
Existence of Lily's Fantasy

"A fantasy world I thought it was for me to exist.." Her name was Lily, and she was my childhood friend and someone I genuinely adored... And we're neighbors; we come to school together and always... " A life living...I wanted to exist, " Lily was fond of fantasy stories and wanted to adapt to this world. " You'll see how I live in my current world and unveil the world of my dreams, the desire I wanted to exist only for me. " She looked at me and smiled. A fantasy that she'd dreamt after that comes to life. " Come on, grab my hand, and let's go to the world you desire the most to exist! " This person's impressive...! But after she reaches her goal, will she stay with me? Or in our... ...dimension? You will never know the book of Lily is full of mystery.

Li_Suzue · History
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The Prologue - Lily Alexandria

Prologue :

" Life is a fantasia "

As Lily Alexandria said, the momentum from the things she did, left me in a total flabbergasted. Nevertheless, despite that in silence.. I still reminisce about those beautiful images of her.. I'd like to see more of her suffering ( as for suffering, I meant to say sharing sufferness with me.. ), encouraging words, putting her head on my shoulders to calm herself down.

Someone who was my childhood best friend and I truly adore..

When she said, " A life I wanted to exist.. ",

My jaw dropped at that moment and stunned. Meanwhile, I just burst into laughter and tell them that I am sorry for chuckling. I haven't got the faintest idea that the person I adore, Lily, she's fond of fantasy stories, ( that other girl friends of hers, I think those were the ones who'd advocate her, Lily was not that kind of person to manifest things such as princes and princesses.. ), desiring those fairytales to unveil in our world, conversely to only her.

I didn't bother to ruin her reputation, goals, hopes in dreams, I am willing to stay here and keep up with her,

Humans, the innocence of a human being are no longer existed here, from their actions. From the inconclusive I've heard there's some people who'd still have a good heart and personality like her.

Lily was the only person I've been seeing for the sixteen years of living and as neighbors, she was the leading lady to my everyday life.

I've.. I have no idea, Lily's a goddess, a mysterious woman, even though I've been living on the same street as hers, I still couldn't tell her next movements, that's pessimistic!

Lily appeared in my dream, during that time.. I appeared to be sleeping on a sunny day behind a tree and I woke up, afterwards, my body itself sensed someone behind me from afar.

A beautiful girl whose hair is silky as the galaxy and crystals because of the jewelry on top of her hair down to the last tip of the hair. It was similar to Lily's, and it's her, it's really her.

I tried to talk, but I couldn't.. I recall this is a dream, a dream itself cannot change when you're in a good state of dreaming.

It was unfair, I feel like I was treated unfairly this time.

Finally, I somehow managed to catch her silverish nightgown but from the tip, she's too fast! Or perhaps because she has no idea I existed here?

I feel like we're on a game play, and met at the same place coincidentally, in my silent thoughts, I asked myself.. that night, was she really there? Did Lily also have the same dream as me? I want to ask her, but she might laugh at me, ( I also think that she will take advantage of the last time I laughed at her.. ), I am pretty sure, yes, I am sure there's a possibility that Lily knows that I am there.

Because she glanced and looked at me with a pity face, without having a strong sense of feeling, I didn't know from my own body that I was crying..

Why? Why did I cry? ( I didn't think or try to look at it more because I know it's just a random dream with the person you've always been with.. ).

I recently realized, ( I pointed out one time finally ), that I wanted to help her. Oh and thought I wasn't serious and sure about it, ( will I ever make it? ).

Sorrowful, heartache.....

That's how I am feeling, I feel so obliged, I know to myself that I am just being masochistic.

Now that I think of it, I adapted Lily's goals to experience a fantasy world.

In a world that only exists is Lily and me.

" Lily's a mystery to my life ".

The Prelude : Lily

Hello this is author! This is just a short chapter a prelude for the upcoming chapters.

I'm not gonna start publishing just this one.

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