
Everyone Wants to Pamper the Peasant Girl

The Fus in Liushan Village had baby boys for several generations. They were very poor and had nothing but baby boys. Finally, a baby girl was born. Grandma Fu was so happy that she fully recovered from her illness as soon as the baby girl was born. Whenever the girl went out, she would receive many gifts. Birds in the sky, fish in the water, and animals on land all gathered around her. At first, she thought finding gold was impressive enough. To her surprise, she even found herself a husband on the way. He was someone with a rather powerful background. Ever since she was born, the Fus lived lives that were smooth sailing. Their business prospered, and they could finally build a house of their own. Everyone in the family adored and pampered her beyond all reason.

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40 Chs

Unable to Bear to See the Family Doing Well

Editor: Atlas Studios

Liu Guimei, who was called out, was extremely unwilling.

She would definitely become tanned and skinny if she had to work in the fields, where the strong winds blew and the sun shone mercilessly.

Tens of thousands of catties of harvests!

It would definitely be exhausting.

The intensity of the house-chores at home paled in comparison with the work in the fields.

"Father, why don't I take care of the family and let Xinghua go to the field instead? I just hurt my back a while ago. I can't do work that is physically demanding."

Besides, the money from the harvests that would be sold off would all be used for Fu Xing'er's one-month-old banquet. She would not be getting any benefits anyway.

Hence, she was all the more unwilling to do it.

Second Fu's expression hardened.

This was the first time he had called on her to do some work, but she found every excuse in the book to refuse.

She even conveniently hurt her back at the most opportune moment.

"Why don't you give Xinghua some of the money in your pocket?" Old Mrs Fu said.

It was not right for her to take advantage of others like that.

Even Old Mrs Fu couldn't stand Liu Guimei's laziness anymore.

Liu Guimei immediately fell silent.

Fu Erxing's glare was practically spitting fire, and she knew that if she refused any longer, she would be the enemy of the entire family.

Fine. She would go.

She would just think of more ways to slack off over there.

After lunch.

Fu Daxing and Fu Erxing had already gotten their sickles ready. They had also already dragged the thresher buckets to the field in advance.

"Father, I've prepared some water and meat buns for you guys. I'll cook another pot of porridge and bring some over later." Jiang Xinghua had thoughtfully prepared what was needed.


Second Fu placed Fu Xing'er onto the bed reluctantly and said, "Fubao, daddy will carry you when I come back."

Fu Xing'er smiled at him: Go on, go on!

Go on and finish the harvest! This way, she would have milk to drink every day.

Second Fu was ready to get going, but Liu Guimei was nowhere to be seen. "Guimei, hurry up! Why are you dilly-dallying?" he called.

She was always the first one ready to eat. It was about time she put in some effort to do some work too, wasn't it?

"I'm coming, Father."

Liu Guimei was fully armed. She was wearing a long robe with long pants. She had a bamboo hat on her head, and her face was covered tightly.

She was fully covered.

She didn't want to get tanned.

Second Fu was speechless at this sight.

It was said that lazy people tended to have many tricks up their sleeves. Liu Guimei was the perfect example.

"Let's go. Let's get to work."

In the field.

Second Fu, Fu Daxing and Fu Erxing bent over in the field, cutting the rice crops tirelessly and excitedly.

They didn't even stop for a break.

All three of them wished they had more hands so they could finish cutting all the crops in the area in one day.

Though they were covered in sweat, their faces were full of smiles.

"Father, I estimate that this area of land would fetch us at least 30,000 catties of food." Fu Daxing glanced at the plump and mature rice crops that seemed to stretch on endlessly. Instead of being deterred, he felt full of energy.

The air was filled with the fragrance of mature rice. It smelled extremely good.

"Yes." Second Fu had not stopped smiling the whole time. "Hurry up. Let's aim to finish these two acres of field today."


At the other corner of the field.

Overwhelmed by the tall waves of golden rice crops in front of her, Liu Guimei still felt like she was dreaming.

To confirm that she wasn't actually dreaming, she bit on so much rice grains that she almost bit her own tongue.

Though she held the sickle in her hands, she tried all ways to slack off. One moment, she said that she was thirsty. The next moment, she would complain that her back was sore.

The three men finished harvesting a wide area in a short time, but she just stood there, barely having moved a few steps from her starting spot as she continued to dawdle in the corner of the field.

"This is so exhausting."

Liu Guimei massaged her back. Seeing that no one was looking at her, she quickly found a cool spot to sit down and rest.

The weather was extremely hot. She was covered in mud, and her hands itched.

How torturous.

