
Chapter 2 - Welcome to the Club



It's been a week since Tomura-Sensei promised to get my club registered. It's taken longer than expected due to some unforeseen opposition from within the school.

"Sorry Ken-kun. It's gonna take longer than I thought. Seems there's one particular group of kids that really don't want your club to be formed", is what she said.

Believing that the club would eventually get registered, I decided not to sit idly by and made some flyers. The flyers read:

Don't let your Dreams be Dreams!

Join the Best Days of Our Lives Club and

make the high school life of your dreams a reality!

If you're interested in joining, please consult with first year club president Ken Furukawa or club advisor Homura Tomura Sensei.

Underneath the text is a stock picture I found on the internet of two high schoolers holding hands. Above them is a rainbow with a pot of gold and a giant smiley face at the end of it. I posted this flier wherever allowed within the school grounds, and even some places outside it. I even took it a step further and began handing them out to any student with a free hand - I did this for the last week. It went about as well as you'd expect.

* Handing out flyers flashback *

Student 1:

"I'd never join your stupid club. Looks lame and so do you."

Student 2:

"This offends me. Here let me put it where it belongs."

*Puts flier in the trash bin*


"You can get fined for littering, you know? Maybe I should report you."

Student 3:

"How are YOU gonna help ME!? Can't you see these babes with me? I'm living the dreaaaam!!!"

*End of flashback*

If I've learned anything in my first week of school, it'd be that my unpopularity is not restricted to just my class, but the entirety of the faculty and student body. Just one week into my high school debut, everyone had heard of me and their impressions of me were not good. Mean looks and unwarranted remarks were becoming the norm.

How did word of me get out so fast and with such negative reception? I'm sure me handing out flyers didn't help, but to this extent? Why me? Why must it always be this way?

It wasn't just that people disliked me either. Terrible unfounded rumors were spreading about me around the school, some of which made no sense whatsoever.

"I heard he beats his meat in public on the regular."

I'd go to jail for that!

"I heard he violates both of his parents and his sister…sexually!!!"

I don't have a sister, and I'd go to jail for that!!!!

"I heard he's the leader of a gang."

Well at least that one's kind of normal compared to the others.

"And I heard he and his gang showed up at his middle school and killed everyone there…even the eighty-five year old principal!!!"

Come on, really!?!?

Don't mind. Don't mind. I'm gonna have my own club and I'll be able to do the things I've always wanted. So what if most of the school hates me? I'll still have my clubmates and maybe, like sensei said, in time the rest will change their tune. All I can do is be positive and try my best!!!


Classes are over, and with my newfound resolve I'm heading to meet with Tomura-Sensei who told me to see her at the end of school. This time it wasn't in the teacher's lounge, but an unused clubroom.

Does this mean what I think it means?

Reaching the designated spot, I stand at the precipice hearing multiple voices coming from within.

Is it finally happening? Are those my clubmates? Look sharp Ken!

Standing in front of the unlabeled door, I adjust my tie and do what I can with my hair. I take a deep breath and turn the handle. It's locked. A false start. Taking another deep breath I knock on the door three times. Tomura-Sensei opens it. She looks….weathered.

"Good, you're here. Come in."

Stepping into the room I see bookshelves with cobwebs and no books, a filing cabinet, a nightstand with an old crt television, and a long rectangular fold out table at the center. The table has five chairs. Three of them are occupied. The occupants: the three biggest outcasts at this school (not including myself). The first year loner gyaru from my class who models for a magazine, Suzu Suzuki, the tiny second year fortune teller who constantly sleeps, Kagami Sakura, and the second year horn drill oujou-sama that thinks she's better than everyone, Lisa Auclair (who's dad is French and super rich). I learned all about them from overhearing idle gossip between classes. That's not to say everything I heard was true. On the contrary, most of it sounded entirely unlikely.

Suzu Suzuki Gossip:

"Did you hear about Suzuki-san?"

"About how she took out all the neighboring female gangs single handedly and then immediately did a photo op right after?"

"Yup, and she did it without even washing up the blood."

"But I've seen those photos, there ain't any blood on her."

"That's cause they used photoshop. She didn't feel like washing the blood off so she threatened the photographer to take the photos with the blood and edit it in post."

"How'd she threaten him?"

"She threatened to cut his balls off and feed them to his family."

"Woah….wait a man only has two balls so…."

"One for his wife, and one for his only son."

"Oh….Damn, that's cold blooded."

"She's as cold as they come."

Kagami Sakura Gossip:

"Word on the street is Sakura-san's always so sleepy because she works late nights….as a prostitute….for the disabled!"

"Really? That small girl? A prostitute?"

"Yeah, and she's preying on the handicapped."

"That's low even for her."

"Tell me about it. Not to mention her phony fortune telling."

"Honestly, that might be the worst thing about her."

Lisa Auclair Gossip:

"Did you know Lisa asked her dad to buy out the entire school….and he did!?!? "

"Does that mean she owns us now?"

"She owns us. Making us all technically her slaves."

