
Exploring the Multiverse with a HI3 System

Same old trope; Our guy was reincarnated as a 10-year old and arrives on a Medieval setting anime with memories from his past life. For a long time he thought he would have to live the current life he had, turns out fate had other plans for him. As usual, everything other than the OCs that I may introduce other than the MC belongs to their respective owners.

RequiemofGhoul · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Going out and Meeting Red

Previously, after finally reaching LVL 10, Sora then summoned a Valkyrie with the {S-rank Valkyrie Option ticket} that he received from the higher beings. As for who the Valkyrie was? It was none other than Durandal, in her Bright Knight: Excelsis battlesuit.

"Then, please take care of me, Durandal." Ending their handshaking, Both Sora and Durandal looked at each other for a long time, making for an awkward atmosphere.

*Cough* "Uhhmm, if you don't mind Miss Bianka, I would like to explain your being here now. Shall we move on to the Dorms?" Being the smart AI that she was, Ai-chan fake-coughed to get the attention of the two, which she did, and decided to bring them to the {Dorms} in the Hyperion. The two also agreed and followed after the floating loli.

"Ehh? I also unlocked that area?" Blinking twice, Sora was surprised that he also unlocked the Dorm area of the ship. "Actually, the Dorms automatically unlock after you get your first Valkyrie, captain, since, where would the Valkyries stay in the ship? (-__- )" Earning a deadpan look from the AI for the first time, Sora could only laugh awkwardly. "Well, couldn't I bring them with me outside? Sure the others would ask and be suspicious, but nothing a few personally cooked meals of mine can't fix." Puffing out his chest and raising his chin, Sora is rather proud of his cooking skills. Back in his previous life, he was pretty much above average when it comes to cooking, so he often cooks for his family.

*Sigh* 'Although I'm pretty happy with all this, my family back in my previous world should still be sad because of my death. I pray that they will move one, but still remember me in passing. That's good enough for me.' Suddenly remembering about his past life, Sora became a bit sad, since he does love his family. Sure they were strict with him, even after he was able to get a job for himself, but he at least knew that it was all for him, and that was their way of showing that they care for him.

"Sora? Are you alright?" Turning his head, Sora can see Durandal match his pace and looked at him, although with a stoic face. For those who don't know, although she has that bodacious bod, Bianka Ataegina or Durandal is only 16 yrs. Old. Yes, she has a body of a woman who's 20+ biologically, but due to an incident of entering the Sea of Quanta together with Rita, some time passed, and when they appeared again, they were already in their current physique. So even though she's trying to act mature, which is pretty good, Sora knew that she easily gets worried about others, no matter how much she shows herself as a stoic person. Plus, Sora already had 5 years of experience in handling a stoic person, so he can easily tell the difference.

*Nods* "Mmhmm. I'm fine; I just remembered something from the past. Thanks for worrying about me, Bianka." Not wanting her to worry further, Sora decided to focus on the now and would reminisce again, at the proper place…and at the proper time.

*Nod* "If you say so." Seeing as the man beside her was already in high spirits, Durandal just nodded her head and focused on where they were going. "So, Durandal, can you tell me the last thing you remember before 'sleeping'? I'm interested in where you actually came from. "

In-game, the introduction of the two absolute places: The Sea of Quanta and The Imaginary Tree introduced the players to a variety of lore that the characters of HI3-verse can or could possibly have had. Forums debating on a particular past of a specific character could contain many different kinds of theories and speculations. And with the storyline and short animation of Chapter 28, the possibilities involved around the Imaginary Tree grew even more.

(A/N: This is my personal speculation on the matter, although I did skip on a few chaps and played chap 28, I already formed my own theory about it. Nothing serious, as it's just a theory after all)

"Hmm…Well, the last thing I remember was me taking Kiana away, and bringing her to the Schicksal base in North Africa, I was resting after a round of experimentation with the 2nd Divine Key, and next thing I know, I was in that pod, waking up because I heard Ai-chan's voice." Adopting a thinking posture with her right hand on her chin and supporting her right arm with he left arm, Durandal narrated what she last remembered before waking up within the pod. 'Ahh, so she's from one of the timelines where she just retrieved Kiana after she saved Arc City. What I'm interested in knowing though, would the timeline where she came from freeze, or just keep on moving, forgetting her existence.' If it were the prior, Sora would be fine with it, but if it turned out the latter, then he would be guilty of taking Bianka's existence from that particular timeline.

