
Day 34- 45 The Xu's Must pay A price, that simple Part 5

*Bam!* Biao delivered a palm thrust to his opponent's core. Baldy Liu lay broken with eyes open never moving again. His death was painful and went too fast if you asked Rexford.

Zhou Tianhao smiled at the win. But he was also happy for Biao's growth itself. He made sure to take note to continue his training with the Enhance Taiji Exercises Rexford imparted to him.

"Yang Chao, go and challenge that Muay Thai expert." Rexford said. This shocked the teen despite knowing he was supposed to fight against the man already. His fear was what kept him from moving. "Are you that scared to fight in the arena?"

The others looked at him with a mix of sympathy but also a look of concern. Yang Chao nodded instead of answering. He was disgusted with himself but his recent advancements only served to let him know who was stronger.

The Muay Thai expert was definitely stronger than him. His heart started to waver as panic sunk in.

"Very well then. I will study Muay Thai deeper to instruct you later." Rexford took a leap into the arena. Landing softly. "Song Tao the Eight-armed Arhat, I challenge you as the Master of the Ansatsuken, do you accept?"

To be called out like this was a sign of respect. With Rexford giving his address as he did, it also conveyed a level of understanding to the crowd.

*Thump!* Song Tao landed in the arena, ready. He did not underestimate his opponent. With the violent energy released from earlier plus the way Biao dispatched his opponent, he was going to give it his all to fight.

"Please." Song Tao greeted him and then charged in like a jaguar on the hunt. Within five feet of Rexford, he felt danger but still went in. Delivering a jab at his opponent. "What?!"

*Tap!* Rexford blocked it with his finger. Then he pushed it away. A knee strike was sent towards him next.

*Pat!* It was stopped by a palm strike. Rexford's hand pushed down with enough force that Song Tao's foot broke against the arena floor.

"Ugh!" He groaned in pain. Raising his foot up just like Rexford wanted him to. "Tah!" His leg with the broken foot kicked out. As far as Rexford was concerned it was the Jumping Side Step. A kick design to throw your opponent off some.

*Tap!* It was stopped by a finger again. Rexford grabbed him by the injured foot and gave a twist. To Song Ya's credit, he reacted quickly.

Spinning by the waist to go with the flow. His other foot whipped towards Rexford to hit him in the head as Song Ya's arms hit the arena floor for balance. His powerful arms crushing the broken pieces from his foot stomp earlier.

"Excellent." Was all Rexford said as he leaned back. "Any chance you will become one of my people?" The crowd was loving it but the Muay Thai Expert shook his head no. "Such a pity."

"Haaah!" Song Ya activated his Secret Art of Self Sacrifice. The technique was a deadly one of the Ancient Muay Thai. Not only did it convey power but also damaged one's overall soul. Which poisons future Internal qi or more simply, the Primordial qi. "Aaaahhhh!"

*Fwoosh!* A powerful force generated every time he attacked Rexford. Each one sidestepped or parried. Song Ya was running out of steam quickly. Stepping into Rexford, he went for a right horizontal elbow strike.

Putting all his weight on his non-injured foot.

"A real pity..." Rexford wanted him for himself but that was not to be. Slipping under the strike he was in the perfect spot for a counterattack. With a single thrust delivered to his opponent's back, it was ended. "You did well."

*Smack!* A palm print appeared on Song Ya that sent him flying out of the arena. He was left on the ground twitching.

Rexford stood in the arena as the crowd cheered. Waiting for a small reprieve. He turned to Xu Ao and then looked to Master Gu next to him. Crooking his finger at them both. The provocation was clear as he gestured for them to get on with it.

"Young man.." Xu Ao was incensed. He hoped the Muay Thai fighter would have at least injured Rexford critically. ".... do not push me further."

"I insist, Xu Ao you threatened my business, and had men try to abduct me against my will. These are enough for a grievance." Rexford's voice carried in the area. A few were shocked but not all. "Even said if I didn't obey I could forget about setting up business in all of Jiangbei. Is this not enough of a grievance to take care of?"

"Grr!" Xu Ao had underestimated the strength of Rexford and he was paying for it. "Master Gu, can you defeat him?"

"No." Master Gu understood the difference in their power. He took a look at the Masters of Chuzhou and couldn't help but think about what happened to them recently. Each of them had the same strength or surpassed his own now. "Thank you for taking me in for all these years."

"You don't mean.." Xu Ao looked on as his friend charged into the arena.

"Let me fight for you for the last time today!" Master Gu landed in front of Rexford bowing in respect. He surprised him when he didn't raise his head. "All I ask is this ends the grudge between you and the master."

*Vibrate!* Ms. Lu answered her phone before it went off again. It was a call from the family head. She had know idea what he could possibly want at this time.

"Unfortunately your life is not enough. I listed at least three matters. You are only worth one." Rexford gave the old man a fist salute in respect. "Do you need a body left intact for your family or should I remove all traces for crossing me at the party?"

Master Gu shivered a little. Rexford's words vibrated in his soul. He could feel the young man.. no! The monster in front of him getting stronger at this very moment!

"Ugh!" Xu Ao tensed up. The disrespect and the loss of Master Gu would be the end of him and he would definitely be in danger if his wife caught wind of everything that happened to lead up to this.

