
Chapter 3: I Will

"Bwothew? "


She looks at her brother who was just staring blankly.

She who is still a little perfectly place all the fruits in the wooden table, Lilia then quicken her step as she keeps toddling.

When Lilia gets close to her brother, she then waved her arms right in front of his face.

However, there was still no response.

This made Lilia worry as she stared at him.

Her brother who's eyes is locking to Lilia, made Lilia feel unsettled.

Lilia's eyes become watery as she charge herself to her brother, due to the force, her brother came back to his senses. He could stop falling down.

However, he found out that he was still injured and weak.

That's why he accept falling as also making sure nothing will happen to his little sister.

That's why he hugged his little sister and made sure she won't fall at the floor but to his body.



Wounds started to open again, there is no way for him to remedy it as he knew, there is nothing here, a medkit that could help him to treat his wound.

"... Lilia, are you okay?"

"mm... Bwothew, lilia ish wowwied to Bwothew..."

The boy looked at the little sister who is identical to his little sister in past life.

The boy patter his little sister head as he gave a gentle smile.

"I'm sorry for making Lilia worried, brother did not mean it."


"yeah... Um... Lilia can you stand up now?"

"um. Wiwia wiww fowwow Bwothew weo."

(um. Lilia will follow brother Leo.)

"thanks... Kugh!"


He felt a thick liquid at his back, the thick liquid stain the new clothe he had just wear.

Leo knew that it was the wound that open up.

It was also no wonder how the little kid died in that harassment.

Leo finally understood how the little kid died, just base on the open wound, some bruises, plus his malnourished body.

It was no wonder that the previous owner died, he probably couldn't endure it anymore and his body gave up.

'there might be something else that will cause him to die...ugh... My head.... Head?'

Brain hemorrhage...

It is possible that the previous owner or Leo died when those kid punch his head.

'I don't know much about the cause but I think bleeding can occur inside the brain, between the brain and membrain that covered it.'

So, if the previous owner or Leo did not get any treatment immediately, then he will probably die.

What's more...

'after I woke up here in this world, I was at the end of getting beaten up... Who knows how long it was before Leo died.'

"... Glad... I don't know why but there's no symptoms that will tell if I still have some heads trauma..."

'if my brain is still bleeding, I will probably die hopelessly.

I don' t know how to treat this, and I don't know how far is this world's knowledge about treatment. I am also not a doctor where I could tell the part where it bleed. '

Leo sighed a relief and convince himself that it was normal. He slowly stand up and turn his back to Lilia, hoping that she won't see his expression.

However, that's where he was wrong.

Lilia' s whole body turn stiffed as her eyes widen, mouth that slightly open, her big round green eyes moisten as tears flowed down and trickled towards her cheek.


Leo flinched and realized what he just did, when he look back at his sister, Leo's face turn into something undescribable expression.

It was a mixed of worried, blame, guilt, and sadness.

He wants to hug his little sister however, Leo's eye-sight started to get blur as unfathomable head ache surged towards his head.

The head ache was like a tidal wave, it is not stopping as Leo staggered on his step.

He felt weak as his legs started to give up.

A tingling sensation could be felt around his body before Leo lost consciousness.

His body fell to the floor as it bounch lightly.

Lilia immediately run towards Leo as she keeps shaking him with a nonstop tears keeps flowing down on her face.

"Bwothew! Bwothew!!! Uwaaah!!!"

She keeps shaking her brother who is still motionless. She keeps doing it as she keeps crying and shouting.


..... Up...

W... E.... Up...


"...hey, wake up. Mister."


Leo woke up then held his head, his eyes is still close. He opens it slowly, at first, his sight is a bit blurry but as it got adopted it well, his sight turn into normal.

Leo looks everywhere and found out that he was still in the house, however there is a big difference.

The house before is too old and has a sign of it didn't get clean for how many years.

However this house, or inside of the house is clean and neat, the dining table is smooth and well manage its cleanliness including the other areas of the house.

He was confuse of what was happening.

His mind is not processing pretty well, he tried to let go off the bed and stand up.

