
Chapter 4: Home,Sweet Home

"What the f*ck is wrong with you pricks ?"

"Wait... what?" My foster parent was standing in front of me, drunk of his ass, holding his belt.

"Everyone is gonna get a beating if you don't tell which one of you trashed my car!?"

"It was me, father." Said, Oliver

"You gonna pay for it!! And you are all going to watch!!"

He grabs him and started hit him with the belt. Oliver started crying while we stood there watching.


He did. But instead of letting him go, he wraps the belt around his neck.

"Now say you are sorry for trashing my car!!"

Oliver didn't say a word, he was already dead.

"NO, OLIVER!!" I grab the Knife out of the counter and stab him in the leg.


And I ran but as I walk throw the door, I found myself surrounded by my memories, all them, displaying like a movie.

"This isn't reality, this is my mind, I need to focus, get out and help my friends."

I was focusing on what brought me here.

Until a door appears in front of me, and I open it.

I was back in the same forest from before, Link was just standing there with a surprised look on is faced.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH MY FRIENDS!?" Scream while rushing in to hit him.

"They are asleep don't worry, Now we can talk. " I stop, something about his voice has soothing

"If you just wanted to talk there wouldn't be the necessity of knocking us all out."

"Yes, there was."

"Why then?

"You don't know yourself s, and only until you do, does your power shows is true form."

"That a pretty talk and all, but why should I trust you?"

"See for yourself"

The forest was now a battlefield, filled with bodies, laying on the ground was Cross, A bunch of Necros were in battle position, ready to strike, against what seems like an army made of humans.

Another army was just standing there waiting.

"What is this, Link?"

"Your memory Alex. From your last life, you may not be able to access it but I can, but only see fragments. I sincerely hope you believe me because I believe in you,"

"Maybe I'm starting to but this isn't enough, you could just be playing with me."

" Let me show another thing. Walk with me."

we started walking in the direction of the third army.

" I develop my powers three years ago. I was a scientist working at DNA Corp. after an archeological team found the remains of an ancient human with viable DNA.

My team was responsible for researching its properties and its differences between your, but the results showed that 43% percent of the population have the part of the sequence encoded in their DNA while the other part is safely en stored in the mitochondria, when combining it, the sequence fuses giving us power, the problem was the fusing process. In order for it to happen, the mitochondria need to be destroyed while preserving the sequence.

So the Army decided to fund a project with the objective of adding a new weapon for their arsenal.

We completed the task and were told to begin human trials. Candidates were selected from the whole from all the branches of the military for their excellence and merit in battle.

They gain amazing powers some good for mankind, while others gain powers were just what the army wanted.

But I had an accident on the lab while transporting the viles, some fell breaking on my arm getting serum straight to my veins.

I was placed in a cell, hearing every though, around me, I felt like I was losing my mind. Until the day came where I could control other people, using it to escape the claws of the corporation.

So Division M has created, to capture and hold people like us "

" You were one of them !? And what do you mean people like us?"

"Yes but its all in the past, and what I mean is mutants, like you and me."

we stopped in front of a dead man wearing a white robe, Link turn him around. It was impossible, the man was an older version of Link.

"You should trust me because you already have. I hope that this is enough for you."

The battlefield begins to melt into smoke, we were back in the living room, Kay, Cross, and Draco were still asleep.

"I gonna go now, but if you need anything just go here" Handing me a card

"Rosary Dry Cleaning? Is this some kind of joke?"

"Not everything is what it seems, Alex, now sleep..."

I woke before they did, thinking about is words and what I had experience. They started to wake up, surprised about what happened.

"What the hell did he do to us, mate? Because I didn't like it one bit!"

"He trapped us in your dreams, I should have followed my instincts and never trust him."

she was searching her bag, very hastily.

"What are you talking about Kay?"

"He took my sword, Alex, that what happen!! I'm gonna kill him. "

She stormed out, furious.

" What is her problem mate?"

" I really don't know..."

" Go calm her down it will be day soon, and we should move to a new place."

"Where to?"

" I will figure it out with Draco. GO! " He stood up and went to sit next to Draco.

I went outside. The garden was covered in frost, Kay was sitting on an old swing, moving with the wind, I walked close to her, she was crying.

"Kay, we will get back your sword, don't worry."

"I know you will Alex." She replied whipping the tears off her face.

"So what's wrong?"

"Nothing, just leave me alone for a minute."

" I won't do that..."

"And why not?"

" Let's just say that I care." I hug her " I'm here for you, as you were there for me."

Her eyes showed happiness after I told her this words.

"Now, Link gave me a card before knocking me out, I say we should go there and get back your sword no matter what!!" She replied with a small smile.

"Let's go inside, it is cold out here OK?"


we started heading inside, Cross and Draco were arguing.

"They probably already know where we are, the only place safe enough is the old power plant, but we don't have enough supplies to go there, Its way up the river."


"HEY, YOU TWO!! Don't worry about supplies we need to go here!"

I set the card on the table.

"Rosary Dry Cleaning, Are you messing with me, mate???"

"No, I'm not, we need to go after Link and get her sword back."

"And are you sure it is safe for us to just walk in and started demanding things, mate?"

"No, but what other choice do we have."

"So we are settled then, let's grab your things and go."

The dry cleaner was on the other side of town, so we took the bus.

The ride was about fifteen minutes, Draco set next to me.

"So what it's your plan? Just storm in, because it probably won't work."

"Don't worry, I will get us in."

The bus stop was a little before the shop, so we walked the rest.

"This, is it? It doesn't look much Alex."

It was a small dry cleaner, the women on the counter great us when we walk in.

"Good morning, and welcome to Rosary Dry Cleaner, how can I help you?"

"Good morning, I was given this card, and told to come here." I placed on the counter

"Good, Good I will be getting our order just go sit over there." the women pointed to some chairs that were on the corner.

We sit, out of the blue the wall behind us open and someone pulled us in.

Next chapter