
Chapter 3

Sally woke us up by pouring ice cold water all over us and yelling "GET UP!! It's time to get up. We are going to PWDBR!!"

We all woke up shouting and screaming as no one likes cold water being dumped on them the first thing in the morning.

"PWDBR? And how did you get up this early?" I asked.

"PLACE WHERE DREAMS BECOME REALITY!! Duh!" Sally replied rolling her eyes.

"Besides I'm not like you lazy lot who likes to sleep in. And how could you sleep when we leave in a few hours? Get up and go get ready people!" she ordered us.

We all muttered our confirmations and were ready in record time. After having our breakfast and saying goodbye to my family we left for PWDBR, as Sally calls it. We took a train to reach there and it was quite a long journey! We had to walk for a while from the station before we saw a huge sign in front of us on which was written "PLACE WHERE DREAMS BECOME REALITY" in huge letters.

"I cannot believe we are actually here!" I shouted giddily.

From the corner of my eye I saw Ritz rolling her eyes and saying "Calm down woman! We have just reached here. There are a lot of things to experience here."

"You're right!" I nodded my head grinning.

Maddie, being the dramatic queen shouted "Let's get in there. To infinity and beyooooond!!" and ran towards the entrance with one arm outstretched. We all burst into laughter at this and followed her.

Entering PWDBR was enchanting, its the only word which could describe it. It felt we had entered an entire new world, a place where I could finally be on my own, with my best friends and enjoy the experience with them without having to worry about what is wrong or right. What I felt on entering that place cannot be described but it can only be expressed with "Feelings are better than words."

The place was huge! It was surrounded by trees everywhere and everything around us was green. There were camping equipments and bonfires were being made. There were benches and some people were cooking on the huge barbeque grill in the center of the park.

We all were silent and just taking in our surroundings when the manager approached us and said with a smile "Good morning ladies! I am Jeff, the manager of PWDBR and you must be Emily?" he enquired while looking at me.

"Yes that's me." I replied.

"Great! We were expecting you. You are our last group for this day. I will show you your forest where you can set up your camp and do whatever you want. Please follow me." he gestured with a smile.

I saw Sally smiling smugly when Jeff said PWDBR and I couldn't help but smile myself. Beside me, Ady muttered "I can't believe we have our own forest! This is great!"

We followed Jeff and he led us towards the clearing of a forest and turned towards us and said "So this your 'chamber' as we like to call it. Feel free to do whatever you want to for now. We have arranged a couple of activities in the evening. I hope to see you there." he smiled and left us to explore our chamber.

Nancy took charge and all of us helped her to set up our tents and arrange all of our stuff in an organized manner. We finished pretty quickly and still had around 3 hours before we had to go to the bonfire for the activities. I suggested that we go for a trek to explore our surroundings so that we won't get lost. You see, I like to know the place properly where I am staying. Almost everyone agreed except Riya. She isn't quite enthusiastic about such things so she suggested she would stay behind and get our lunch ready by the time we are back.

We weren't sure about her staying behind all alone but she waved us off saying "Guys I'll be fine. Just go and have fun."

We didn't argue much as we were excited about this trek and gathered the necessary equipment in our backpacks and set off towards the hilly area first.

Behind all this excitement I couldn't help but believe something was not right and we were missing something important!