"Being her slave might not be so bad….nothing has happened so far…."

"So far! But once she graduates in two years, we'll have been completely indoctrinated. As we speak we are being converted into drones, good little soldiers ready to fight for any cause. Then she'll be ready to take on the world, and we'll be mobilized for world domination!!!"

"How dramatic."

"But it's true!"

People honestly don't shut up about these three. It's crazy. Oh yea, I guess they're also gossiping about me too huh….goddamnit….wait….these three girls that everyone talks about, who i've had previous awkward interactions with, and who are all in their own right very attractive, these three are now going to be in my club and I'm their president (allegedly)? Isn't this a little too "advanced" for me?

Thinking about how these three outcast idols were now in front of me got me a bit flustered. I hesitate to introduce myself. Fortune-ately Sakura-chan interrupts the silence with the same mechanical delivery as she had on the first day of school.

"I knew you'd come, Furukawa-kun."

Kun huh. How surprisingly friendly and informal. That works for me!

"It is I, first year Ken Furukawa, at your service."

I bow.

Suzuki-chan refuses to take notice of me (as she continues to do in class). Auclair-san looks at me with a quizzical expression as if to say, "Have I seen him before? I don't think I have." I decide to take temporary refuge with the one who actually acknowledges my existence.

"How'd you know I'd be here Sakura-chan? Did you divine it with your crystal ball?"

"Yes. It tells me-"

"I told her."

Sensei intervenes from the sidelines. There's no expression on Sakura-chan's face, but I think I saw her eyebrows twitch. Is she upset that sensei ruined her fun? It's hard to tell. Sensei got down to brass tacks.

"I called you all here today to tell you that this will be your clubroom from today onward. Congratulations."

"Really Sensei? Thank you, thank you so much! I owe you."

Elated, I go to give Sensei a hug, but restrain myself at the last moment and instead give her a heartfelt handshake filled with all my gratitude.

"You don't owe me anything, but just know It was a pain in the ass."

"I won't forget it!"

I let go of Sensei's hand and she immediately made for the exit.

"Well I'm going to head off. Make sure to introduce yourselves properly, behave, and have fun. If you ever need anything, you can find me in the lounge. Oh and about those students who didn't want the club to form….fair warning, they'll probably be visiting you real soon. Cya."

Just like that Sensei was gone and left us outcasts alone in the clubroom, unsupervised, and with news of an inevitable clash hanging over us.

What a note to leave on Sensei. We'll just have to worry about those students when it comes to it. For now, I'll just do what I always do and power through with confidence and positivity. Not that it's done me any favors so far….

"Like sensei said, why don't we go around and introduce ourselves. State your name and year and maybe talk about why you joined, what kind of things you'd like to do or what goals you may have for this club. Let's start with me and go clockwise around the table."

I currently stood at the head of the table nearest the door. Going clockwise the order should be myself, Suzuki-san, Sakura-chan, and Auclair-san.

"No, I will go first. Though I doubt someone as prominent and celebrated as moi need an introduction."


At least she seems enthusiastic.

Defying my first order as president, Auclair-san stood up, took her fan out, and began her introduction.

"But customs are customs….Hello lucky commoners, I am the one, the only, the proud Lisa Auclair, second year. "

She gives a lady like curtsy.

"All I ask is that you know your place and do nothing to displease me. That is all."

Saying that, she sits back down and I remember our meeting on the first day of school.

Speaking of knowing one's place she did say that I should kneel the next time I saw her….and I assume she's the problem child Sensei spoke of that made this club possible in the first place. Her rich father hasn't "bought out" the school, but he has put a lot of money into it, giving his precious daughter a lot of pull here. I am the president of the club, but she is in a sense my benefactor, and if I displease her there's no club to be president of.

I walk closer to Auclair-sama and kneel before her as would a knight for his queen.

"What are you doing? Do not shame yourself. Stand you fool!"

Once again things are happening outside of the scope of my expectations.

"But last time we met you said I should kneel. You seemed pretty adamant about it…."

"Did I? I don't remember that meeting….I do so many important things it's hard to keep track….regardless don't do that again. You may be a commoner, but before that your place is as a fellow club member, and the club president at that. At the very least within the bounds of this club room and its activities you are my equal."

So when she said to "know your place" she meant as fellow clubmates….She may be a rich oujou-sama but she seems to have respect for high school clubs like I do. Maybe we can get along after all.

"Well said and well met."

I get up off the floor and reach out for my second handshake of the day.

"Put that thing away, it's filthy…."

On second thought….


I wiped my hand on my pants not knowing whether my hand was indeed filthy or not. I look at the other two members and see that they are at the very least paying attention to this exchange. Maybe they too have some interest in being here.

"Anyway thank you for the introduction, but why did you want to join? What do you want to get out of joining this club?"

"I joined the club because being in a club is one of the hallmarks of a satisfying high school experience!!!"

Auclair-san says this proudly, puffing up her not so modest chest.

"…..and…I'm ashamed to admit….I've never been in one before…."

