
Speed, endurance, and arcane

They thought maybe Greylord would ask them to practice their weapon fighting again but they couldn't be more wrong.

Throughout that day he had them practicing their Flow, not even touching their weapons at all. The next day, after they ate and returned to the training room they found only Greylord sitting in a Flow position — crossed legs with his hand folded gently in front of him— and when they asked him where the others were because they hadn't seen either Cook or Kat this morning, he only shrugged.

It had surprised them when Greylord's voice had sounded in their room that they should go to the garden themselves, and make sure they provoke the lake monster into a fight. Of course, they fought for their food but still, Cook wasn't there as they fought her golems.

Then they came to the training room and found only Greylord.