
Meeting Another MILF

Being alerted to the sound of grimm tearing up the place outside, Gojo sprinted outside. Obviously, Rumi, Yoruichi and Ghislaine had followed.

"You three will take care of this to the best of your abilities. If you need help, I'll jump in when you need me." Ghislaine spoke. Her children nodded as they went to investigate.

They found a newly made clearing in the forest. Dozens of different types of grimm corpses littered the floor, and many times that were standing up and charging towards a single location.

Gojo ran through the horde while using Limitless to prevent himself from being trampled. Whenever a grimm noticed him, they instantly attack and began chasing after him instead of whatever had pissed them off.

After passing the front of the horde, he locked noticed a knock-out with silver eyes and red hair. Even her tattered state and wounds couldn't hide her beauty or MILF energy.

Without hesitating, Gojo grabbed the woman and activated his ultimate eye. His cursed energy could sustain Limitless for 10 minutes thanks to his non-stop training while he was depressed because of Salem.

(A.N. His cursed energy will progress quite quickly during the first week or so and will slow down as time goes. Needed to clear this up. Also, I know some people will be thinking he should just always have the Ultimate Eye active when his Six Eyes can only sustain Limitless for a minute, so just hold your horses and wait for its best feature to be revealed.)

However, 10 minutes really couldn't do anything against this horde.

"Ghislaine!" He shouted as he threw the woman into the air. Her eyes shrunk as she started to scream.

"No! If I die here, I won't be able to eat cookies with my daughter!" Gojo wasn't sure if he should be more concerned that she was clearly able to survive the height he threw her to or about the fact that her life's goal was to eat cookies.

Regardless, the woman was snatched out of the air by Ghislaine who picked her up to take her away from the battlefield.

This way, Gojo would be able to use Limitless' full potential while not having to worry about a liability.

Thus began the fight between the siblings vs a horde of grimm.

Of course, Rumi and Yoruichi were killing grimm before he had saved the woman, but he is a core component to their battle formation after their experience with the mammoth grimm.

They all could fully go offensive while using Gojo as a meat shield.

The fight consisted of Gojo running in and crushing the skulls of the beasts with his bare hands while using his Ultimate Eye to ensure that he wouldn't accidentally dodge and allow a beast to hit one of his sisters that would be unprepared.

Both Yoruichi and Rumi were flashing around the battlefield, kicking and punching the shit out of any grimm brave enough to get close. If they were unsure that they were unable to take a beast or if too many attacked at once, they'd retreat behind Gojo who'd use his Limitless to stop them all in their tracks.

After a quarter of the grimm were wiped out, Gojo got a system notification.

[Condition Met: 10 Kills

Reward: Upgrade to 'The Ultimate Eye']

[Name: The Ultimate Eye

Description: Able to see 2 seconds into the future]

[Condition Met: Gain 2 Other Eyes

Reward: Upgrade to 'Six Eyes']

[Name: Six Eyes

Description: Can see everything in a range of 5m. Is able to use the combination of Six Eyes and Limitless for 5 minutes per day. Is able to use Blue. Using Blue takes more energy and thus it'll sap time from the daily limit. Can be activated or de-activated at any time.]

He received two upgrades to his abilities. Gojo instantly felt his sight get much better as he was now able to see more grimm thanks to the range increase as well as Rumi and Yoruichi who were doing a great job thinning the herd.

He also noticed that an upgrade to his eye counted as another eye. Does that mean that he is able to use lesser versions of his eyes? He decided to test it later. For now...

"Girls, retreat!" Gojo shouted. The girls heard him and wanted to continue fighting, however, they weren't stupid enough to stay at the front of a horde while their shield was behind them.

The two of them rushed behind Gojo.

He put his fingers in a gun position.

"Blue." He spoke. The air contorted around the tips of his fingers. A blue ball appeared there; the girls were surprised to see it expanding.

