"my life ended, iam sorry bt i cant handdel it", a pitful girl that lost all crying at the bank of river, such a lonely spirt, to see her everyone think world abonden her, just see drown her self a sprit come to her said " lets exchange life, i am not fit in my life you not fit in your life, lets give another chance to live ", she looked at that sprit. sprit wear the reaveling chloth that very different form her traditional cloth, what the way she look her, she find hope, that there is some one, which mean world is not abonden her,whithout know anything she acept the deal. sprit move hand towards her and with buzz sound and she black out..... she meara devi daughter of the general of the country brotheral to crown prince from the brith talented in four arts have bright future..... what happen that it come to this situations and whos that sprit???
life is unpredectable" Meera sat at the bank of river with daze in a thought.. it is a sight of pitful girl which was abonden by the world.. actually she really abonden by the world,
meera was daughter of general house. of the country who was famous for its loyalty bravery and contribution .she was princess of that house. she was brothrole to crown prince from the birth. she very talented in four arts. she gentle and kind lady . she was married to prince two days ago. she never meet the prince before . she only saw him in mariage but in that time prince had cold attitude. After marriage she didn't see his glimpse..what exception from stanger.. she made her mind that she handdel all situation with strong heart but happen last night shakken her from the core..
her maternal home burnt into ashes living her alone in cold place with stangers.. what she do.. The husband didn't look her twice. the mother in law who prefer to power send her to this cold place with few second later after the her maternal house collapsed not giving her time to take care herself.. she was the lady who hanndle the situation with dignity and clam attitude but now she doesn't know what to do
"my life endded here, i am soory i can't do it" she then dive into water with tear. she wainting for her death she hear voice, she open her eyes and saw a sprite with revealing cloths which are different from her transitional cloth.. sprit said ")lets exchange i can't fit in my world you don't fit in your world let give anothe chance to live" Meer find new hope, she doesn't abonden by world. she acept sprite hand .the door for new world with the buzz sound.. everything blackout...