
Cap 16

With Tsuki off stage, Arthur made breakfast for Sayu and himself. During his life, which was quite long, he got several talents, including cooking, and not just any kitchen, Arthur learned from the best cooks in the world.

Sayu took a seat, and I waited quietly, she offered his help, since he knows how to cook, but he refused, he was in a good mood and wanted to cook. And since he was not, he survived imminent death, and managed to escape from a soul-devouring beast created by the gods.

If he is not happy about all that, he would be ungrateful. It's good to be alive, and with good company, Sayu is beautiful and charming, especially when she wears her shirt.

She is nothing more seductive than a girl who only wears a shirt, revealing her beautiful milky thighs, and her nipples.

Arthur finished making breakfast, eggs, milk, fruit, meat, soup, and the list went on. When Arthur cooks, he overcooks and it is because his appetite is ravenous. The happiest was the lady at the mini-market where I buy everything, let's not forget that they had no food at home.

Sayu made her mouth water, she couldn't stop savoring herself and wiping it out of her mouth, the smell that the food released was too appetizing, just by smelling it her stomach and tongue screamed, demanding to have a bite to satisfy their desires.

Arthur sat up, and began to eat, enjoying the taste of his food. Although he had to admit that he was lacking, and they can't blame him.

In the time of our MC, genetic engineering advanced by leaps and bounds, and transgenic products were the big trend. This class of products lasted longer, and of course, they had a unique flavor and much tastier than one normally harvested.

Although of course, the flavors vary, but for Arthur, who was born eating this kind of product, they were tastier than natural ones, it is a matter of culture.

- "Why don't you eat."

- "Is that, I ..." Sayu said, pursing her lip and touching her hair, a little uncomfortable with how to act.

Sayu is a girl who adapts to the environment, it is her way of surviving. She doesn't want to upset her host, and tries to act submissive, waiting for permission to eat.

- "Listen, we have many things to talk about, and surely you have many questions, you may feel a bit self-conscious, since it is not your home. It is uncomfortable to arrive at a place that you do not know, and act as if it were your home."

In the novel, there are clear indications that Sayu is submissive, and that she always acts with the idea of ​​pleasing her maintainer. Regardless of whether she hates him, for her it is something normal, Arthur knew it and he does not dislike that aspect, it will help him to control it more easily.

But, he doesn't want the girl to ask permission for everything, she needs her to act on her behalf, and to help him, to show personality and attitude, she needs him for the future.

- "Yes, a little, I don't want to bother" He said while playing with the chopsticks.

- "Do not worry about stupid things, you are my guest, this is your house, your home, and as long as I love you by my side, that will not change, now eat and stop fucking, fine."

Sayu smiled and nodded vigorously, she no longer hesitated, she used her chopsticks and tasted a piece of juiced meat. When she took the first bite, the meat melted like ice cream, and the juices from it attacked her taste buds, Sayu closed her eyes and looked up, enjoying a bomb of culinary pleasure.

Arthur looked at Sayu enjoying his food, he could not deny the beauty of a happy woman, it is as if she radiated a light that illuminates and warms the heart. A heart black as the deepest abyss, full of blood and sins.

Arthur shook his head, he would like to fall in love and start a family, but death knocks on his door every second, first he has to find a way to live, then he will have time to enjoy his life to the fullest.

- "Enjoy and eat everything you want, because I will not cook again."

- "Eh ?!, why" Sayu protested with a pout.

- "It's tedious, I prefer to do other things."

Arthur took a bite and wagged his chopsticks, saying that he won't say more.

Sayu wanted to cry, her food was too tasty to say goodbye to her, too bad he can't do anything to change it. She knows what her position is, and she does not want to cause problems, she also is very grateful to Arthur, grateful and not in love, she should emphasize that point.

There are women who will fall in love at first sight, and more when you save them in their time of greatest need, but not all, others, like Sayu, feel grateful and will try to help you, but they will not love you, not at the beginning.

Sayu could have given her body for accommodation, but never her heart, not until they earn it, she is a whore with some dignity so to speak, like those prostitutes who won't let you kiss them, but if they let you fuck her for the ass.

Each with his methods, Arthur did not care, he won the hearts of hundreds of women, and a goddess, although she does not know the latter. In that area, she had a lot of experience and methods to seduce women.

Now, that he wished for Sayu, he was looking for a loyal person, or rather a dog that will do whatever it takes for him, for that, he needs to make her fall in love, and at the same time, reinforce her status as her master and servant.

Arthur understood one thing very well, a woman may love you, but that does not mean that she will do everything you say, and he needed a woman or confidant who is willing to do anything for him. If he gives the order to murder, she will not hesitate to take a life.

Arthur recognizes it, with so little time to live, he will need someone to help him manage his times, and companies. A shadow, who is aware of everything and informs him of what is happening behind his back.

Sayu was a great candidate, but he wouldn't give her that much control, not now. He would start with something simple, like helping him with his business, still unknown. Some will think stupid, but he doesn't think so, it's just money.

What is the use of money if you are dead ?, It is useless, it will also be a great test of character for the girl and to measure her loyalty, and how far it will go for him. He will raise her to be a great secretary.