The horde charged closer and closer. The ground shivered under the weight of their charge.

Animals within the forest considered migration immediately.

The horde were only meters from Gojo when he released the beach ball sized blue energy sphere.

The sphere charged against the flood of grimm. Much alike ghosts in Luigi's Mansion, the breasts were sucked into the sphere, forcing it to expand ever larger. This in turn, allowed the sphere to consume more grimm.

No blood or shrieks were heard. Their surroundings turned from a battlefield to a deforested area free of blood in seconds.

The blue sphere continued to advance around the battlefield collecting corpses and feeding itself. The sphere was now the size of a truck.

Seeing that the ball was about to cause more trouble than it fixed, Ghislaine appeared and kicked it upwards towards space.

It tried to consume her, but it couldn't absorb the force it was being fed, it was being overwhelmed.

The ball reached the o-zone layer and evolved from a blue ball of destruction to a small black hole. However, due to the lack of things to eat, it immediately extinguished.

"I didn't know you had such a strong ability." She told Gojo.

"Me neither until just now." He replied.

His sisters were also impressed.

"Woah! That was pretty cool." Yoruichi commented.

"Teach me." Rumi demanded.

"Sorry Rumi, but you need my semblance in order to do that." He spoke as he massaged her bunny ears.

"Anyway, what happened with the woman?" Gojo asked Ghislaine.

"I quickly washed her and bandaged her wounds. She won't be able to leave the house for a couple of weeks." She spoke. Rumi got pissed that there would be a random woman cockblocking her.

"How about we just throw her out to the grimm? I'm not going to wait a couple of weeks to get my full of Gojo!" She complained. Obviously, she didn't actually want to kick her out, but this was the only way she thought to complain at the moment.

"Why would that stop us?" Yoruichi asked. Ghislaine also seemed to agree to her rhetorical question judging by her confused expression, conveyed by her ears.

"We can't just pull his pants down in front of her and start licking him like a lollipop!" Rumi argued.

"Once again, why not? She should be honored to be able to see us beautiful sisters please out man." She retorted.

"..." Rumi stopped trying to argue with her.

"Maybe she might even join in? I wouldn't mind seeing him seducing a white human for a change." Yoruichi's perversion was showing in spades. Rumi seemed to calm her worries down and Ghislaine didn't care who else Gojo was picking up as long as she had a place with him.

Rumi still wasn't sure about how she felt about woman outside the family sharing Gojo with her, but she had a feeling she'd have the chance to see what other women joining would make possible.

The family returned back to the house to greet their new guest.

She was scanning the room from Yoruichi's bed which she was resting on.

"Thank you for saving me." The girl with black hair and red tips thanked the four of them who had helped her.

"No worries, I got a bit stronger thanks to it." Gojo stated as he patted his biceps with a stupid grin on his face.

"My name is Winter Lily, nice to meet you." She laughed at Gojo's gesture. Ghislaine glared at the woman in the bed.

"You were pretty badly injured; you'll probably have to stay here for a couple of weeks. Hopefully, the stay isn't too uncomfortable for you." Gojo was about to say something stupid like, "Ghislaine here healed you back up to shape' but a combination of his previous experience with Salem as well as Ghislaine's expression shift he noticed after she said her name set off some red flags.

"You'd really allow me to stay here?" She asked, surprised.

"Of course, it's not like I can leave a pretty girl out to die after all." He smiles. Rumi punched him in the head which of course was negated by Limitless but she got her point across.

"Regardless, I'll make some food for you. You'll upset your wounds if you walk around so ring this bell if you need anything." Gojo states as he rings the bell on the nightstand.

"Are you sure I'm not being a nuisance?" Winter Lily asks.

"Of course, you are. However, we have enough resources to go around. Don't worry about it." He replied as he left the room. Winter pouted a bit at his rudeness, even if he was only being truthful.

Ghislaine stayed inside the room to monitor their guest.

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