
Extra in The Student Council

[This is a work of fiction, The characters, organizations, and names are fictional and have no real relation to any real people, it's all a coincidence] [The image above wasn't mine, if the owner doesn't want me to use it, please let me know] [English isn't my mother language so grammar is suck. I used tool to help me correct my grammar as I don't have editor nor the fund for one] [Everything except for the MC belonged to their creator]

Lhometo · Anime & Comics
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44 Chs

41. Don't worry, you're on the best boat.

Extra in The Student Council

41. Don't worry, you're on the best boat.

It happened a while after the student council's members dispersed and left Shuu's residence. Not long after, Aoi gave him and Ai some space and left. 

Shuu and Ai, in their casual clothes, were having their blissful time together, watching movies that were left on their watch list one by one. They were busy with their own lives, so it's actually quite rare for them to have free time at the same time as this.

On the comfy sofa that can transform into a bed, Shuu sat with Ai sitting between his legs.

No, they weren't doing any spicy things. Rather than that, Shuu simply put his hands around her waist, and they felt each other's warmth. Sometimes Shuu would rest his head on her shoulder and nape. Ai would lean on his body and sometimes playfully nudge him with her head just to annoy him, which resulted in her being tickled by Shuu. 

and right now, while the TV is still showing a movie. Shuu is fiddling with Ai's hair while she sits up straight. Ai's hair was braided on the right side, and he was currently braiding the left side.

Ai purposefully moved her head, which messed up the perfectly arranged hair on his hand. He frowned but said nothing and gently rearranged it, rebraiding it again. She laughed to see that he was so preoccupied with his hands that he had forgotten to watch the movie.

Ai didn't understand, but just doing something as simple as this kept her heart warm. So she selfishly wished for this time to continue forever.

It was only when his private smartphone rang that Shuu turned his attention away from her hair. Of course, it was only after he tied the half-braided hair that he went to his smartphone.

Looking at her half-braided left-side hair, Ai giggled again at her weird hairstyle.

"Is this a game? that you could just save and continue later?" She complained, yet she didn't do anything about it. Ai gently drew her strange hairstyle closer to her smiling face.


"Hello," Shuu answered the call after he checked the caller's identity. 

"Sorry for calling you at this time. Katsuragi-san, are you busy right now?" It's not that late in the night, but some time has passed after dinner too. so it wasn't the right time to call others.

"No, I'm quite free now, Shinomiya-san. What's the matter?" At first, he wanted to end the call quickly, but hearing Kaguya's quite unconfident voice changed his mind.

"Um…." Kaguya hesitated for a moment. "Can we meet and talk?"

"Right now?" Shuu replied. His words instantly reminded Kaguya of her unreasonable request.

"Tomorrow will also be fine," Kaguya quickly added.

"I'm fine right now, but can I bring another person?" Shuu asked. It would be troubling if he went there with another person without her knowing, and Kaguya decided not to say anything because of the third party. "It's the maid from before," Shuu said. (It's not like I can leave her alone) Shuu thought.

Kaguya fell into silence again for a few moments. "...you can" she seemed a bit reluctant yet decided to agree with Shuu's demand anyway.

(It looks like she's really troubled this time.) Shuu speculated.

"Alright, then can you go out at this time?" Shuu asked about his other concern. Unlike him, Kaguya's freedom was limited. "Do you want me to visit your mansion?"

"No, I should be fine," she replied. "I can go out."

"Ugh!" Shuu unconsciously blurted it out. "I felt like a certain someone was going to chew the hell out of me after this. Anyway, send me the time and place. See you later." Then Shuu cut the call and went back to his place beside Ai. He continued braiding her hair while telling her what had happened. It was only after he finished braiding her hair that Shuu and Ai left for the meeting place.


Shuu's mouth started to twitch as soon as they got to the meeting spot. It seemed this place was recommended by Kaguya's personal maid. Shuu looked at the sign.

'Cafe Stella' 

(It's a cafe for teenagers, but why is it open till this late?!) Shuu retorted.

As soon as they walked in, they discovered Kaguya. Shuu observed the cafe once more because the atmosphere seemed different. There's no longer those cute and frilly waiters. There's only the master behind the bar counter. There's other customers with alcohol in their hands, and there's also some college students with milkshakes and other sweet drinks.

(So, it became this kind of half-elegant bar at night.) Shuu quickly understood why it's still open at this time.

"Sorry for calling you at this time." Kaguya apologized again when Shuu and Ai arrived at her table.

"It's fine," Shuu replied as he and Ai sat in front of Kaguya.

Then a few moments of silence passed. Kaguya didn't speak up right away because she expected a waitress to approach them. Shuu also understood, so he didn't say anything too and just discussed the menu with Ai.

Then, when the waitress arrived with Kaguya's coffee, Shuu was able to see her up close. Unlike the cute maid outfit, the waitress wore a calm Victorian maid outfit, which exudes more calmness and elegance.

