
Everything changed, careers clandestine

Everything changes. When we least expect it, everything changes in the blink of an eye. Everything happens so fast that we are not able to choose the correct paths. Where we do choose wrong, it can lead us down the wrong path that causes a wound in the heart. And it reaches the point where we know what pain is, a pain so deep and intense that it takes us to the limit of running away. Escape No one expects people who by nature have to love us to cause us deep disappointment. A new beginning where there is no past, but there are memories that torment us. The uncertainty of the future of not knowing if what we do is right or wrong. It only remains to start over.

ReinaBlack · Urban
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11 Chs


•The beginning

6 years ago

Look out the window, nothing changed, everything remained the same. So much the same that sometimes it bored or scared. But somehow it let our life continue without altering it.

I sighed looking at the clock in the middle of the room, there was only a minute left until classes end. I just wanted to get home and listen to music in the solitude of my room.

I closed my eyes listening to the sound of the bell. I got up and without looking at anyone grabbed my bag with my books and left the classroom without any hurry.

Even though I had school transportation, I decided to walk home. I needed to change the routine a bit.

I put my headphones on as I walked down the sidewalk thinking that I was only months away from entering college, months away from starting another phase of my life. I was scared, but wanted to continue.

Although when the time comes to go and start living on the university campus it will be difficult for me to leave my family. I wasn't quite ready for this yet.

I'm a mom and dad girl.

I could not deny it, my parents were and are a fundamental pillar of my life. They wouldn't know what to do or how to act if something happened to them. And especially to my brothers. My family are everything to me.

In some way I was grateful for the family that touched me. Couldn't ask for more. I was growing up and learning in a home full of love and trust.

My teenage self couldn't ask for more in that regard. I had everything that someone my age could or wanted to have.

Without realizing it a smile formed on my face. He had the most jealous siblings in the whole world. I was amused by every attempt to foil my dates with some boys from high school or how some friends of their own wanted to ask him out. They are fools, but that is how I wanted them.

I settled my bag on my shoulder while I realized that I had already arrived at my home without realizing it. I didn't want to disturb my mom, I decided to use my key to enter.

I entered silently and went up the stairs directly to my dear mother's room.

Even though she won't work like Dad did, she knew that being a stay at home mom is exhausting too. And although she was always tired, she was always there for me and welcomed me every time I came home from class. Today he had usually arrived earlier than the previous days and he wanted to surprise her.

When I got closer to his room I started hearing strange noises. As if it were a whimper.

- Mommy come! -exclaimed notifying me of my arrival outside your room. The strange noises stopped, but fearing that something would happen to him, he knocked twice on the door.

Since I hadn't received any signal from her, I decided to go into her room. He hoped it was just an alarm on his cell phone, a very strange one.

If he thought about it, maybe he was rested. I figured she should be asleep and Dad wasn't there at this time because he works as usual.

I took the gift I wanted to give you out of my bag. I wanted to surprise her with a clay vase that I had made in my spare time. He would leave it on her nightstand so as not to disturb her.

I slowly opened the door, but froze at the entrance. I dropped my bag not caring if the object I had made with so much effort broke.

Unable to believe what I was observing, I froze without being able to step into the room. I did not expect this. Never.

I never thought I'd come across this scene, I felt disgusted. Observe my mother with a man who was not my dad. So much my disgust that I couldn't help but throw up.

This could not be happening.

-Daughter, let me explain. It's not what you think, "he said as he tried to cover. I clenched my fists in anger. How could he do this to my father?

How could he do this to us?

I looked at her without being able to help wondering where my mother was, because my mother would never do something like that. She wouldn't break my heart like that. I never would have.

.Don't tell me you stopped being a housewife to become a porn actress! - I screamed ironically feeling my eyes sting. This is not supposed to have happened. She was silent without being able to say anything as tears began to flow from her eyes. The guy next to him didn't mind my presence. "For me you can go to hell bitch" I spat out after slamming the door. I would never have dared to treat her like this, but she had broken my heart.

I would never forgive him.

I left that house in a hurry with my vision blurred, the tears would not stop coming out and just rolled freely down my cheeks.

He couldn't assimilate what had just happened. Not long ago I thought I had the perfect family. But no, damn it.

How could she do that to my father, to her husband. Who is supposed to be the love of his life. His twin flame.


I rushed to my father's work while cursing, dodging all the people who crossed my path. He had no time to waste, he needed dad.

I needed him to hold me and join my heart.

Upon arriving at the company I worked for, I went directly to his office without being able to notify his secretary of my arrival. I did not find it anywhere.

I bit my lip to keep from screaming hysterically.

This had to be a joke.

A fucking joke.

"This is complete shit," I whispered with a broken voice looking up as tears fell desperately down my face.

"Sweetheart, it's a misunderstanding," he said desperately when he realized my presence, putting on his clothes and trying to get closer to me.

Apparently everyone agreed to fuck my existence. I pursed my lips as I brusquely wiped away the falling tears. Sure, now it's supposed to be normal for you to find your parents having sex with other people.

What kind of family was this? Is this supposed to be a fucking marriage?

