
Prologue- Making the World a Better Place!

Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, Children of all ages!


This mud ball of a planet you live on has been annexed by the Great Galactic Empire of Countless Stars!

However, due to massive overpopulation, and the egregious damage you've done to this planets' environment, we have decided to cull your population and regress your civilization! Over the next 30 planetary rotations we will be introducing to your world several dangerous, violent beings, or monsters if you prefer, that will begin hunting and exterminating your people. The opening of the transportation portals will be randomly located as will be the number of monsters released from each location. All of this will lead up to an enormous event which will change the face of this planet for the better. However, we wish to seem fair and magnanimous and so with these environmental changes will also be the possibility of mutations occurring in a small percentage of people which will help them combat the monsters. In addition, twelve-thousand of your people will be randomly selected to participate in the investigation of ancient ruins, or dungeons, and the subsequent clearing of these sites which have been infected by monsters as well.

These "Dungeon Explorers" will have the opportunity to acquire abilities and knowledge which will greatly benefit the survival of more of your population. Also, by finding and exchanging ancient relics and knowledge previously unknown to us, they will receive rewards which will further improve their ability to complete the missions given to them. The more missions they complete the stronger they will get and the better able to help hold off the invading monsters.

Over the past few solar revolutions we have slowly introduced nanites into your entire population. These nanites allow us to follow and track everyone's growth as well as allow the individual to view their own progress, and make changes through self-contained status screens. I wish these nanites gave me control over every one of you, but alas it is not so. These nanites are only able to relay information to us, your generous overseers. However, they also have the ability to heal individuals as well as enhance a persons' abilities based on the rewards they receive to their growth as they kill monsters and subsequently "level up." A leveling system has been implemented based on several of your world's video games which we hope will make it easier for your less-then-intelligent species to understand. In addition to your status screen you can also view all information currently available to you based on your level and comprehension ability. Like your video games, the leveling system will award you status and ability points that you can invest however you want to your own status figures and ability skills.

All of you have the ability to get stronger. How you do it is up to you. Dungeon explorers will get stronger based on their performance on missions, as well as killing monsters on Earth. In 18 hours I will transport the twelve-thousand randomly selected individuals to the first training dungeon. Individual abilities will be awarded based on their speed in completing the exploration of the dungeon. Each person will be notified within the next 10 minutes if they are selected. To each chosen individual I will say make sure to familiarize yourself with your status screens and all available information before transport, and Good Luck Explorers.

To the rest of this pitiful planet, your best hope lies in these individuals and your own personal strength, so Good Luck to you as well!

Monster portals will open in 23:59:58.57.56.....