
Supernatural: The Awakening II

The scene continues.....

Eve (the white) was staring at Nelly trying to see what she was up, immediately she saw her trying to cast a spell.

The white kind of knew what she was trying to do because it ran towards her to stop, that's when Nathan and Stella held her down to let Nelly complete her spell.

"Nelly you've got to hurry please we can't hold her down for much longer" Stella yells through the storm at Nelly.

Nelly just gave her a quick glance before continuing her chanting, the more she chanted, the more the thunderstorm increased, soon down came rain.

In the town….

Everyone in the town was all scared, some were rushing home to protect their self from the occurrence, the weather condition was also shown on the news and radio.

Mr. Boswell, who was still at work, heard the news of the thunderstorm and rain came out almost remembering he hadn't picked up his children and his wife was at work too, so he couldn't call her to get.

He rushed took his car keys, got into the car and drove off with great speed and worry that something might happen to his kids, it took him almost close to five minutes to get there.

He immediately alighted from his car with three umbrellas and ran towards the waiting lounge of the school, searching for his kids, after looking for some time, he saw the boys seated but couldn't see eve with them, so he walked to them.

"Where is your sister" he asked as he got to them

"dad you are late" the younger one says

"we haven't seen her since we came here, and we tried looking for her before the rain and the thunderstorm came" the eldest replies

"okay, you guys stay I am going to search for her"Mr Boswell tells them reassuringly

"but dad the storm" the younger says in a worried tone

"he's an adult, he'll probably take care of himself so don't worry"the eldest comforts the youngest

"He's right, there's no need to worry I'll be back okay" Mr Boswell assures his son's before running off with the umbrella in his hands.

Back in the forest…

Nelly was still chanting her spells while the two friends were struggling to hold down eve from stopping her but couldn't because she was more and out of control,

She threw them up in the air and ran towards Nelly and jumped in the air with her hands raised up to smash Nelly, that's when Nelly sent a bolt of lightning which hit eve and caused a bright light that could be seen some miles away.

Nathan and Stella had covered her eyes from the light (during that time Nathan had changed back to human and had some clothes on him), eve was knocked out by the lightening and the bright light, though it took her some time to be completely.

She did struggle a bit with the wolf part of her before dropping on the ground and fainted, Nelly had conjure up clothes to cover up the Nathan took her from the ground, and they all walked out of the forest.

Immediately they came out the saw eve's father frantically calling out her name, and Nathan walked up to him with eve in his arms, it took before Mr. Boswell turned his back and saw Nathan coming.

The moment he saw Nathan, he ran towards him and took eve from him, then checked if she was alright after confirming she was and probably fainted from something.

"What happened to her ?" Asking the three drenched friends though the rain and thunderstorm had subsided already after eve got struck by the lightening.

"We found like in the woods during the storm" Nathan replied to him almost immediately

"How did she end up in the woods" he asked again

"we don't know sir, we were just taking a walk before the storm and while we ran back we saw lying on the ground all soaked, so we brought, and luckily, we saw you here sir" Stella answered this time covering up what happened

"Okay then I'll just have to wait for her to wake then ask her myself then, but first I need to take for treatment and rest right now" Mr. Boswell added as he turns from them to leave with eve in his arms.

The trio just watched him walk away with eve in his arms and looked with a sigh of relief

"we were lucky he didn't catch on to the fact we just lied to him"Nelly says

"if eve wakes she might not remember what so we don't have to worry about the lie"Nathan said

"then what do we worry about now" Stella asks

"helping eve control her werewolf side and keeping her in check while protecting from those evil beings, "Nathan answers her

"how are we going to do that, you saw what happened just now as she awakened, she could kill us" Nelly said in a concerned note

"Then what should do then, leave to handle it herself, so she could go around hurting people, mm?" Nathan yelled out in anger and concern.

"Nathan is right, we have to find a way to help her control herself or else there's going to be death anytime she turns because we won't always be there to stop like we did just now" Stella adds in agreement with Nathan

"okay, but we have to act fast, and I need some rest. My body aches after performing that spell. It's been I last cast spell I feel am a bit rusty" Nelly says in agreement too

Then the trio walks out after agreeing to help eve control her werewolf side.

Back at the waiting lounge....

"Dad, what happened to her" said the second elder brother as he Mr. Boswell coming with Eve in his arms with Eve passed out,

"what happened?" The eldest brother asked almost immediately, the second brother asked.

"I have no time to explain, just get me the car keys. I need to take her and figure out what happened to her right now" Mr. Boswell said to his two sons

"fine by me, I'll just get the car door for you" the first son replied

"But she'll be okay, right ?" The second asked in a worried tone.

"we will know when we get to the hospital okay so for now, let's hope she's okay" Mr. Boswell assures him before towards his car to drop eve in it.

The first brother rushed before them and opened the back door for her to be kept in a lying position on the second brother's lap as he entered too

While Mr. Boswell and the first brother got in the front seat, and they drove off to the hospital, as in the drive the trio could be seen looking at them and hoping for eve to wake up.

At the hospital.....

Mrs. Boswell ran in like a wild animal searching frantically for her daughter and family took her some minutes before she saw them, she ran to the father and asked him in a panicky manner.

"Where's eve, how's she doing ?" The mother asked, panicking.

"what happened to my daughter" she screamed while grabbing Mr. Boswell's collar and dragging it

"slow down woman, eve is fine now. The doctor said she only fainted from a minor shock, so she needs rest now" he answered her, trying to get her to calm down

Only when she heard those words did she calm down a bit

"did the doctor say we can see her ?" She asked again after some minutes of relaxing.

"no mom, he said that Eve needs a lot of rest, so we shouldn't disturb her now until she wakes" the second son answers in a calm tone

"yes we have to wait for her to wake up in other to see her. That's precisely what the doctor told us" the first added, defending what his brother just said

"okay then since you all said she's fine, I'll just have to wait until she wakes up then" Mrs. Boswell replies, finally calming down

Then they say at the waiting corner near Eve's room to wait for her to wake up.

Inside Eve's wardroom….

Eve's is seen lying on the bed peacefully for some minutes, then she starts twirling from side to side struggling like someone you was having a terrible nightmare

She struggled for over ten minutes then suddenly 'Don't!! No!!!' she screamed as she jolts out of her bed full of sweat all over her body

As she jolts out of her, her eyes glowed for some seconds then turned back to normal, she looked to know where she was.

And the ward door open ......

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