(This type of maid outfit is also not bad.) Shuu unconsciously nodded and approved.

It was then that he felt a gaze drilling a hole in him. Knowing the source, Shuu finally sees the waitress's face.

"...." Shuu was speechless. It's the same young lady. 

(Why is it always her?)

Shuu looked around again, and sure enough, he found another white-haired waitress. There were other waitresses here besides the one in front of him.

Regardless, Shuu disregarded her stare and gave the

"I want a cup of coffee," he said, turning to Ai.

"I also want the same," Ai added.

"Are you sure?"

"Un," Ai nodded. "It's late. I don't want my manager to scold me later" she explained and pouted when she remembered her manager nagging.

"Ah, that manager." Shuu nodded understandingly. (I guess he was always thinking the best for her.) Then he patted and gently stroked her head to improve her mood with one hand while he faced the waitress. "That's all"

The waitress said, bowing, "I have respectfully received your request," but not before taking one last glance at Shuu and Kaguya before heading out of their table.

"I'll wear one for you later." Shuu was caught off-guard when someone suddenly talked into his ear. Knowing there's only one person who could do that at the moment, Shuu slowly turned and saw Ai's lips playfully curled upwards. 'I know what you're thinking' was written on her face.

Shuu was dumbfounded for a second before he silently nodded, leaving her giggling.


For the individual called Shinomiya Kaguya, Shuchiin student council was like a dream. It was the place she had always dreamed of since childhood.

It was the place where she could be just a Shinomiya Kaguya instead of the lady of the Shinomiya household.

And she didn't want to lose that place.

Kaguya gently rubbed the coffee cup rim with her finger for a few moments to gather up her will.

"I want you to enter the student council's president election." She stared straight into Shuu's eyes.

Kaguya pondered how to not lose or change that dream-like place called the student council. and there are two necessary requirements for that to happen.

The first requirement was, without a doubt, for someone from the current student council to be elected as the next president.

And second, once that person became the president, they had to choose the same person as the student council members.

Kaguya didn't think the other members would reject being the new student council members as long as the president was someone they knew, so she wasn't really bothered about the second requirement.

However, the second requirement was the problem.

From the current members, there are only three people Kaguya thought had an almost 100% chance to become the next president.

She's sorry to say it, but it's a fact that it would be hard for Fujiwara Chika and Ishigami Yuu to get votes if they tried the election.

Meanwhile, it's easy for Miyuki to be re-elected as president with so many achievements behind him. Kaguya, on the other hand, did not want that. There is only so much benefit for Miyuki to be re-elected. She didn't want to put him through that for such little gain because of her own selfishness.

Kaguya knew she could become the next president and choose Miyuki as her vice president, yet she also knew that with his personality, Miyuki would take more responsibility than his position as vice president, so whichever way Miyuki ended up, he would have to bear problems because of her selfishness.

It was a contradiction. Kaguya's feeling was that she wanted to spend more time in this student council with Miyuki and other members, yet at the same time, she didn't want to trouble Miyuki with any more problems from her selfishness.

However, there's still a chance that Kaguya will be able to accomplish both simultaneously.

Kaguya observed the third person who could become the next president and the only one who could solve her problem.

Katsuragi Shuu was getting his order from the waitress at the time, but there was no sign of friendliness like the one Kaguya received between him and the waitress.

(Is the waitress one of his women's problems?) Kaguya pondered. She was also aware of the rumors about his frivolity in middle school.

(His personality was questionable, but he's undoubtedly capable.) She sighed.

Whether he becomes president and she becomes vice president, or vice versa, there will be nothing left for Miyuki with the two of them. Though Shuu would have more work and Miyuki less, the student council would remain the same. Whether it's inconvenient for Shuu or more problems come to him, it wasn't her problem. Therefore, it's the best possible outcome for Kaguya.

The last hurdle before her vision came true was this. How will she convince him?

"I get it. I will participate in the election, Shuu replied.

Kaguya continued, "I know the president's seat may be useless for you, but—" before her voice gradually faded. "What did you say?" She was worried that she might have a hearing issue.

"I said I would participate in the election."

Kaguya's brain instantly malfunctioned. She already has as many possible scenarios in her head and knows how to tackle them just to convince him.

(Why has it always gone haywire with him?!)

(Why did he never go according to the plan?!)

Kaguya was stressed. He's supposed to reject her, and then Kaguya will reveal her true intentions for him to be her vice president. (It's a basic negotiation technique to stack higher than what you truly want!)

"I'll run the election, but I do have some conditions." Shuu smirked evilly.

"Kuhh," Kaguya wanted to smack that face instantly. She hated that it didn't go according to her plan, yet this chance was too good for her to back down.

"Sighh." She let out a heavy sigh. "Do tell."

Shuu smiled wildly upon hearing her answer. "Don't worry, you're on the best boat," Shuu replied.

It is time to end this story.


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