
Extreme Sports Live Streamer

Lu Yu crossed. In this world where people lack wildness and are greedy for life and death, he has become the world’s leading extreme sports master! Shuttle through the prosperous urban forests and go deeper into the most dangerous and worst places on earth! Freehand rock climbing, rooftop parkour, wilderness survival, skydiving without umbrella bag! Cross Bermuda, head to the Amazon, drift around the sea, and wander the polar regions! He is the first person in the world to reach Mount Everest without oxygen! It is also the only man who has hosted a dinner at an altitude of 7,500 meters! He was once rated by National Geographic magazine: “The extreme master walking on the edge of danger, the godfather of the wilderness standing at the top of the food chain!”

Poison_Rage · Anime & Comics
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440 Chs

Chapter 315: Unknown visitors to the island, men standing at the top of the food chain...

In the live room.

Due to the sudden incident, and the lack of alertness of the audience, many people did not notice this change.

"what's the situation?"

"Where is there something, I am a little student, don't you lie to Yushen?"

"My ears are deaf?"

"Feather God, are you too nervous, how can there be any movement?"

"Nima, so scary!"

"Will it be the wind?"

The wind?

Absolutely not wind noise!

Lu Yu is very sure and sure!

There must be something unknown in the bushes!

In a hurry, there was no time to worry about the barrage.

After hearing the sound, Lu Yu immediately picked up a wooden stick and hid behind a campfire, and the whole person immediately entered a state of preparation!

"Friends, this is by no means wind-"

After lowering the sound, the drone's lens turned and aimed at the bush in the front left of the shelter.

At this time, Lu Yu was about seven or eight meters away from the shrub.

Although it was dark all around, it was because the drone had night vision.

Therefore, you can also see the general situation inside.

The dark vegetation is unobstructed.

However, after looking around for a while, I found nothing special.

The seaside shrubs with open teeth and paws are as calm as ever.

As if nothing had happened.

Seeing this, Lu Yu frowned, clenching the branch with his right hand, staring at the live video in his mind.

At the same time, the slow channel:

"I bet there must be something moving inside."

"Otherwise, this noise will never be heard..."

But now, three or five seconds have passed, and the noise hasn't appeared yet.

There is nothing abnormal in the forest.

Only when the breeze blows will the leaves sway gently.

In the live room.

Seeing Lu Yu being so sure, the audience is also tightening their minds at this moment and carefully watching the live broadcast.

But after watching it for a while, because they didn't see anything, they quickly relaxed their vigilance again.

"Feather God, don't you read it wrong?"

"Anyway, the anchor must be careful!"

"Can it be a hare or something?"

"The rabbit is running fast, and the feather **** is coming!"

"Rabbit: MMP"



Next second!

When everyone relaxes their vigilance and chats in the barrage, the live broadcast picture suddenly changes!

Even under the night vision function, it can be clearly seen!

The moment before, the dense bushes, somehow, shuddered out of thin air!


Immediately following, the familiar voice struck again!

This time, everyone can see clearly!

I completely believed in Lu Yu's words!

He is right!

This is no wind!

There must be something inside!

"Hey! Did you hear that?!"

Lu Yu's eyes widened and confirmed to the audience again. At the same time, without a word, he hurriedly manipulated the drone with his mind and flew in the direction of the sound.

However, because the bushes here are too dense.

In addition, the specific position cannot be determined.

After the lens was scanned across the air, only a very blurry shadow was captured, and the specific appearance could not be seen at all.

But what is certain is that this thing is definitely a living creature!

No one deserted island, dark night!

In the dark bushes, a mysterious guest appeared out of nowhere?

This kind of bridge section makes all the viewers who are concerned about the challenge of the landing feathers feel cold in the back and the cold in my heart!

After all, I'm not sure what this is!

If it is a small animal such as a hare or a pheasant, it is easy to handle, but in case it is a big guy-

This is tantamount to a catastrophic change for the unarmed Lu Yu!

"I wipe, there is something!"

"Saw! Saw! Nima, so scary!"

"I don't see what it is, too fast!"

"Now Yushen doesn't even wear clothes and hasn't left Xinshou Village yet, can't he beat this boss?"

"It's okay, Yushen comes with BUFF!"


In the night.

Lu Yu's idea followed the trajectory of the drone and flew far away.

But the result was not satisfactory.

No important clues were found at all.

For a time, the "unknown visitor" suddenly came and disappeared suddenly.

Instantly put a mysterious veil on the island!

At this time, the dense bushes have returned to the past calm.

But Lu Yu's heart didn't let go.

After recovering the drone, he hid behind a bunker on the reflective wall, holding a wooden stick and still observing carefully.

Because the atmosphere became more and more tense, for a moment, even his breath in the live broadcast room could not be heard...