"Ohh about that captain, the higher beings basically make a copy of the souls of the Valkyries and recreates them here, where you would be able to summon them."

"So, I'm just some copy of the original then?" Hearing Ai-chan's explanation, Bianka felt something stir within her. The concept of being a copy didn't really sit well with her, although she doesn't know why.

"Well, yes and no. Yes, you are indeed a copy of the original, but right now, you are you."


"What Ai-chan is saying, Bianka, is that you are already a unique existence yourself. The 'you' that I am interacting with, am talking with right now, you are already your own version of Bianka Ataegina, the same as all the others, and even the original you were copied from, within the infinite realities present in the Imaginary Tree. That's why, Bianka Ataegina, do not fret, you, are you. Well, I don't know if I explained that correctly, but that is how I understand it. Haha.*Chuckles*"

"…" After hearing Sora's, the man in front of her, explain that she was not simply just a copy; the moment she opened her eyes and interacted with someone, she herself became her own version among the infinite 'Bianka Ataeginas' that could or would exist within the Imaginary Tree.

(A/N: If this does not make sense, then just take it as a demented person's rambling. XD)

"Thank you, Sora. That makes me feel much better." Stopping for a bit, Durandal faced Sora and showed him a very warm smile, something that mesmerized Sora completely. "…Beautiful." Was the only word that Sora was able to mention seeing her in her current expression.

"…Thank you for the compliment. Shall we move on?" Blinking twice after hearing Sora compliment her, Durandal only bowed her head towards him and moved on. 'Ahaha…That's Dudu for you.' Sora can only shake his head with a wry smile on his face.

"Wait, Miss Bianka! The Dorms are on the other way!"

"Ohh…Then please lead the way, Ai-chan."

*Chuckles* "Hey wait for me." Seeing the two interact, Sora chuckled a bit, and then hastened his pace to catch up to them.

(A few minutes later)

The trio can be seen in front of two, huge steel doors. There's also an electronic name board above the doors with the word 'DORMITORY' sliding on the board. Sora and Durandal then noticed Ai-chan raising her left hand, where white circles then appeared around it for 5 seconds before disappearing, which then after, the two huge doors opened, showing them a lobby-type room. Sora then saw several contraptions that were present in-game; such as the reactor that can be seen via the see-through tempered glass floor in the middle of the room, a treadmill and two human-sized tubes with purplish and amber-colored glass. It also had a reception area that had a vending machine filled with various types of drinks on the side. There's also a counter that had a mini board on top, showing various types of desserts and tea, while inside a see through display, an assortment of pastries and cakes can be seen.

"Well, here we are! Welcome to the dormitory! Where we are currently is the dorm lounge, where the captain and Valkyries can relax or exercise, or hold meetings since, it wouldn't be appropriate to use the other rooms for formal occasions. From here you can see two other rooms, the master bedroom and the guest bedroom. Captain can add in other necessities or furniture later, but the dorm already has the basic ones; such as sofas, chairs, tables, refrigerators, kitchen equipment, wardrobes, and most importantly, beds. Ohh, and of course, bathrooms for both rooms." While explaining, Ai-chan toured Sora and Durandal around the dormitory, and seeing that the necessary basic stuff are present, he was satisfied.

"Good. At least I won't have to bother with the furniture for the time being. It would be pretty troubling to explain if I order them and someone asks where they went. Though if I order them from somewhere else, it wouldn't be too much of a problem, I guess."

*Nods* "Humu. Well then, do you have any orders for me, captain?" Seeing as everything for her accommodation is already taken care of, Durandal turned to face Sora, asking him for orders since, she would feel uneasy not doing anything. And since she was already stuck being with Sora, she might as well do her best to help him in his endeavours.