As he successfully did so, Leo head towards the door and open it to see the outside scenery.


Leo's expression can be expected, his shaking wide eyes as seeing something unexplainable, his trembling body which it did not expect its situation.

His trembling mouth that it almost grinding the teeth making a sound of screeching.

He gripped the door handle tightly as he can't say even a word.

" there's nothing outside, Mister."

Leo flinched, he closed the door and look at his back.

"... Hey there...."

He rise up his left hand to wave at the person in front of him. Leo also notice that he regain his previous body.

He look surprised but then look at the little kid who's staring at him.

Dark brown hair, slightly big eye, his eyes were green like of a forest, thin body that anyone will know he hasn't eat properly.

The boy looks like around four but Leo knew that this boy is already 6 years old.

"... Leo."

"yes, mister, who are you?"

"I'm.... Honestly, I don't know anymore."

(Zero: Big Leo =B. Leo. Small Leo = S. Leo, to avoid confusing lines.)

B. Leo walk a bit close to S. Leo, he then sat down at the floor crossed wise both of his legs and arms.

He then looked down and smiled bitterly.

" I have no recollection of who I am anymore, incredibly, I still remember what I did in my previous world, how I live for 20 years shit of life. What's more important is that I still remember my little sister pretty well."

"... Mister, may I ask something?"

" sure... "

" why do you belittle yourself? "

B. Leo flinched, his face couldn't be seen as he lower it down, however, S. Leo knew that he felt down thanks to the heavy atmosphere and Gloominess around B. Leo.

"... I don't know what you me-"

" I hate myself, so useless, a good for-nothing piece of trash, worthless, I want to die, bothersome and... Murderer."


Silence came to their surroundings, B. Leo's body hardened as unfathomable speechlessness came to him, he has no way to answer those things... No, is it even a question?

More than a question, B. Leo admitted that what the S. Leo said is nothing but fact to him.

"That's what you feel and keeps saying to yourself right mister?"

"... Haha."

"Mister, why do you think so?"

B. Leo did not reply for one minute before he raise his head and stared at S. Leo.

"well, it's true right? I mean, what you said just now is a fact that will always remain deep inside of me."

S. Leo was silent for a moment while string at him, B. Leo feel unease due to his stare because S. Leo' eyes has no life at all.

S. Leo tilt his head and put his index finger to his chin and said.

" Small step in the right direction, and it will give you chance of a biggest steps in your life."

"... What?"

"... Mister, life is an unpredictable thing, our lives is with us but time isn't. No one can predict a future unless you are an oracle, however even the oracle itself can't tell her fate.

So, mister, what kind of life will you choose?

Will you still walk in the previous path or found a new way path and set there. Or you will remain at the starting point not moving and not waiting?

Mister, what is life to you?"

" What do y-"

Cough! Cough! Cough!

Before B. Leo finish a word, he heard a heavy dry cough from a woman, there he suddenly notice two silhouette in the bed, the little boy is familiar because that's how he look but 3 years younger, and a woman who's lying in the bed with its big round stomach.

"... Mommy, please drink..."

"... I'm... So... Sorry, Leo..."

The mini Leo in the bed shake his head and continue to help his mother to drink, he gently put the glass of water towards his mother's pale lips.

Cough! Cough!

Mini Leo rushed to take a napkin and carefully wipe his mother's mouth...


S. Leo eyes shaken as tears started to trickled down to his cheek.

"... Silly kid, ah!"


"kggh!!? Nghh! Leo! Call uncle Timothy! Now!"


B. Leo watch the seen as worriness can be felt around him.

The woman who's thin and weak is pregnant and about to give birth, B. Leo knew that it would be Lilia, however at that kind of condition...

"... Yes, mommy died when she gave birth to my little sister..."

The seen change and B. Leo saw that the woman is already dead with blood on her crotch, the man who looks like a doctor covered her face by a cloth, the baby is right beside her, the baby was crying as the mini Leo, cried nonstop with snot on his nose.

"mommy... Mommy! Wake up... Mommy! Uhh... Huk!"

