her pink glossed mouth to say

"Are you saying that because I'm blonde. "She verbalized in a tone of suspicion whiles' squinting

I nonchalantly replied

"Oh, not at all." with a mischievous smirk

christen squinting her large eyes truther and made geeky smirked

"Can you just give him the tour instead of flirting so I can sleep." sudoku said in a slumberous tone

"Oh yeah so where do you want to go first – WAIT DID YOU JUST SAY FLIRTING." her nonchalant tone to crumbled into one of an extremely flustered persons' tone.

"Let's go to the closet place to us and you show me from there is." I replied ignoring sudokus blunt response. Christen was still to intensely confused and embarrassed to understand how smooth me and sudoku were. so, in a flustered and embarrassed tone trying to brush off sudokus comment as we did and crassly responded

"Ok this way." and let a nervous chuckle escape from her almond pink glossed lips while dashing a flustered and or awkward smile, leading us on our way.

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