"Hmm…Well, for now, I guess, nothing? There's really nothing that would require me to ask for your help on the outside Durandal, since this world is pretty peaceful after all." Adopting a thinking pose, Sora really just can't think of anything that would need Durandal's 'expertise'. Plus, if he brings Durandal out and meets up with the gang, he would be pressed to think for a reason on where Durandal came from. Not to mention, he would be eyed by Kiki and frankly, her stares hurt.

"I see. I'll be here when you need me then, Sora."

"Un. Is there still anything I need to do, Ai-chan?"

*Shakes head* "No, that would be it for now captain. Although, I guess I'll stay back and accompany Miss Bianka. Ohh, if captain wants to go out, just close your eyes and think of returning back."

"Alright, thank you. I'll see you two in a bit." Waving his hand, Sora then receives a curt nod from Durandal and a cute, fast one from Ai-chan. He then thinks of going back to his room, and when he opens them, he's already back in his own room. Checking the time with a pocket watch, he sees that barely any time passed since he tp'ed to the Hyperion. Letting out a sigh, he then checks if everything is in order, then sets out to rendezvous with Kiki, Mitsuhide, and Zen at the castle gate.

(A few minutes later)

5 people can be seen on the gates of the Clarines Kingdom's castle; Two men wearing guard outfits, one vicenarian man and woman wearing formal outfits respective of their gender, along with one sword each on their hips, and one 19-ish looking teen, similarly wearing a formal outfit with a sword that had a sheath with an insignia strapped to his side. The three are Mitsuhide, Kiki, and Zen, who were waiting for Sora to appear, while the remaining two are the pair of castle gate guards that like to gossip in the series.

"Where is he? We won't be able to explore much if we don't leave early." Zen, with arms locked on his chest, taps his index finger on his shoulder, clearly impatient and wanting to start their well-deserved break.

"Now, now. He should be on his way here. Be patient for a bit more." Said Mitsuhide, coaxing Zen into waiting a little bit more.

They didn't have to wait long. A few moments later, the silhouette of Sora can be seen approaching them. Zen then waived his right hand and urged Sora to hurry up. "Heey! Move those feet faster or else, we won't be able to enjoy this break! Sheesh, he walks like an old man." Even after Zen urged Sora to move faster, Sora still moved on his same leisurely pace. His left eye did twitch a bit after he overheard Zen's snide remark.

"Hey! I resent that statement. I'm merely taking in everything I can see and feel at this moment, enjoying myself. I'm not too gung-ho about expending too much energy just to be able to explore more when our purpose for this outing is relaxation." Sora declared adamantly; he couldn't be bothered to walk faster when he can do it at his own pace.

*Giggles* "And that, my dear Sora, is the very definition of an old man." Kiki quipped, who was smiling at this lover of hers. He can be really lazy like this sometimes, but that's just one of the many things that made her fall for him. Hearing his lover's remark, Sora was tongue-tied, finding no denying what she just said.

*Cough* "Well, shall we go then?"

""Yeah!"" Replied the other three. And so they went on their little outing, talking about stuff that they didn't normally see. They also heard quite a few of Sora's stories, since it wasn't a secret that he wasn't from within the Clarines Kingdom.

(A few hours later)

"Should we take a break? We've been walking for quite a while now." Looking up, Sora could tell it was nearing noon time, and they were already far from the nearest town, although he did notice that they weren't too far from the borders of the Kingdom of Tanbarun.

(A/N: Dunno if the time they encountered Shirayuki is in the morning or near noon, so I just made my assumption.)

"We should rest for a bit then. We're also near the house we use to hang out on, so we might as well." Kiki stated.

Not long after, they saw a lone 2-story brick house, with 2 meter brick walls.

"Then, Mitsuhide, Kiki, I'm going on ahead!" Zen shouted as he rushed up to the wall of the house, clearly attempting to jump over it.

"Jeez, you're going in from there again?" Mitsuhide tried dissuading Zen from jumping the wall, but his words fell on deaf ears as Zen still jumped over the wall. He wasn't successful though, as he looked like he was distracted for a bit and his right foot got caught up on the wall, causing him to land on the other side of the wall with a loud thud.

