

Gojo could be seen on Salem's throne only 5 minutes after leaving Emerald and Cinder back at Beacon.

Salem was sitting on his lap with only her underwear to cover her body. She treated her throne room much like her bedroom, which made sense considering she only ever spent time in those two places. Regardless, she was completely unabashed about being half-naked in a room where her subordinates could barge in at any time.

"So, the virus is to block off communication to and from Beacon in preparation for an assault?" Gojo asked.

"Yes. I've made it quite clear that Beacon, along with Ozpin needs to be eradicated from this planet. Unfortunately, Ozpin seems to be good friends with Ironwood and having to deal with both at once would be burdensome." Salem replied.

"That's understandable. I'll be there to minimize the casualties of the students though." Gojo stated.

"I know. Have you been enjoying yourself at Beacon?" She asked.

"You could say that." He smirked in response.

"Hopefully your new girls don't mind the Queen of Grimm using their boyfriend." She laughed.

"Cinder and Emerald definitely won't mind." Gojo smiled. Salem turned around, exposing her massive breasts which were hardly held by her black lingerie. She pushed her breasts as close to Gojo's face as she could without covering his mouth.

"So you've made your moves on my subordinates? How do you like them?" She asked.

"They're quite great. Cinder is too stuck-up to admit that she likes getting finger-fucked by me, while Emerald seems to be fairly straightforward with her likes." Gojo spoke.

"That sounds like them. I would've introduced you to Emerald earlier if I wasn't so infatuated with you myself." She flirted.

"I wish you would've, I would've loved a fat chocolate ass and a pale queen ass side-by-side." Gojo finished his sentence by slapping one of Salem's ass cheeks.

"Then why don't you teleport her here? I must admit, I've stared at Emerald's ass once or twice but I didn't think it'd be able to compare to mine. I want your opinion when both of us are ready for you." Salem flirted.

"I'd love to, but I'm not that far along with Cinder or Emerald yet. Just because I can use your authority to fuck them, doesn't mean I will." He replied.

"Oh? That isn't what was going through your mind when you raped me the first couple of dozen times." Salem smiled.

"..." Gojo didn't have a response. Instead of continuing on the same subject, Salem gave Gojo some advice.

"Emerald is far kinkier than Cinder. Try fucking Cinder out of her mind while making Emerald watch. Tying her up so she can't finger herself will seal the deal." Salem spoke. "And film the whole thing. I want to watch it."

"It'll depend on the situation. If the conditions are ideal, I'll even teleport you there to watch." Gojo told her.

"Good." Salem replied before giving Gojo a small peck on the lips. "Now, get back to Beacon. I heard from Cinder that there's going to be a dance at Beacon tonight. You've got a lot of women to keep happy."

"A dance? Hehehehehe...." A large smile grew on his face.

Multiple hours later, Team RWBY, JNPR and GYRO (Excluding Gojo) were at the dance.

"When is he gonna get here?" Ruby asked no one in particular.

"Who knows. His message said he'd be late, but we're already halfway through." Yang complained. She had declined multiple dozen guys for everyone while they waited for Gojo.

"I'm leaving if he isn't here in 10mins." Blake stated while reading a book. There was no reason to be here if her boyfriend didn't arrive.

"May I have the honor, Milady?" Nora extended her arm out to Yang while mimicking one of the guys that tried to get her to dance with them. "I can assure you the best night of your life. HAHAHAHAH." She giggled.

"What a confidence booster..." Jaune scratched his head after seeing his teammate viciously mocking some poor sap. As someone not privy to knowing that Weiss has fallen to Gojo's hands, Jaune was trying to muster the courage to ask her for a dance. Obviously, that courage was crushed.

"Just give up." Ren told his teammate. "None of them are going to turn their backs on Gojo simply because there aren't enough women for anybody else." He told Jaune.

"I don't expect them to, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to complain about it!" Jaune confidently stated. After he finished his sentence, he realized that most people in the dance hall were completely distracted. Even the DJ was simply letting the music play normally without playing with fucking with the light panel.

That was because Gojo had shown up. However, no attention was paid to him, instead, everybody was eyeing the blonde-haired, blue-eyed babe he arrived with.

Ozpin especially, who was supervising the event almost passed out after seeing who it was. His jaw was on the floor, because his ex-wife had arrived to a high-school dance with Gojo.

Salem had applied a good amount of makeup to hide her Queen of Grimm appearance. He had contacts in, her hair dyed, and even pale powder to cover up the red veins that covered her normal skin. Unfortunately, she would've had to cover her whole body if she wanted to look as tan as she once did. So, she had to settle for looking as pale as she always did.

As she looked now, it was as if Salem never turned into the Queen of Grimm.

Ozpin's mind was racing with millions of possibilities. His mind was overloading because of the sheer speed of his panicked thoughts.

However, he soon took a deep breath and calmed down.

After all, there was no possibility it was actually Salem. It was merely a lookalike. It would be completely absurd if he didn't find her doppelganger at some point throughout his countless years of lifespan.

Not to mention, why the hell would she appear here, in makeup, with Gojo? There was no doubt she was still trying to destroy Beacon, so why would she be here? And why with Gojo?

None of it made any semblance of sense.

Therefore, a similar appearance was the only explanation.

"I need to take a break. Please keep the children in check." Ozpin spoke to Professor Goodwitch before leaving the dance hall. She didn't question it, simply accepting the responsibility.

"Well, my dear Queen of Grimm, may I have a dance?" Gojo smiled while speaking to Salem.

"Of course, you can. Make sure to dance with the other girls as well though, this is a special night for everyone." Salem spoke in a soft tone, much different from the one she would carry when in her throne room. Even with Gojo, she was far too stuck-up in her throne room in order to speak like a normal woman, with normal needs.

On a dance floor, with someone she considers to be important to her, a light, seductive voice was more fitting than a heavy, commanding one.

Despite not knowing anything about the random girl Gojo showed up with, his women knew that tonight was something special for the both of them. Because of this, they made sure to keep their distance until Gojo was ready to take another dance partner.

Thankfully, it didn't take too long until Salem got annoyed at the crowd, and decided to sit down for a bit.

"I'm going first!" Yang sprung out of her chair and was ready to run over to Gojo, but a streak of red petals had made it there first. Ruby stuck her tongue out at her sister before dancing along with Gojo.

Of course, Ruby had never danced with a guy before. She was stepping all over his feet and often almost tripped. Thankfully, Limitless is OP.

Everybody had their turns, one by one, they got up and danced with the man they loved.

(A.N. Damn, I write smut novels for a living and that line even made me cringe a little bit. Dancing? Fine. Love? Fine. Combining the two? Ew, degeneracy.)

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