
A bet between gods

"I'm bored" the being old as time sighed.

"What should I do this era? Maybe annoying one of those saints? Nah, been there, done that, it doesn't hit as it used to. Maybe... maybe create some disasters? Lol, there has been some promising sages by that moral busy body who should really be taken down a peg or two." the being said, licking its fingers.

"Ashtka, you do know we gods can hear each other, right?" a omniscient voice of light answered. 

"Yes, you dunce, I'm mocking you. Watcha gonna do? The last fight we had killed most of your dear little humans. HA! LMAO! Just remembering it makes me smile!" she screamed mockingly into her void, laughing as her cracking body made movements exuding her monstrous nature.

"You may be the personification of chaos and all, but do you have to be that tactless?" the gods voice, equally old, complained.

"Hey, this whole chaos thing is what you describe me as dude. I'm just, like against stagnation. You know, keep them quick on their feet. You're welcome by the way bro." the things answered in a unfitting tone.

"I do admit, if it wasn't for you, people wouldn't innovate as much, just-"

"You see? Why not call me god of innovation or whatevs and include me in your little church thingy?" she cut in.

"Its just that you're the source of all the evil that makes innovation necessary." he finished his sentence.

"Yeah? Of course I am! I mean, duh, cant have innovation without the reason to be afraid of its absence" she now complained back.

"What's this way of speaking anyway. Its irritating" he asked, changing the topic from something he knew wouldn't accomplish anything anyway.

"You don't like it, desu? Its this dialect from the world I've been visiting the last centuries. Lol, its such a funny way to speak. Reminds me of your cats with their meows. Ah, on that note. I think I'll give those fellas later some meteorites. In a 1000 years give or take sounding good?"

"Ugh, my head hurts from this worthless knowledge. That world has become a sham at this point anyway, your influence did all its magic on those poor souls." it spoke solemnly. 

"My Sodes! How could you insult me like that?! I am appalled! Flabbergasted even! Anyway, should I let the coasts catch some mud pies, or should all volcanos erupt at the same time... you know, if you apologise I'll let you choose, senpai." she said in a shallowly acted sweet tone.

"Wha- that doesn't even make any- agh, you know what? How about I'll grand you to do a bet with me, but only if-"

"OMG, really?! Than lets bet if the moons cras-"

"I'll grand you a bet, IF you follow some guidelines." the god screamed with as much a rage as such an old existence could care to bring, which admittedly wasn't a lot. 

"Buuuh, no fun having ass!" she complained, pouting.

"Still up for it anyway?" the god asked with a mocking tone now, agitating the ego of the goddess.

"I'll listen before deciding desu." she replied, crossing her large tendril-like arms.

"You will take a human by your choosing from that world, Earth was it, and let you affect the world through him and abstain from the rest of your meddling. At the same time, I will stop my interfering too and grand a human from Earth the same position in regards to me and see how he does. The human that survives the longest wins. Sounds good?"

"Hmmm... you just wanna restrict my flair, dontcha? Well I can play ball for sure. Just living longest sounds kinda boring though, doesn't it? Lets go with, who destroys the other first!" she exclaimed with a wide laughing smile dotted with many sharp teeth, throwing her arms celebrative into the air.

"Aside my dislike for destruction, are you sure they'd even fight? Being from the same world and all?" Sodes asked, unsure if his plan of limiting his nemesis would work or not.

"Have you grown senile? Those unlucky fuckers will gain not only our powers, but also with that our desires. Two humans, with our desires inflicted on them." she replied with a dead pan tone.

"Ah, yeah, if they meet they'd tear each other to shreds. I hope for the world that one of us doesn't win quickly, otherwise you'd go run amok again." he said, making a sigh of relief over the bet ploy having working.

"Heh, no worries my sugar babe, I wanna win this with style and destroy your reputation like the sigma I know I am. We goin' for the long haul boy!"

"... does this gibberish mean we are in agreement then?" he asked genuinely confused now.

"Yep! And I think I'll just choose someone by chance too! Makes it even more entertaining."

"Suit yourself, I guess I'll find my candidate soon enough as well."

"Well, lets play some gacha then. All my cute angels pray for me to get a five star cutiepie!" she exclaimed, surrounded by nothing but dark void and smoke.

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