Hearing a loud thud, Mitsuhide and Kiki jogged to where Zen was, while Sora was still walking in his own pace, since he already knew what happened. He watched the anime after all.

"Are you alright Zen!?" Rushing to Zen, who was squatting while holding his right wrist, which had a visible red mark on it, clearly Zen had hurt it after he fell. Kiki also rushed to Zen and was looking at him, albeit with her signature stoic face. "Are you injured? Did you hit your head? What's one plus one?" Pelleting Zen with questions, Mitsuhide was slightly panicking, since if Zen were to be injured, they'd be in trouble.

"Oww…Two. Huh? Who're you again?" Answering Mitsuhide's dumb question, Zen then looked up at Mitsuhide and squint his eyes as if trying to remember who the man in front of him is. "It's me, Mitsuhide!" With black lines on his temple, Mitsuhide was really thinking that Zen might've had a concussion and lost his memories.

"Oh, was that your name?" Joining in on the fun, Kiki also said her own piece.

"Nice to meet you, Mitsuhide-san!" Finally arriving to where the three were, Sora also took a crack at teasing Mitsuhide, which actually worked. "Kiki! Sora! Both of you as well!?" With tears starting to form on the edges of his eyes, Mitsuhide was really panicking right now.

"Ahahaha!" Zen laughed boisterously at seeing this, Kiki and Sora also had a small smile on their faces. While all this was happening though, Sora didn't forget to keep some of his attention towards a figure that was huddling on the corner of the wall, looking at their little skit. The figure was smaller than Kiki; wearing an off-pink formal-ish dress, black shorts over white leggings, brown boots reaching halfway up the knees, and an off-white cowl. The figure was also carrying an orange-brown satchel. With the smile on his face turning into something like a smirk, Sora's eyes followed the figure who was trying to slip away. Though, he didn't try to stop the figure since…

"Well?" Hearing Zen who also turned his head to look at the escaping figure, the person also stopped moving; the figure realized that he/she wouldn't be able to get away, since all three already had their attention fixed on the figure. "Who are you? What are you doing so deep in the woods? Also, by yourself…" Standing up and putting his sheathed sword on his left shoulder, Zen then continued to question the figure, who sat properly, as if waiting for her judgement.

"A-ahh, I just followed a road without many people in the middle of running away and…" Fidgeting and flailing arms here and there, the figure tried explaining why he/she was there, and Sora, who heard her reasoning, had a sweatdrop on his left temple.

*( ̄ _  ̄;)* 'Shouldn't you not explain honestly why you're here? If it were other people, you would've been captured and returned to Tanbarun as soon as possible.'

While everyone was listening to the figure explaining, Zen who was close noticed something and used his sword to remove the figure's cowl. What appeared before the three was a young girl, probably a year younger than Zen, and the most peculiar thing with this girl, was her neck-long hair, but not just any ordinary hair; it was red, the color awfully similar to that of ripe apples. A short silence was followed as everyone stared at the girl's unique hair, which was then broken by Zen who made a seriously not flattering comment.

"…You have strange hair."

"Pftt! Uwaah, was that the best you can do Zen? You're seriously gonna have a hard time wooing the ladies if you don't improve." Sora mocked Zen with a smirk on his face.

"S-shut-up! I was just saying what I really thought. Anyways, do you get to say that in front of Kiki? She'll get mad at you." His cheeks turning red, Zen was embarrassed that his complementing skills were called out. He did call out Sora though, if he was sinking, then he was gonna drag him down as well.

"Kiki! Zen's bullying me!" Playing along, Sora rushed to Kiki and hugged her waist, as if he was a beaten dog looking for its master's attention.

"There2x…Don't worry, even if you get more, I'll still love you, as long as I'm the main wife, we won't have any problems." Softly stroking the head of Sora who had fake wavy tears flowing down his eyes, Kiki unexpectedly dropped a huge bomb on everyone present.





