
Everlasting Moonlight Thief

A mostly ordinary young man from a regular small town in a peaceful country has always had a penchant for pinching other people’s pendants. Other valuables, too, of course. When he finally receives his Blessing, that interest, a quick revenge, and a mysterious necklace propels Lu inte a world much wider than he could have ever thought. But that only means there's that much more for him to lay his hands on. *** ”What's yours is mine. What's mine is - obviously - mine. What belongs to no one, belongs to me. Oh, and that watch looks nice. Hand it over.”

armordillo · Eastern
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51 Chs

Like A Balloon

Lu met Brother C's gaze.

"I'm not the only one who bleeds, you crazy ass-breather."

With a furrow in his brow from concentrating, Lu gathered the blood around them with all his might.

After all, blood was made up of a significant portion of water.

The efficacy was sorely lacking. Lu needed to expend more than twice as much world essence as if it had been water. But Lu had plenty of high-quality world essence, even if he was just at the introductory air stage.

Since he was about to die anyway, there was no need to be thrifty when using it.

Lu used all of his world essence to draw in and gather the blood from his surroundings.

Little by little, drops of floated floated into the air and left the furrows in the ground that made up the glimmering array. Streams of blood that should have run along the floor from the slaughterpen toward the egg instead floated through the air toward Lu.