
Chapter 6 - Second Calamity

After some time, Zach was already in front of the last freezer wanting to see what was stocked inside but that was when he heard something coming from the supermarket. He frowns as he can hear voices outside, so he immediately summons out his gun. 

Putting aside the last freezer, Zach slowly moved out wanting to see what was happening and just in case, if they didn't have good intentions, then he didn't mind doing something. While walking, his heart couldn't stop beating before he reached the door he used to get inside and saw several people looting supplies. 

Calming himself down, Zach hides his arm on his back before he gets out startling the people as they immediately look in his direction. He looked at them while holding the gun tightly but a second after that, the people ignored him again as they continued looting. 

Seeing their reactions, Zach sighed in relief thinking that they didn't have any malicious intention and so he put back the gun inside his inventory. Seeing that there were people, he felt like it was now time to get out since he pretty much had everything this supermarket had to offer. 

Walking towards the man who was holding a girl beside him, Zach felt like this duo was a pair of father and daughter. Thinking that he still hadn't opened the last freezer in the back, he wanted to give the keys to him feeling guilty knowing that he almost emptied this place. 

"Hey. There are freezers in the back. The goods inside were still fine and here are the keys. I hope you two survive." Zach said as he gave the keys to the man before looking at the girl beside him. After that, he immediately left the place as he didn't have any intention of making a friend. 

On the other hand, the man looked at the keys in his hand before seeing Zach leaving the place. He felt confused but if what he said was true then it would be great. Following that, he immediately headed to the back together with his daughter while holding a tray with some goods inside. 

Meanwhile, Zach had already gotten out of the building and was now on his way toward the stores and shops he had seen on the way however, what he didn't expect was right after getting out, two dogs could be found looking at him at the distance. He was very familiar with their breed as they were none other than huskies. 

Zach didn't expect to see a dog after the calamity, but he was happy thinking that they were alive. Seeing that they continued staring at him, he summoned something out of his inventory as he took out some sausages thinking that they might be hungry. 

Seeing the sausages in Zach's hands, the two huskies started salivating but they didn't come close immediately as they continued staring at him with vigilance. Understanding their actions, Zach then just throws the sausages before walking away since he can't stay in this place any longer. 

Following the safe route the system had given him, Zach found himself inside the gun shop. Luckily the place was fairly safe seeing that it was brimming with the color yellow. Entering the place, he was excited to see different kinds of guns ranging from the light ones to the heavy ones. 

Without much thought, Zach didn't leave anything behind as he put everything in his inventory before leaving the place. What he didn't expect after getting out of the shop was to find the two huskies in the distance again looking in his direction. A faint smile appeared on his face before he took out sausages and threw it to them again. 

Not before long, Zach also visited the huge hardware store and the pharmacy, and he put everything he found inside in his inventory. Also, as there was a boutique not that far from the store, he stopped at the place thinking that his sister might like it. After that, he finally finished everything as he started heading out thinking that it was now time to leave after having everything that he needed. 

Arriving at the place where he parked his motorbike, Zach didn't leave immediately as he rested for a while and started eating lunch. He didn't think that it was already past noon after his mind was filled with looting supplies and forgot about eating. 

Upon having his fill, Zach then just looked at the blue sky above as his mind suddenly felt peace. He couldn't help but close his eyes wanting to enjoy the moment but was interrupted upon hearing a bark. He looked and there he saw the two huskies again in the distance staring at him. 

"Just what are the two of you want? Are you still not full yet?" Zach asked before taking out sausages again but this time, he didn't throw them away and just held them in his hands. Not long after, he saw the two huskies sniffing the ground while moving closer to him. 

After that, Zach put on a smile upon seeing that the two huskies finally put down their vigilance as they let him caress them as they ate the sausages on the ground. He wasn't a dog-lover type, but it did not mean he hated them, so he didn't mind petting one like the two in front of him. 

"How about the two of you follow me back?" Zach suddenly had an idea. Having a dog around would be great since it would increase their sense of danger as they would play guards when they were asleep or something, but it would still depend on whether these two would follow him. 

With that in mind, Zach then stood up as he looked at countless cars on the road. If he wanted them to come along, then using the bike was not appropriate. He knew that all of these cars were still in good condition aside from those that were destroyed and there he saw a suitable one from which he then started working. 

Soon, the sun was about to go down. A pickup truck could be found running on the road with a motorbike placed at the back. Looking inside, a young man and two huskies could be found together. It was none other than Zack and the two huskies that he met back in the city. 