After a few minutes, they both finished breakfast, Sayu was very happy, he was touching her abdomen as if she were pregnant, and humming an unknown song, moving her head from side to side, ruffling her long brown hair.

Arthur leaned his elbows on the table and looked at his partner, it was time to start training her, and as a first step, he must earn her absolute trust, and show that he is the only one who will never leave her, that he, is her only hope and family.

- "You like the food, Sayu"

- "ha ha ha, thank you Arthur, I have never tasted something so delicious before."


- "Well, let's talk ...," Arthur's mood changed, and he became more serious, Sayu gulped nervously, wondering what he would say to him.

- "Sayu, your father abandoned you, your mother hates you, the one you call brother is not even looking for you, for him, you were always an obstacle, Sayu ..., I am not saying this out of evil, or because I want to hurt you, I just want to tell you the facts, you understand. "

Sayu didn't answer right away, she crouched down on the chair and buried her face in her knees, a bit pained and annoyed by the words.

- "I ..., I understand, I'm alone, my only friend knows suicide and my family ..., I can't depend on them, I know, thanks for being honest, but I know the facts." She said she a little upset, and dejected.

Arturh got up and moved the chair to sit next to Sayu, with his fingers wiped the drops of tears that ran down her cheeks, and hugged her to comfort her, and convey to her that she was not alone, that she had someone to lean on. .

- "I'm glad you don't deny reality, you're strong and I like you."

Sayu supported her head against Arthur, and she entrusted her body to him, she needed someone, she wanted to release her anguish and know that she will no longer be alone. Arthur stroked her hair, and said softly:

- "Let me tell you something, you are no longer alone, from today you can stay by my side as long as you want, although not for free, you will cook, do the shopping, clean, and warm my bed, I am not a good man, but not the bad one I'm just looking for both of us to win something "

Sayu listened carefully to each word, enjoying Arthur's fatherly gesture. She made him wonder if she is like that she feels having a father.

-"That's all?"

- "You can go back to school if you want, although I would like you to learn a little about my business, I need a secretary, and it will not be free, you will receive a large salary, and who knows, eventually you will not need it from me."

Sayu imagined herself as a secretary, and she didn't see it so badly, she couldn't always live off Arthur, besides, it would be a good way to return her good intentions. If she knew the truth, she sure would escape, but she would never know, and she would fall into the cobwebs of her predator, never to leave her.

- "Secretary? But I don't know anything about that, I'm good at housework, and that's it, as you mentioned, I didn't finish high school, I'm not very smart to say, ouch!"

Sayu received a blow to the forehead, and complained, giving an angry look at her beater, Arthur smirked and said:

- "Don't insult yourself, you don't need to be smart to be my secretary, it takes cunning and a good eye, and you have them, when you were looking for someone to seduce, you looked for me, that says a lot."

- "Eh ?!, did you know?" Shouted Sayu, a little surprised and worried, she did not want to be thought badly of her.

- "Sure, but I'm not complaining, nor do I blame you or discriminate against you for that, you were in a bad time, but ..., if you had everything and anyway you decided to prostitute yourself, I would disown you."

- "Thank you" she thanked her sincerely.

- "Sayu, if you work for me, you will not only be a secretary, with time you can be more, maybe one day you can manage your own company. You can even become the most powerful woman in the world, wouldn't you like it? when your mother and brother see you again, they will be impressed "

Sayu was silent, thinking about the future, and if she was powerful, if she had a company run by her, would her mother regret everything? Would her father come back? So many questions that would have answers, all she has to do is hold the hand of the man in front of her.

Work for him and give her life, because she understood, she was not an idiot. If Arthur is willing to give her so much, it will not be free, he will demand many things from her, and among them, her body, and who knows what else.

She was willing to give everything, to get a better life, and to see the expression of her mother, it was difficult to decide.

Arthur noticed her indecision, he walked away from her and went to get some water, he had to give her space and time.

- "It is not necessary for you to decide now, yes, I want to clarify something, I am extremely possessive, while you are by my side, I do not want to see you next to another man, although of course, if one day you fall in love, you can leave"

Arthur was not worried about Sayu falling in love with another man, it was impossible, once he enters her heart, she will never leave. He simply wanted to give Sayu a false exit, to make her think that she still had a future away from her clutches.

Her idea was to chain her, and give her a sense of false liberation, that she believe that she could one day escape and be free, and seek her own life. Only for now, in time, this false freedom will not be necessary, Sayu will willingly chain herself to Arthur, and she will be her faithful secretary.

It will make her addicted to pleasure, to her body, kisses, caresses, to her love, to achieve the heart and absolute loyalty of a woman, you have to combine carnal and spiritual pleasure, but do not exaggerate, let it be a semen bath it may work, but it would be boring.

Arthur is looking for loyal girls, but with personality, not a girl who only thinks about cock and nothing else.

- "I know I told you, think about it, but I think it would be good to relax for a while, it was a very deep conversation, don't you think the same?"

- "Yes, should we watch TV?"

Arthur shook his head, approached Sayu and put her on the table, nothing better than a fuck to release tension.

Next chapter