At the next moment, when everyone thought that this matter was coming to an end, the familiar rustle sounded again!

Judging from the strength and direction of the sound, this time, it seems to have come to the edge of the bushes!





The sudden abnormal sound not only broke the peace in the four times, but also made the audience's heart dangling, and instantly mentioned the throat!

"What is the situation!?"

"History is always surprisingly similar. I remember the last time, Yushen was in the virgin forest and also encountered this scene!"

"The last time was to survive, this time to survive, the last time you can run, where will you run this time?"

"Feather: Run? Are you afraid that my head is so iron?!"

"I'm going... will it be a black bear?"

"Ghost knows!"


at the same time.


In the studio.

Staring at the big screen directly in front of him, all the staff on the scene tightened their nerves for the first time, and immediately entered the state of preparation, ensuring that as long as Lu Yu sent a distress signal, he could set off as soon as possible.


The sound of the bushes was very real in the huge conference room.

Every time the blade trembles, everyone's heart will rise and fall!

Because Lu Yu had explained before, without his signal, team members should not act without authorization.

So at this moment, everyone can only suppress the tension in their hearts and wait anxiously...

At the same time, I also prayed in my heart, hoping that there will be no accidents in the live broadcast.


When people burned their eyebrows, Lu Yu remained still.

I don't even have a stone knife in my hand, so I rushed past, almost the same as finding death.

In addition, even if you have a knife in your hand, you can never be impulsive.

Right now, there is fire in the camp.

As long as the bonfire does not extinguish, Rao is the fiercest beast, and he dare not be near.

Hiding behind the bunker, Lu Yu poked his head from time to time and looked at both eyes in the direction of the sound,

I haven't known it for too long.

But it won't take more than a minute.

Finally, the rustling noise began to drift away after a while, and disappeared into the darkness.

Li Yu lay in the same place for a while, and saw that it had never appeared.

This only partly distracted, lowered the voice, and said to the audience:

"I don't know what it is...but I'm sure this guy is by no means good!"

"Unsurprisingly, it is most likely staring at me."

"Fortunately, there was a fire successfully tonight, otherwise, I am afraid I will give up this camp. Did you see it? This is the power of fire, even if it is hungry, it will never dare to rush over."

"As long as there is fire, most of the beasts will be unable to take you. But if not, the situation will be more troublesome..."

While observing the movement in the forest, Lu Yu whispered.

After a while, perhaps it was really fear of the flames, and the mysterious guest never appeared.

The bushes were completely calm.

Seeing this, Lu Yu also temporarily relieved:

"It should be gone, but this is not the time to take it lightly, because this guy may kill a carbine at any time, especially when the bonfire goes out in the middle of the night."

"Brothers, I have to prepare more dry wood to try to ensure that the campfire can continue to burn overnight."

On the first day of my first visit to the desert island, I encountered such a thing. It was a fake to say that I was not nervous.

In fact, Lu Yu really didn't expect that Kojima would give him a ride in this way.



After quietly leaving the shelter, Lu Yu avoided the cluster of bushes as much as possible while collecting firewood.

At the same time, always pay attention to the movements inside.

"My friends, tonight, I have to fight with twelve points..."

Back at the camp, Lu Yu put the firewood he picked up next to the fire and glanced at the bushes again.

Instead, he said to the camera:

"However, having said that, having a beast is also a good thing for me..."

In the live room.

The audience was a little confused about Lu Yu's words.


Is this still a good thing?

Now, if there is nothing wrong, you can only wait to die when encountering a beast. Why is it good?

"You can't look at it this way."

Sitting beside the campfire, Lu Yu explained seriously: "There are beasts, no doubt from the side proves that this uninhabited island has a fairly complete food chain."

"Otherwise, these big guys cannot survive."

"If I can break this food chain and completely integrate myself into it, the source of food will not be a problem. Secondly, the existence of this ecosystem also indicates that the freshwater resources in the hinterland of the island are also very rich. Careful Think about it, if there is no water, this food chain may have been extinct, right?"


It turns out so!

After listening to Lu Yu's explanation, the audience suddenly realized.

He understood what he meant in an instant.

For this small island, Lu Yu and wild animals are at the same starting line.

Their need for survival is exactly what Lu Yu needs for survival Why didn't I think of it? ! "

"Great, break the food chain!"

"Brothers, I don't think it will take long. The feather **** is the top of the food chain on the island!"

"A man standing at the top of the food chain?"

"Old iron, brilliant!"


As long as there is a self-circulation and self-regulating ecosystem within the island.

Everything is easy.

At least this proves that this is not a real wild island.

Undoubtedly greatly increased the probability of survival.

After all, there are animals, it is equivalent to having supplies!

Seeking along their footprints, the problem of survival resources will naturally be solved...