

"My dear, try and see me very soon. What I saw about you is not good at all." Títílopé's Godmother said to her on phone.

"Maybe that's why it's total darkness while I sleep. At times, I forget all I dreamt of immediately I woke up. And there's this feeling of the end approaching." Títílopé replied soberly.

"Poor child, don't say that to yourself. And forgetting your dream means there's an energy stealing your dreams, so you won't know what's happening in your environment. This will make you forget things easily in real life too. I made further findings about you, dear. It's about your root. There's lot of work to be done. You'll be perfectly fine, darling." the woman assured.

As the phone call ended, Tnec and the other guys looked at each other in awe. They tapped into the calls of Títílopé so they can know every move she made.

"Boss, that her Godmother needs to be cancelled. She's standing in our way." Elok said.

"We'll see to that." Tnec replied.

Tnec then picked his phone and dialled some numbers.

"Ikú, tell the fine boys that there's a big feast tonight." Tnec told the person on the other line.

"Okay boss.". the receiver replied.

"Yhsac, did you dispose that bagger properly?" Tnec asked, referring to the victim they kidnapped but couldn't pay the ransom.

"Yes, boss." Yhsac replied.

"Good." Tnec remarked sniffing cocaine as if his life depends on it.

He then brought out a small gun and took a long sniff at it. When his killing intent rose to the level he desired, he kept the gun back in it's position.

He left the sitting room and head to the last room in the house, opened the door to see a lady bound in thick ropes and a thick cloth used to tie her mouth to the back of her head.

"Mmhmm....mmhm." the lady made muffled sounds and look at Tnec with pleading eyes.

She has been there for two days and no one to pay ransom for her release. She begged and begged Tnec that she's an orphan and was only going to work as a labourer at a construction site when she got kidnapped.

Her sight irritated Tnec so much that he shot her on her ankle.

The lady sprawled on the floor in pains, moving like an earthworm bathed with salt. Seeing her blood gushing on the well tiled floor fueled Tnec's killing urge. He raised the gun one more time and aimed at her chest. He shot 6 times consecutively and the lady stopped moving. He left the room and left it open.

"Elok, Yhsac, go and clear that gabbage. She had guts to plead for mercy when she has nothing to offer. That tramp had nothing. Piece of shit and waste of time." Tnec ordered.