"kid... I... I will take care of your mother, she needs to go to the sky..."

"... Why mother will go to the sky? Will she leave me? Am I a bad son? I.. I will be proper and obey mother..."

Mini Leo, after saying that look at his mother, who's face couldn't be seen with a cold body.

" so, mother, don't leave me... Please, don't leave me... Huk..! "

"... Kid, mommy won't leave you nor doesn't want to leave you, your mother need to go there to get better..."

"... When mommy will go back..."

"... Mommy won't go back but she will wait for you, but you not need to be fast to go there, mommy ask me to continue yourself here and found family and live peacefully. "

"... I don't get it but... Okay... "

"... Haha, kid, uncle will help you found mommy new bed... "


The scene started to fade and many scenery keeps appearing to B. Leo's eye, S. Leo was next beside him while also looking.

The background scenery keeps changing however the one who's always at the center is Leo, Leo at the age of 4 help a gardener just to get 5 copper of coins to buy a piece of bread and milk for his little sister, he was the one who name his little sister.

"Lilia... Lilia is your name... I heard Mr. Krom that Lilia means purity and beauty... Un.. I don't get it but I think it's beautiful right?"

"gugugu, hiya!"

"hehe he, Lilia is cute, brother will take care of Lilia!"

The mini Leo raise his little sister up in the sky.

With bright smile between the both.

Then the scene change where Leo got beaten up.

It was the same person and same people, they descriminately beat mini Leo to a pulp, just because his mother is a prostitute and they are poor.

"... Because your mother is a prostitute they treat you like this?"

"it's not just my mother, it's because they felt satisfied beating me, they feel superiority and sense of pride. They said that I shouldn't live because I'm a low life and useless in this world.

" a child wouldn't learn something like this unless the parents itself teach them to be what they are right now, whether directly or indirect."

"Un... They are noble who has sense of pride, their father gain title and power. That's why they have the right to do this."

"what do you mean? For me, before they could act so proud, they should learn where that power came from, they're boasting that they are the son of this and that but, what they are doing is just degrading there title as a noble, though yes they are still a kid, however, their parents is different. Also. "

B. Leo clicked his tongue as if he was pissed.

" just because you mother is a prostitute doesn't mean she is some kind of desease. Some women was force to become like that due to money as they don't know how to live, and found this kind of way, or others who got captured and got sell in this, in short human trafficking, and others like your mother who was a previous noble but... Anyway, prostitute also has human rights, they have the reason to live and has a reason to be respected as well, even though their occupation is like that.

I honestly feel awesome towards them. "

" why? "

" because they fighting their life, continuing, doing their best just to survive, doing it for their families like your mother did, and... That's why they have a reason to be acknowledge for... Not to be disrespected just because of their way of living... And I'm also envious haha... "

S. Leo smiles lightly as if something heavy came out to his body, he gave an innocent smile that made B. Leo surprised.

Then soon a slight tears came off at S. Leo left eye and trickled down to his cheek and chin, the water in his chin fell and hit the ground.

"so mommy is strong and brave..."

"yeah... You should proud of your mother because she did so for you."

"so mommy sacrifice herself for me...?"

" I honestly don't know what happen to your mother why she got in that situation but I can tell, your mother continue doing that occupation for you, even if it means society turns back at her."

"mm..mommy is strong... I should be proud and held my chest up. And shout that mommy is a strong person that has a strong will and brave... Very brave... Hik...!"

B. Leo smiled and hug S. Leo.

"you know thank you for saying those words to me... I just realized, we just exchangw some words like that aren't we?"

"yes... Mister, I have to say you something..."

"sure, what is it?"

"... Please take care of my sister, no she is also your sister.. Can you protect her?"

"... Yes, I will do so even if it cost my life..."

"thank you.. And also, please take care of mommy's grave..."

"I Will."

"hehe... Thank you mister."


Zero: and yes I deleted the past chapters, I found out that it will become limkme a minor spoiler, I know some of you might still remember it but 'some' others would definitely forget about it. 

Also, I fixed some errors on chapter two, I think?... 

Anyways what do you guys think? 

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