- You say it's a misunderstanding ?! I screamed angrily backing away, not allowing it to get to me. I couldn't take it anymore, this overwhelmed me. He had an ideal that was smashed into a thousand pieces. He didn't say anything, he just lowered his head and tears welled up on his face. "This can't be happening to me," I whispered helplessly. "For me you can go to hell just like the whore I had as a mother," I spat as I left without looking back.<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Para mí puedes irte al infierno como la puta que tuve de madre-, escupí mientras me iba sin mirar atrás.</font></font>

Even though I no longer had parents, I had my brothers. The same ones that protected me and took care of everything and everyone. They are the only thing left for me. I had to look for my brothers, only they were left of all this family farce.

With shaking hands I desperately pulled my phone out of my front pants pocket. I dialed their number repeatedly, but they don't answer. First, second, third rings and nothing. They do not answer. I try again, but nothing.

I close my eyes, I had to think with a cool head. It is difficult, but it was not impossible.

I took a taxi to take me to the institute. It was rare that they did not answer, the first call they answered me no matter what they were doing. I ran out where they trained soccer. Arriving at the training ground, I could see four people in the distance. I was getting closer little by little, the tears had stopped.

When my back was a few meters from them I couldn't help feeling betrayed, hurt and confused.

I felt broken.

My brothers along with two bitches who hate me to death. One always damaged things and beat me while the other insulted me by humiliating me in front of the entire institute.

This had to be a bloody joke.

"These can't be happening to me." Not to break down in tears. "This has to be a nightmare."

Apparently I was speaking loud enough for them to hear because they turned to see me. When they realized it was me, their faces lost color. They tried to get closer to me, but I backed off. I looked to his side and saw how the bitches were smiling for all this. Damn

"Emma we're sorry, we ..." Ian tried to say as Trevor had the intention of approaching me, I didn't let him finish. They were my last hope.

They were all the same, they all betray.

"Hell, they can go to hell for me," I growled.

I could hear them calling me while they were behind me, but I ignored them. I ran so much until I lost sight of them. I appreciated the athletics classes so much at this time.

Without direction, I walked letting the wind guide me.

I sobbed. What am I supposed to do from now on?

My whole fucking perfect world had collapsed before my eyes. My parents who professed eternal love for each other were nothing more than liars, my brothers humiliated me like no one else had. I just had nothing left. I couldn't handle the pain I was feeling.

When I thought I had run out of tears, they did not stop flowing so much that I was afraid they would never stop.

What am I supposed to do from now on?

I looked up, it had gotten dark. My head was about to explode, my phone wouldn't stop ringing.

Check even knowing who it was. They were the treacherous ones he had for a family.

I grabbed the phone hard and smashed it against the pavement. I felt a lot of anger and helplessness.

A slight drizzle appeared covering it completely. I raised my face, I did not know if it was tears or the rain that was rolling down my cheeks.

What kind of a life full of lies did he have?

How could I not realize that everything they said and demonstrated was not real. Just a charade that ended up breaking my heart and soul.

My family, the family that I long to have in the future for me was nothing more than a dirty lie.

All was a lie.

I sat on a bench near a park. Here I would stay all night until I thought what I would do or where I could go.

I didn't know what time it was, but it was dawn. I had stayed awake all morning in the rain. I got up and just walked with my eyes on the ground. Without paying attention, he collided with someone who managed to make him fall to the ground. I whimpered, I hurt my wrist.

Unable to avoid it, I cried again. I still didn't have a lot of salty drops in me. I lifted my tear-stained face as he looked at me with concern and confusion.

-What happens? You are well? -I ask. I was silent, I couldn't answer him. I did not know how the fuck I was, I had a lump in my throat that prevented me from speaking. Everything inside me was numb. When he didn't respond, he shook his head. - Do you want a hug? -offered, I looked him in the eyes. They were sincere, I was not afraid. I wasted no time and I threw myself into his arms to cry like the broken little girl that I was.

This seemed like a surreal situation.

"I can't take it anymore," I whispered as I sobbed in his arms.

Without saying another word, he carried me on his back to where I supposed he lived. I didn't care, I just let myself go in his arms. I was grateful that he didn't mind that his clothes were wet. I think he must have realized that I had nowhere to stay and I really did not care to go with him or not.

I had nothing to lose.

- What happened to you princess? I ask in a soft tone while stroking my hair. I bit my lip trying to calm all the oncoming crying. I didn't want to break down in tears again.

-My life no longer exists, everything I believed was a sham. A lie, "I said in a voice cut off with a blank look. -Everything collapsed and there is nothing left.

Even though I didn't know him, I told him everything that had happened and he just hugged me without saying anything. I felt safe in his arms.

-Tomorrow I'm leaving here. Would you like to go with me to Los Angeles? I ask without hesitation.

What am I supposed to do? Not long ago I thought that I would have to do my life in a different way. With the help of my family, a new stage would begin for me. But everything changed, there was nothing to think about. I had to do something.

I didn't think twice and nodded unable to speak. I felt physically and emotionally tired

All night I thought about everything that had happened. My life no longer existed and I wanted to start over and go with him to Los Angeles. It is an opportunity that could not be wasted.

The next morning I finished meeting the boy who rescued me. His name was Tyler, he told me his story and he told me that back in L.A he runs underground races. He is like one of the best known, but he was not a leader.

I was not afraid.

He told me that he does that to earn money to live and eventually form his own company. I know he will do it one day.

Without regretting what was going to be, I entered the airport with firm steps without looking back. Holding back the last tears I would shed for them, I bought the ticket with the little savings I had and we got on the plane.

Look out the window as we left New York behind.

How I was leaving Emma Parker behind.

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