
Introduction: 1804

The birds chirped outside of my home with the calls of horses and rolling of carts on the stone pavement. I struggled to get out of my bed because of how comfortable it was. Truly was irresistible to be awoken.

Though the call of my younger brother did so. He came bursting through the wooden door yelling out my name in excitement. "Jarrod! Why aren't you awake, today's the day!"

"Could you give me more time to rest, it isn't even today."

"But it is! I see them gathering outside in the street!"

I jumped out of my bed and rushed to get ready as I cursed to myself on not keeping track. "Where did you see them last?" I said, putting on my clothes.

"They were out buying rations."

"Shit." I mumbled as I was packing everything and when I was about to go out of the door,

"Thanks for waking me up!" I thanked him, my 16 year old brother.

I got out to see my mother cooking some breakfast. "Look who overslept on such an important day!"

"I'm so sorry, I didn't think it was today and thought that–" She laid down the food on the table and urged me to eat first.

I sat down and started to eat the meal she prepared as my younger brother came to sit down right next to me.

While in the midst of eating. My brother asked me, "When are you going to come back?"

I was going to answer before my mother came with his meal and said, "It's going to be a long time before we get to see him again


"Yeah! Since our president bought the new land from the French, there are multiple expeditions happening around the 13 states!" I ate the egg from my dish, "It's going to take years for it all to be explored."

"That is why we must enjoy this moment before he leaves." Mother said, putting her dish down and we started to eat.

I finished my meal first as my brother had only a quarter left and my mother half. I got up and started to get ready, approaching the door and thanking them for the meal.

"Be careful on your journey." Mom said as my young brother hugged me.

"I'll come back without a single scratch, don't worry." I grabbed my hat and exited the house as I ran down the street of the town. Not many people walked down this street this early which gave some space for us expeditioners. I was the journalist of the group that I'm going to be with, recording what we find and document it. I got to the market area and slowed down when I saw the group of soldiers, a wagon with our supplies and the two main people that were hired to do this expedition.

I panted as I caught up to them as one of them noticed and said, "You Jarrod?"

"Yes, I am. Sorry if I was late."

"No, you're just in time. We were finalizing our list and we're just about to leave."

"Oh thank god."

"Now come on in the wagon, we have plenty of space for 5 people."

I got into the wagon and took a book and pencil out of my bag and started documenting our departure. I looked back at the town I grew up in and smiled.

I am 22 years old and already on the move, that's amazing.

Please notify me and comment if you want more of this and I’ll gladly give! Thank you for reading!!!

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