
Evolution: God's Trial

It's been 5 years since Ray had been receiving vivid dreams about him being in an unknown place fighting countless life and death battles. And with him feeling every event on it like it was his own, these dreams had changed him, And now here he was, after 5 years of feeling a vague premonition, he was now summoned on a familiar place.

MadKisa · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

Brood Queen




Together with the sound of the trees falling, small earthquakes are even made with each of its gigantic steps.

Ray looked at the monstrous creature as big as a three-story building.

It somewhat resembles a tarantula.

Just its head alone is already gigantic enough that it wouldn't be strange to say that it could swallow elephants.

With eight large red eyes glaring at Ray, he could see some kind of liquid dripping on its giant fangs.

'It doesn't appear to have suffered damages from the fire' Ray thought as he was examining the boss.

Metallic shine could be seen on its body reflecting the light from the fire around the forest.

All of its parts seem to be covered by a black armor with sharp thorns. Even its abdomen is covered.

The armor must have some kind of resistance against fire.

But still, it's strange, how come the ball of spiders on its back are unaffected by the fire.

But considering the circumstances right now, Ray then thought that it wasn't impossible for the spider to also have skills.

Anything is possible, a skill is probably protecting the ball of spiders from the fire.

Moving on, the question is what should he do right now?

Should he run or fight?

There are three things on Ray's mind right now.

First, now that he had angered the boss, he could try luring it towards the other bosses in an attempt to make them fight.

Second, he could run away to the mystery merchant and make some preparations again to fight against the boss.

And last, is to be reckless, and fight the boss right here, right now.

Ray thought more about these options.

He still doesn't even know the status of the areas in the different territories. Considering that he also didn't know anything about the current boss, luring it in an area he isn't familiar with to fight against another boss whose capabilities are also unknown to Ray had too many unknown factors that could lead to a mistake.

Next, Ray thought about whether to back away temporarily but besides buying poison resistance and buying a weapon, there was nothing more he could do if he returns to the mystery merchant right now. And whether an [F rank resistance] which is the only resistance he could afford right now would be enough to defend against its poison, also remains as a huge question.

Still, Ray thought that he wanted to try testing himself. Right now, the boss has been lured out of its territory, fighting this boss next time, when it had already gained its cool and had reinforced its home could probably be more dangerous than fighting it here right now.

He isn't familiar with the area inside the forest, but right here is a different question. This could be a chance.

He had grown stronger than before, but the previous fights didn't give him a clear image of how much.

First, he needed to at least make a few preparations.

Ray started stripping as he then began wearing the spider set, he had received from burning their nest.

[Black Spider Pants Equipped!]

[Black Spider Boots Equipped!]

[Black Spider Chest Armor Equipped!]

Ray now felt somewhat secured on the bare minimum.

It may be not enough to defend against the boss, but it should be enough to defend against unexpected attacks coming from the other spiders.

Ray is still isn't finished yet.

Ray put his focus into his sacred crest and began the upgrade process.

[Consume 1 000 small souls to upgrade sacred crest?]


*Thump! *Thump! *Thump!

His right hand is pulsing loudly.

Ray felt the mana on the surroundings gather on his sacred crest, as he then saw it shine.

And as the brightness slowly fades away, Ray then received a notice.

[Congratulations! Sacred Crest has successfully Leveled up!]

[Group limit + 2]

[Storage (System Skill) has leveled up!]

[Trade (System Skill) gained!]

[Borrowed Power (Active Unique Perk) gained!]

Ray then checks the changes on his sacred crest.


[Level 2 Sacred Crest]

Type: Blood Bound


Contractor: Ray


Member slots: 0/3

[+] Perks and etc.


Sacred crest level up condition:

10,000 small souls.




Status share (Unique Passive): The contractor gains 1% of each active member's Status. Members gain 10% of the Contractor's Status.

Borrowed Power (Unique Active): Temporarily gain status equivalent to 100% of the contractor's basic status for 1 minute (CD 1 Day).

Call (System Active): Enable Long Distance communication for all.

Level 2 Group Storage (System Passive) A shared storage for the group, conditions can be edited by the contractor.

Current limit: 10 cubic meters.

Blood's Vigor (Passive): Passively increase the vitality of all people with the mark by 5%.

Copper Skin (Active): Make the skin as hard as copper for 15 minutes (CD 30 minutes)

Elite (Rare Passive): Select at most, 10 people with the mark anytime, and increase all stats by 10%.

Linked Portal (Divine): After casting for 1 minute, each person with the mark can teleport near another person with the mark no matter the distance. (CD 3 Days)


Sacred Blessing Lvl 3 (Passive): Increase all stats of the people with the mark by 3%

Divine Blessing Lvl 1 (Passive): People with the mark gains 10% Strength, 10% Agility, 10% Vitality, and 20% Mana boosts.


'Another ace skill' Ray thought in his mind after seeing the description of the crest's new unique perk.

The skill [Borrowed Power] would double all his stats for 1 minute, still... It was another perk that had a cooldown spanning in equal or more than a day.

It was the same as the currently unusable Divine Perk he had that had a cooldown spanning 3 days.

Now, together with the storage that had its limit increased by ten times, he had gained another useful weapon.

Still, it can't beat the Divine blood's effects.

'The Divine Blood is really a treasure' Ray thought.

He didn't know when would be the next time he would be able to get one again.

Ray then checked his Status.


[Name: Ray]



[Strength: 52 (+23%)]

[Agility: 50 (+23%)]

[Vitality: 54 (+28%)]

[Mana: 60 (+33%)]

[+] Skills


Ray then took off his mind on his status and started putting all the items he had stacked on the side in the storage.

The storage had grown so much space, he probably wouldn't need to think about saving space for a while.

Ray then Look in front.

The Brood Queen is already very near him, the distance between them is only about fifty meters.

Ray then saw the boss raise its butt a little bit as something came out of it, shooting a giant white oval at the sky above Ray.


Exploding, a magnificent structure is then made.

A dome made of spider web has covered the area around Ray spanning a radius of fifty meters.

'A distance my [flamethrower] cannot reach' as Ray thought so as he looks at the ceiling, a dozen green balls suddenly came firing from the boss' direction.

*Shook! *Shook! *Shook! *Shook! *Shook!...

Studying the parabolas, Ray didn't move for he knows that the balls wouldn't hit him.

But as the balls landed on Ray's surroundings, small spiders came out of it.

There are only as large as a dog. And compared to the other spiders from before, they are no big deal.

However, as Ray inspects their status, he found out that these spiders are somewhat troublesome.


[Kamikaze Spiders]

[Type: Monster]

[Grade: 1 - Special]



Str: 1

Agi: 35

Vit: 5

Mana: 25



Self-Destruct (Active): Detonate in order to deal explosive damage on an area.

Willful Death (Passive): Activate Self-Destruct upon Death.

Death's Poison (Passive): Cast an F-rank poison mist upon Death.



Spiders whose only purpose is to die for their Queen.
