
The Meadow

The grassy meadow was there. Like it was since forever. Small hills, filled with short grass beneath a blue sky and a shiny sun. Flowers in the meadow, of red, blue, yellow, green, and others. It had always been that way.

One house, was in the middle of the meadow, between those small hills. It had thin bamboo for its roof, and walls of nice wood. The entryway of stone stairs led to the light brown-colored door. It was just that one house in the meadow. Nothing was there except grass and flowers. Even water was there only below the other side of the hills.

A little boy opened the door and came out of the house. He stepped down the stairs and walked into the meadow. He felt the blowing air in his face. His hair was long, soft, and spiky. It was facing the ground on the left side. The boy looked forward to one of the small hills. His face was, not bad. His face was fair-toned. It was the face of an eight year old child. He was wearing a weak brown shirt and shorts. He had put on a red shawl and tied its two ends diagonally on the back of his chest.

"Sedal" a girl said pleasantly. She was 21, she had long black hair. It was untied and almost reached her waist. She was pretty. She had a fair tone as well. Her height was normal. She was, of course, taller than the eight year old boy. She was wearing a white one piece frock that had yellow flowers on it.

"Pulsa" the boy exclaimed and ran towards her and hugged her. The girl patted gently on his back and put her hand on his head. She sat down to her knees. "Did you eat?"

"Yes I did. I ate fruits and bread." he said.

"Good child" and she again patted his back.

"Lets go down." she said.

"Yes" Sedal said and he held the girls hand while going down.

They walked towards the small green hills. The meadow was surrouned with them. It was like a small valley.

They climbed the hill and beneath it was another house. The only house, near the area. It was just those two houses.

The other house was made of bricks and had long grasses for the roof. It gave more of an exotic vibe. It was similar in size to Sedal's house.

They ran joyfully towards the house and went inside. There was a small pond nearby. The house was in a similar meadow, but it was not surrounded with hills. It was open and the meadow as far as the eye could see.

The inside of the house was cozy. They entered through the door, the living room was the first room of the house. It was decent in size, the kitchen was combined to it. It had a green bushy mat in the middle of the room and the floor was of wood. There was a small space to cook, it was separated by how a bar is separated from the drinks. The room was nice, it had sofa that had a green and white striped cover. Beside it was Pulsa's room. She lived alone in the house. The house unlike Sedal's had a terrace. The terrace had a very small wall surrounding it, made from round stones that were stacked on each other. But it would not matter much even if someone fell, it was grassy land below it. Nothing serious would happen.

Sedal and Pulsa ran and sat down on the sofa, laughing. They were very happy.

"Bring the juice" Sedal said. "Yea of course." Pulsa replied and went to the kitchen, she took out 2 mangoes and cut it. Then she squeezed it with spoons to extract the liquid. She was a master at doing this, soon all of the juice was out and the only thing left from the mango was the sucked out shell.

She poured the juice from the jug to two glasses and brought them over.

Sedal drank it, he took another drink of it and was finished. The juice from Pulsa's hand was simply the best thing he had ever tasted. He was addicted to it and could not go even a day without it.

Pulsa drank the juice too, she liked her juice but was not crazy over it.

"I will grab my self another one" and Sedal filled his glass with the juice again.

"This is exactly the problem with you, once I make this juice you keep on drinking it till you are sick."

"No one glass won't hurt. It is just too delicious. I will go as far as to say that being sick is actually worth it to drink it."

"You are crazy." and she laughed.

"Let's go up" she said.

"Yes for sure" Sedal exclaimed with joy and ran upstairs.

Pulsa followed as well, she would always feel fresh with the kid's enthusiasm.

They went up, Sedal was waiting for her. He went near the stone wall. Sedal went there as well and they looked on to the beauty of the meadow.

Sedal had a smirk on his face, he said "What did you eat for dinner last night?"

"Oh nothing, it was just some flower soup. I was not very hungry yesterday."

That was it, she got distracted. This was the chance for Sedal. He very quickly pushed her off the stone wall. He was up to mischief again.

Pulsa fell on to the grass, she was not hurt. This made Sedal burst out with uncontrollable laughter. "You brat, wait till I come up" and Pulsa ran to get him. This made him laugh even more, before seconds Pulsa was up there.

"Oh you will pay for that" she said and chased him. Sedal thought for a while, there was no harm in doing this. He ran and jumped off the wall to the grass.

"Hey, are you hurt" Pulsa was genuinely concerned at him. She hurried to look down to only see him rolling with laughter. "What's so funny about this? Wait till I tell your mom about this."

"Ok, and I will tell about how you threw the soup beneath the bed the other night."

"Oh no no no, she would kill me."

"If you want me to not tell her then jump again."

"You are pathetic" she was angry but she could not risk it. Sedal's mom would twist her ear out if she would found out, she would get a lot of scolding as well. So she carefully and slowly, jumped off and fell to the ground.

"Now if you tell her, than you are dead." she said.

"Ok ok I won't tell, for now." Sedal said slightly laughing.

"Get up" she shouted at him and stood up.

"You ruined the entire mood today, let's go towards your house. I don't want to go outside the area today."

"Ok, that is fine with me." Sedal said.

Then they walked to the small valley again.

"Oh, the way you jumped. It was so funny I will be laughing for a long long time remembering that."

"Do you want to get beaten really?"

"It is not like you can catch me."

"You will really get it, I am getting close be careful Sedal." she was getting annoyed the hell out at this point.

"Oh hey" said a womanly voice from the right. It was Sedal's mom. The tallest of the three, a little bit older look. Hair tied but not completely, it was leaning on both her right and left shoulder. A white colored dress that reached her knees, beneath that a black trouser, glued to her legs. She did not look that bad but was no match for Sedal in terms of beauty. It was clearly obvious.

"Where were you?" she asked.

"We were down at my house" Pulsa replied.

"Oh, Don't give him too much of your mango juice. He will get sick."

"I have been careful at that, he drank only two glasses today. Not twenty."

"Ok stay around here till I make some food, after a while. Right now I will hang up these clothes for them to dry."

"Ok" Sedal replied.

His mother went downhill to hang the clothes on Pulsa's terrace. Pulsa lived alone there so it was like they shared both of the houses.

"I got tired from all of that jumping" and Sedal fell down on the ground, he turned around and looked up at the sun. He took a breath of relief.

"You fool, all of that jumping was so unnecessary." Pulsa laid on the ground too. They were silent for a while until Sedal burst out laughing again. "The way I pushed you so unexpectedly and your shocked reaction while being mid air." and he laughed even more.

Pulsa said hopelessly "You will truly never change."