"Rexford!" Wei Ziqing called out before it was too late. She stood up scared but she felt she had to do this. "How does my life suffice?!" Remembering the slight she received from her elders in regards to the Wei Wiping incident and her job with Rexford was to help portray a good image, this was the best time to do something.

"Sit down!" Wei Fu yelled. He had know idea what got into his granddaughter. "This is not your concern!"

"It is grandfather. I don't do this for Xu Ao but for his daughter." It was an excuse to use like any other. Wei Ziqing had grown fond of her from the few interactions. They also exchanged some messages about Rexford among "other" things. "He won't stop until he is satisfied."

"Foolish girl!" Wei Fu said nothing after seeing the resolute look in her eye. "Just like your father once your mind is made up!"

"Well, can't let you do this alone." Wei Lan stood up. "I should suffice for the third life yes?"

"Ummm, sister Wen, what are they doing?"

"I haven't the foggiest." Chang Wen answered bewildered. "But I can tell Rexford is not going to be happy if it doesn't make a profit from this later."

"Most likely because if he declines, he is saying their lives are not worth it. Very stupid but I think I understand why they are doing it." Sini Dova muttered. Her eyes glowing as she felt power growing between Wei Ziqing, Wei Lan, and Rexford. 'His Household has grown even bigger! The Alliance with him is definitely worth it! Lady Hera will be pleased! Also, have something to leverage against that Champion Rachel. Friend or not, I did not like her remarks previously.'

"You owe us big Xu Ao." Wei Changfeng said through gritted teeth. He knew this would be a headache later. His brother is gonna blow his top. 'Rexford.. how much vodka will it take to stem this anger?'

"Of course." Xu Ao nodded gravely. Everyone here knew the Wei's were throwing him a bone. 'I must talk to my daughter about this young man later!'

"Tch!" Rexford sucked his teeth as he felt the change in the air. The Fear and Violence were gone and replaced by a fluffy taste. Whatever it was, it was not good. But it was also not bad. More of in between. With the qi already spoiled he rather go and sit down. "Agreed."

"Hyaah!" Master Gu charged straight at him. Sending a palm strike out directly. All of his internal energy was behind the blow. "All my power!"

*Boom!* He hit Rexford directly in the solar plexus. A powerful current of force blew pass Rexford hitting the crowd. If not for the Internal Fighter guards to take the blow, the crowd would have been injured.

"You... didn't even budge!" Master Gu stepped back hair in disarray. "What Body Art do you study?!"

"The Black Gold Sun Art.. I created it myself. Let me show its might." Rexford's used only his body energy. Which was Internal Force. Not letting go pass the Internal Force Perfected. Hand raised up, a Black Gold Master hand appeared. Appearance is way more realistic than the previous time it was used. "Say goodbye."

"Stay your hand!" Xu Ao shouted. The crowd looked to him in wonder. "Chuzhou City! I will pull out of Chuzhou City if you spare his life!" The waitress holding the properties had already walked over to Sini Dova. "That man has served me faithfully for so long, I can not let him die!"

The crowd was moved by this. Some gleeful seeing the master of Jiangbei humbled like this. Zhao Tinhao looked over at his rivals sneering.

"Better get ready to hand over everything you own."

"It is not over yet. I still have someone coming to deal with Master Mingyun." Forcefully holding himself back from just shooting Zhuo Tinhao, Xing Hong took one last gamble. "Wager everything you have you coward!"

He was surprised when Zhuo Tinhao nodded in agreement. The waitress went to get the contracts prepared. The signing to hand everything over would not be signed until after the match commences.

"Just you wait till Master Hu gets here!" As they bickered business continued for Rexford.

"It is valid." Sini Dova said to Rexford. For a moment she thought he would still attack. But business still came first for him. 'Weakened and authority challenged, Xu Ao will be busy with the other Masters of business for a while.'

"Master Gu, it seems he cares more about you than his 1st wife and child. Such a nice relationship you two must share." Rexford walked off the stage grinning. He sat down closing his eyes. The Black Gold Master hand still floating. "He finally made it."

*Dush! Dush! Dush! Dush! Dush!* A man was running across the water.

"A man is literally running across the water!" Chang Wen said excitedly. Not even remotely scared. "Master Rexford you have to teach me that!"

"I will." Rexford answered with a smile.

"Master Hu!" Xing Hong saluted. "So good of you to arrive!"

Master Hu jumped off the water landing on stage. A tall man at the peak of the Internal Force Perfected stage. The most distinguishing thing about him was the mustache and thick eyebrows he had.

Before he could even announce why he was here, he needed to defend his life.

*Woom!* The air vibrates as Rexford controls the Black Gold Master Hand. It chased Lin Hu around the arena.

"Who dares sneak attack me!?" Lin Hu called out. "Is this how Jiangbei acts!?"

The crowd gave him a dumbfounded look. Since the hand was in the arena before he was. The fact he didn't notice it, was his own damn fault. They turned to look at Rexford waiting to see what he would do.

Seeing him not get out of the seat actually caused them to worry.

Soul: Black Gold Vortex

Body: Black Gold Sun Art

Manual: The Great Way of the Void Battling Immortal

Aspects: Gravity, Space, Violence, Fear

Realm: Profound Opening; Transcendent Realm

Agents: Wei 3rd Gen, Biao, Yang Chao, Ji Xingyu

Devout: Chang Wen, A'Xiu

Contacts: Chuzhou Masters

Alliance: Sini Dova

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