Are yokais the monster or humans that turned into monsters? it's a long way before a happy ending will arrive, two brothers with the same power, a priest and a highschool student. sending yokai back to the underworld and had the sinners descend to hell, what a funny job right?. Blood that was hated by humans and loved by yokais, well, "love" isn't really the right word but you could say that. two troublesome brothers for two well trained Exorcist to do such a job, what will this place be without them. . . " As a member of the Ryunosuke family I shall fight" " As a member of an Exorcist family,Kentaru, I shall protect" "Let the horrifying deaths begin!" (BTW the cover does not belong to me so to whoever the owner of this art is I sincerely apologize and thankful for your art)
{Have you ever heard about YŌkais? if not then let's read the story of a boy with so-called Useless power that can see them and can fuse his body with one.}
[current time in japan: 8:12 AM]
In a small house, far away from the city, there lies a fifteen years old boy. Although he's awake he won't even want to open his eyes to wake.
'Another day dawning, another day for another beating, another day for morning regrets and another day with this creatures pestering me. How am I even suppose to enjoy watching TV if Sadako-san keeps ruining the show, how am I even suppose to enjoy coffee when small yokais keep on saying "coffee can make your semen bitter"? well,it's not like I'll force anyone to drink it. . . how am I even suppose to enjoy my life at school when I always attract the attention of all bullies?. . . . . . (sigh) I'll just go to school this afternoon' Said Nao Ryunosuke at the back of his mind while lying on the floor in daze.
*knock knock.
a visitor?. . . He then stand up unwillingly and open the door.
"What are you doing?! you're going to be late, idiot! have you eaten yet? why is your eyes red? did you rub it violently again?! didn't I tell you not to do that? you're just hurting yourself" Yuu Kentaru said and barged inside the house while dragging Nao to the kitchen and wash Nao's face then dry it with his towel.
Nao and Yuu are BestFriends, They're born on the same day and year, same hospital and their mother are coincidentally(?) close friends and with that,they were influenced and became BestFriends.
"It's fine, I'll go to school this afternoon,you should go first" said Nao timidly.
" Hayyst, there you go again, skipping morning classes, were you being bullied again?" asked Yuu but Nao didn't answer. " Look, there's no point hiding anything from me,I'm your friend since forever . . . . . . . . . . that's it!! if you're not going to school in the morning,I won't either" said Yuu and sat on the floor while pouting.
". . . . . pfft ahahaha" they both laughed when their eyes collided.
"You're just saying that because you're late aren't you?" said Nao.
Yuu looked away and whistles.
" pfft ahahaha, this is why I told you not to follow me here,you even use an excuse to aunty saying you wanted to live alone for a year on your grandfathers house to train" said Nao as he laughs.
" Hey,hey, atleast I'm one of the top ten student! besides, being late has always been part of my school life" said Yuu confidently.
" Yeah-yeah,you win, let's just eat" said Nao and prepared breakfast for the two of them.
" Eh? I have already eaten though" said Yuu to refuse politely.
"Oh, I won't eat then" Nao was about to put the plates back when Yuu stopped him.
"Alright-alright,you got me,let's eat" Yuu accepted defeat.
. . .
On the afternoon,
Nao sat on his seat while listening to music on his headset when a beautiful girl walk towards him to say hello.
" What a cute boy, not that handsome,not that ugly either" she said and lift Yuu's chin to take a closer look.
" Jyorougumo*, please let go" pleaded Nao.
*Jyorougumo or Jorogumo is a yokai with the form of a spider that can change its appearance into that of a seductive woman when it wants to eat a Human.
"Hmmm~ you don't want to have some fun with me?" asked Jyorougumo with her beautiful face making a cute alluring smile.
"Yes, you'll just eat me anyways" said Nao and tried to loosen Jyorougumo's grip on his jaw but he failed to do so.
Jyorougumo tightened her grip and was about to take a bite on Nao when.
"What a pity, your beautiful face is going to be ruined" said Nao and stab her two eyes with his pens. after that he ran out of the room and since it's still too early,no one is there.
"How annoying. Seeing you so early in the morning,I mean, Jyorougumo" mocked Yuu who popped on the windowsill while holding a talisman on his hand.
"Tsk,an Exorcist from Kentaru family. Why do you even have to protect something a lot more delicious than any insects?" Jyorougumo walk towards Yuu with a beautiful but fake smile, she was thinking about eating this Exorcist before her feast of Nao.
(Jorō-gumo's favorite prey is young, handsome men who are looking for love. When a jorō-gumo spots a man she desires, she invites him into her home, and he is usually never seen again)
Since Yuu is handsome and was inlove with the girl next class,he also pass the test as her food, unlike Nao who only look ordinary but taste a lot more delicious than any other handsome human or insect.
"Although you're a skilled deceiver do you think you're capable of deceiving a trained Exorcist?" said Nao and come closer, for the split second before Jyorougumo even landed a hit she was already caught by one of Nao's talisman.
She's now stuck inside the talisman.
"Now. . . where could Nao have gone to?" asked Yuu on his mind.
coming soon