Turning the truck to the left, Zach finally was on the road back to their neighborhood, and not before long, the truck stopped in front of one of the houses from which he got out followed by the Huskies who immediately started sniffing around the place. 

Seconds later, the door of the house opened and Zoey could be found running outside before jumping on Zach as she embraced him. It was only a moment before she noticed two huskies looking at her which greatly surprised her.

"I found them on the road asking for food." Zach said as he held Zoey in his arms before finally telling them to get inside the house while he took the bike from the back of the truck which he could surprisingly lift without problem. 

After getting supplies, Zach and Zoey luxuriously spend their dinner seeing different kinds of dishes on the table. It was their first time eating meat again after a week of eating biscuits, bread, and canned goods so the two of them had big smiles on their faces. 

Seeing the list of supplies that Zach looted in the city, Zoey believed that he must have emptied the whole supermarket. She couldn't help but feel how powerful Zach's system was after seeing it now and so the need to keep it secret became a must.

On the other hand, the two huskies were also there with them eating together which Zoey had named the male 'Adam' and the female 'Eve'. They don't know the story of the two but seeing that they were alive, they might have experienced many hardships that they would even follow Zach after being given some food. 

After eating dinner, Zach and Zoey could be found sitting side by side on the sofa looking at the fire dancing on the fireplace. On their hand was a glass of wine that Zach had looted in the city as they enjoyed the silent moment of the night. 

Nothing much had happened after that aside from the two of them falling asleep while embracing each other on the sofa with Adam and Eve on the floor. Following that, the light and heat coming from the fireplace then disappeared over time as a sign that the night had ended. 

Time quickly passed by and it was now the start of the fourth week. Zach and Zoey's life in this lonely neighborhood had been calm and peaceful for the past two weeks. With unlimited supplies in hand, the two didn't have any problems at all and were now starting to get used to living together. 

Last week, the third meteor shower calamity happened again but it was no longer as scary as it looked for Zach and Zoey since the former had the system to help them. The house they were living in was still the same house they had in the second week as it was fortunately not affected by the meteors. 

This time comes the fourth week, Zach and Zoey together with Adam and Eve could be found together outside waiting for the calamity to come while looking at the blue screen floating in front of them. Holding hand in hand, the twins seem to be different from way before must be due to something that happened in the past two weeks. 

[Preparation time has ended.] 

[Commencing World Cleansing Procedure 2: Earthquake Calamity.] 

As if the word had stopped, Zach and Zoey were completely shocked after seeing the notification. They thought the same meteor shower calamity would come and yet it has changed and before they could process everything, the ground they were standing on suddenly moved. 

It didn't give them much preparation before several cracks appeared on the ground as the Earth started shaking. Zach's eyes flashed with orange and red colors from what was happening, but he still immediately acted as he looked at the surroundings, however, no matter where he looked were places filled with mostly orange. 

Adam and Eve started barking out loud about what was happening. Zoey, on the other hand, holds on to Zach in great fear as she just witnessed the ground separating the house they were living in and the same time seeing the ground moving up and down. 

Meanwhile, Zach was completely overwhelmed by the sudden commotion, but he immediately forced himself to calm down as he focused from which several lines appeared from his sight. With that, he immediately moves holding Zoey as they carefully walk following an orange line with caution. 

However, Zach and Zoey could not move properly as the ground was shaking too much. Adam and Eve were also giving their best as they followed the two while barking. Fortunately, what Zach and Zoey only needed to be cautious of was the sudden moving of the ground since there weren't buildings and tall trees in the area. 

Moving very slowly, Zach, Zoey, Adam, and Eve finally arrived at an area showing yellow. However, despite the place being fairly safe, the shaking was still something to be feared seeing them crouching on the ground waiting for everything to die down. 

It took three minutes before the shaking stopped but the destruction it caused was much greater than the meteor shower before. Zach and Zoey looked at their surroundings with wide eyes as they couldn't believe that it was still their neighborhood a while ago. 

Several cracks could be found on the ground leaving a trace of gap between them. Almost all the house was destroyed by the Earthquake leaving some still standing but out of shape. Zach and Zoey couldn't help but gulp deeply at what just happened added by the fact that a new message appeared in front of him again. 

[World Cleansing Procedure 2: Earthquake Calamity is over.] 

[The next Earthquake Calamity will commence next week.] 

As if the message was a whisper of the devil, everyone who had survived the second calamity, including Zach and Zoey, was thinking about how they would survive the next calamity that would happen however, little did they know that a small change had occurred inside their bodies after the calamity ended. 

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