
The Horrible Beginning

Her skin lost colour as his fingers ran down her chest. The cold floor of the dark alley pressed agaisnther back. The man was tall with pale white skin, his icy lips pressed against her neck. She yelled and kicked, but nothing could stop the horrific act that was happening. After the episode the man ran, leaving a mess of ripped clothes and a broken mess of a person. She was broken, she was shocked on what had just happened.

She pulled her pants up and walked out of the alley. The stars shined in the rain puddles. As she wondered along the streets she stopped at a bus stop. Grabbing her phone from her ripped jean's pocket. "Calling Pam / Mom." said a robotic voice. "Hello... hello Cara? Are you ok?" "Mom? Meet me at Matter Square, something just happened." Cara's voice was horse. "Oh- ok sweetie?" Her mom was confused as you should be if your daughter called you at 1:00 am and told you to meet her at the town square.

The clock hit 1:50 am and Cara and her mom met. Cara's eyes welled with tears as she ran to her mom. "*Oof* Cara are you ok? Did something happen?" her mom's voice had a sense of confusion. "Yea- yeah- mom something did... I was raped." Her face was still as her daughter dug her face into her shoulder. "We need to report this to the police right now. Cara we well get your car in the morning, we'll go in my car. C'mon let's go." Her mom whispered in a gentle mannered voice.

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