Seeing that the three of them had finished cutting their areas and were about to turn around, Liu Guimei quickly got up and pretended to be busy working.

They walked over and took a look. Her area looked untouched.

"Guimei, you've been here for so long, but that's all you've done?" Second Fu questioned.

Didn't she have any shred of shame?!


What was the point in getting her to help out in the field?

It only served to make him angry.

"Father, that's because our family has had poor harvests for many years in the past. My skills have turned rusty." Liu Guimei was still finding excuses for being lazy.

Fu Erxing couldn't tolerate her as well. He said, "If you don't work, you won't get dinner tonight."

When it came to food, she would eat more than others. Whereas when it came to work, she would slack as much as she could.

"I'll work, I'll work."

Liu Guimei didn't dare to slack off anymore because her husband had fixed his gaze on her to supervise her.

In the blink of an eye, they had covered an acre of field.

Jiang Xinghua brought over a pot of lean meat porridge and a few jars of water to the field.

"Father, Guimei, everyone, come and eat." Jiang Xinghua called.

After harvesting the rice, it was time to start drying them. She had already cleared an empty space in the field to dry the rice.

Liu Guimei was the first to reach Jiang Xinghua. "I'm starving!" she exclaimed.

Her face was scorched red from the sun and her hair was messy. In short, her image was non-existent.

She was really famished!

Her husband did not cut her any slack at all. With him staring at her closely, she didn't dare to slack off and kept working without stopping.

"Guimei, slow down, slow down." Jiang Xinghua had already scooped the porridge into bowls for them and placed them at the side to cool.

There was a lot of meat in the porridge. Liu Guimei's mouth was so stuffed with them that she had no time to complain.

Mdm Fu made it clear: those who worked hard in the field shouldn't go hungry. They needed to eat more meat to have the strength to work.

That's why she told Jiang Xinghua to cook more meat in their meals and not be stingy.

Each of them gobbled up two to three bowls of porridge. Liu Guimei was so full that she kept hiccuping. She had wanted to slack off, but she was called to work by Fu Erxing.

It was almost evening, and the sun was setting in the west. The sky was starting to darken.

They had covered two acres of field. The yield was estimated to be around 4,000 catties.

Fu Daxing and Fu Erxing were strong and threshed the rice while Second Fu and Liu Guimei packed them.

Bag after bag, the pile grew visibly into a small hill.

They were overjoyed.

Though Liu Guimei was originally exhausted, when she saw so many bags full of harvests, she became excited as well.

In the future, she could eat as much as she wanted. She could even eat till her stomach was about to burst.

It was difficult to walk the uneven paths in the fields in the dark, so Second Fu said, "Guimei, go borrow a handcart from Wang Hua's family. It would be faster to move these bags with it."

Liu Guimei beamed. She had been waiting for an opportunity to take a break. "Okay, Father. I'll go now."

Fu Daxing and Fu Erxing took turns to drag the bags of rice to the flat ground. It would be easier to load them on later here.

At the entrance of the Wang family's house.

She heard the voice of her hated enemy coming from within the house.

"Wang Hua, you have such a good relationship with the Fu family and have helped them so much. They got their hands on so many pigeons yesterday. Don't tell me that they didn't even give you one to thank you for your kindness?"

Wang Hua wanted to speak, but was interrupted by Fatty Li immediately. "Is that the kind of people that you are helping? They didn't even think of repaying your kindness when they got lucky. I feel sorry for you. I think that you are being too kind to them. If you ask me, you should stop helping them and lending them items all the time."

It was obvious. She was trying to sow discord.

This d*mn Busybody Li!

Doesn't she have anything better to do?!

Is she begging to be fleeced again?!

Liu Guimei took a deep breath and walked in with a smile. "Aunt Wang, did the pigeon soup yesterday taste good?"

Upon seeing Liu Guimei, Fatty Li's eyes almost popped out.

When foes collide, them being at each other's throats was almost a foregone conclusion.

"It's quite delicious. Help me thank your mother-in-law." Wang Hua had long wanted to express her gratitude.

Liu Guimei walked past Fatty Li and deliberately announced, "My family also had some pigeon soup this afternoon. That taste was simply delicious and it was so nourishing. I feel that my back has been healed instantly."

At the mention of her back, Fatty Li gritted her teeth.

"It's a pity that some people couldn't have any even though they wanted to."

It was obvious who she was referring to.

"By the way, Aunt Wang, my father-in-law asked me to borrow a handcart from you. We might need it for a long period of time." Liu Guimei deliberately raised her voice.

"Sure, no problem. What do you guys need to drag along?"