Auclair-san shrinks and hides her embarrassment behind her ornate fan.

I have a feeling this is a side of herself she rarely shows to anyone. This thing known as a high school club really is special isn't it?

"As for what I'd like to do…well…I'd like to come up with that as a group…for that is a key part of being in a club. So I'll save it for further deliberation later."

OMG that's so moe! How cute and wise you are, Auclair-sama.

Clap Clap Clap

I give Auclair-san a round of applause which she seems to enjoy thoroughly regaining her composure. The other two to my surprise join in with the clapping as well. Whether out of enthusiasm or compulsion, the fact that they were clapping along brought me much joy.

This is so nice. Already this club is making me so happy. What a difference from my usual social interactions.

"Very good, very good, Auclair-san. Let's keep the ball rolling. Next, why don't you give it a go Sakura-chan?"

Since Auclair-san ruined the order and the others are showing interest I'll save myself for last. Better to keep the momentum going.


Sakura-chan closes her eyes and focuses all her energy into the crystal ball.

Either she's trying to muster up a self introduction or trying to find a means of escape. Either way, this is not the way to do it Sakura-chan. You're ruining the momentum.

"I'm taking this for now."

I steal away the crystal ball and put it on top of one of the bookshelves. It's high enough that someone of her height won't be able to reach it.

Now that I think about it….this is kind of mean.

"Give it back. Ken-kun, you meanie."

Like a kid that lost their safety blanket, the now desperate fortune teller reaches out her short little arms pleading for me to return her magical conduit. Her face remains blank, but her eyes betray a certain vulnerability.

On the other hand, this reaction is super cute. I could see myself making a habit of bullying this girl. Sorry mom, your son's a sadist now.

"I'm not giving it back till you give your introduction."

"Ah, my magic is depleted. Time to recharge-"

"I'm taking this too."

She tries to escape responsibility through sleep, bringing out her pillow from under the table, but I snatch it away before her head can rest on it. Her head lightly bonks the table where the pillow used to be. I place the pillow next to the crystal ball on top of the bookshelf.

"Come on Sakura-chan….."

Sakura-chan stood up from her seat, her face barely clearing the top of the table. She removes her hood and makes her introduction.

"....I am Kagami Sakura, second year. I'm here because Tomura-Sensei made me. That's it. Now please give me back my things…."

Despite the more somber introduction, the level of applause remains the same.

Clap Clap Clap

"Wel-….come I guess…."

I grab her stuff and give it back.

"Good job….and sorry…."

Sensei what did you do? I'll ask about it later….

"Last, but not least…."

I gesture to Suzuki-san who is the last to go (again not counting myself), but she still won't look at me.

"Take it away Suzuki-san."


I step in closer to drive the point home, placing my hand on the table.




Did she just squeal in fright?

"Uhhhh. Suzuki-san….are you afraid of me?"

Suzuki was now looking downward facing the table. I no longer saw a cold confident supermodel delinquent. Just a scared teenage girl.


Finally she speaks. Despite her appearance and reputation, her voice is soft like the girl next door yet deep like that of cigarette smoking yankee. The voice of a badass angel.

Nice voice, but really me!?!? The supposed girl who beats up gangs is scared of me? My first snag as club president is happening so fast. But really me!?!? I'm scary?….Even after all that training….my image…..nothing's changed….

"Oh…my bad, sorry…."

I back away from her and the table, deflated.

"No….It's not your fault….I-"

She squints her eyes for a moment then stands with a jolt, shocking everyone in the room.

"Hello, my name is Suzu Suzuki. I'm a first year. I'm also….afraid of people…..especially men. I became a model, and joined this club for the same reason. To conquer my fears. Please take care of me…"

Her face turns red at the end and she takes her seat.


Clap Clap Clap

"Well done Suzuki-san, well done!"

So she's afraid of people in general(men especially) and not just me? Phew! That's a relief. What a good girl and brave too, facing her fears like that. Those rumors about her are looking even more unfounded. I can't imagine her ripping some dudes balls off. Oh no I just imagined it….

Shaking that horrible image from my mind, I clear my throat and step forward to take my turn.

Cough Cough

"My turn. Hello everyone, my name is Ken Furukawa, a first year and your humble club president. I founded this club in order to make the most of my highschool life and do all the things I've dreamed of doing as a student. I hope to do this together with each of you as well as help you with your own goals. Let's get along and make the most of our time here together. Thank you."

I do the usual bow, but to no applause.

I look up.

"Please clap…."

Begrudgingly, the other members humor my request.

Clap Clap Clap

It was the weakest applause yet.

"Thanks. Now-"

"Now that that's over with, can we please clean this room. It's absolutely filthy and unfit for a lady such as moi."

Auclair-san has a point.

I leave the room to garner some cleaning supplies. Setting agendas and making grand plans will have to wait.

As an end to our first day as a club we spent our time sweeping the floors, de-webifying the shelves, and wiping windows. A clean club is a happy club.


"Sakura-chan, you can sleep after we finish cleaning."


Next chapter