Sora, Zen, Mitsuhide, and the girl were all surprised at what Kiki said, and it was hard to guess if what she just said was the truth or not, since she still had her kuudere face on. Following that declaration was an uneasy kind of silence, and being the mature one (probably), Sora diffused the situation and immediately changed subjects.

"Ah-ahahaha, well nevermind that. Still though, you do have uniquely colored hair, young lady." Standing beside Zen, Sora also showed an interest on Shirayuki's hair. He's seen his fair share of red-haired women, both in personal and through a screen, but Shirayuki's hair really was refreshing to look at. Not too bright, not too dull either, just the right shade of red.

"Ahh, mm. people often told me that…Oh? Your right arm, it's hurt!" Trailing off on the part where her unique red hair was brought up, she then noticed Zen's injured arm. Zen also looked at his arm and confronted the girl, with Mitsuhide looking over Zen's shoulder to see his injury. "What about it?"

"Well, I'm a herbalist. I have a poultice you can use if you'd li-"

"I don't want it."


Brandishing his sword in front of the girl with his left arm, Zen appeared imposing while stating the reason for his denying of treatment. "It could be poison or something. How can I use it if someone gives it to me all of a sudden? It's not like I'm a dwarf or something, I'm not going to trust someone so easily. In other words…I've no business with you."

"Right…" Replied the red-haired young girl absentmindedly, still processing what Zen said.

Hearing the girl in front of him reply in understanding, Zen removed his serious façade, adorned a smile, and urged the girl to finally go. "If you understand, then get going." But after a few minutes of waiting, the girl still didn't stand up, in fact, she looked like she was deep in thought. She closed her eyes for a second, and when she opened them, she looked up to Zen, who still had the tip of his sheathed sword pointed towards the girl. She then grasped the sword, earning her a puzzled look from Zen.

"Hmm? Wha-"


"Wha-what are you…" Zen said flabbergasted while retreating two steps backward, much to the amusement of Sora, while Kiki and Mitsuhide were also surprised with the sudden turn of events. Just based on the sound of impact, anyone could tell that what the girl did to herself definitely hurt, as can be seen with the coloring and inflammation of the part that was hit by the sword. The girl then took something from the satchel she was carrying, which contained poultice. She applied it to her arm by smearing it on a strip of cloth and putting it on the injured area.

(A/N: Poultice is something that looks like modern day ointments, typically used by applying to the body parts that suffer from soreness and inflammation and kept in place by covering it with cloth. You learn something new every day. *Insert "The More you Know"*)

She then showed it towards Zen and made a snarky comeback. "Unfortunately, I don't make it a habit to carry poison around."

Surprised, Zen dropped his sword, Mitsuhide laughed, Kiki looked at Mitsuhide with a deadpanned expression, while Sora had a wide smile on his face. Soon after Zen also giggled and squatted in front of the girl.

"Hahaha! She got you good, Zen" Said Mitsuhide while crossing his arms on his chest.

*Giggles* "Sorry about that. My name's Zen."

"…I'm Shirayuki." The girl replied while still looking at Zen. She then pulled her head back a bit, since Zen presented his injured arm in front of her.

Nodding at her, Zen then made a witty remark. "Nice to meet you, Shirayuki. It was half your fault that I missed my landing in the first place"

Taking a few seconds to process what Zen just said, the girl, Shirayuki then narrowed her eyes towards Zen and uttered a "Huh?", still thinking how it was her fault why he missed his jump.

"Hahaha, anyways, why don't well all get in first. This is no place for treating somebody." Cutting in between them, Sora proposed they all get in first, so as to get comfortable.

"Well, that was enough excitement for now. Next up would be 'that' huh. I can't wait." Putting on a smile, Sora followed after everyone who was entering the house and getting settled in.

Yahallo! This chap took a long time because...I was lazy. Well I was going places for the past few days, so I didn't have the energy and time to binge write, so I took potshots for this one. Hopefully by next week I can settle down for a bit and be able to get some free time. Next chap will probably be mission time and another world as well, so please look forward to it! Stay safe y'all!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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