

He had no idea how he ended up in this place or where he was going. Alex aimlessly wandered through the dense fog, feeling disoriented, completely lost, and unsure of how much time had passed. He had no clue about his whereabouts and how long he had been there. It felt like he had been in this mysterious place for an eternity, yet his memories of this place were empty. His movements were sluggish, and his thoughts were muddled. A strange, dreamlike state.

As he moved through the mist, shapes twisted and merged, making it hard for him to distinguish anything. Odd and unfamiliar sounds filled the air with every step he took. It was only when he paused that he realized the sounds were coming from the grass beneath his feet, rustling softly. The atmosphere was thick, and every breath tasted strange, almost like metal. He couldn't help but wonder how he had ended up in this strange, surreal world.

With each step, the fog seemed to thicken, making it even harder for Alex to see. He couldn't shake the feeling that he was being watched, that there were eyes hidden in the mist, following his every move.

After what felt like an eternity, the fog gradually lifted, revealing more of the bleak landscape. The landscape was... well, a bleak grass and nothing more. The sky above was a lifeless grey, and the endless fog seemed to be swallowing the world around.

He found himself in a vast field, its colors dull and lifeless. The grassy fields seemed to stretch on endlessly in every direction. 

Examining himself, he saw he wore the same clothes he'd worn on the day he'd passed away. His skin had a pale shade, and his veins barely showed. A pulse check confirmed his worst fear: he was no longer alive.

"Is this what comes after life?" he wondered as his gaze fell upon the endless sea of grey.

With a heavy sigh, Alex ran his hand through his hair. He'd accepted his fate long ago. There was no going back.

He closed his eyes and tried to relax. The silence was unnerving, but at the same time, he couldn't deny that it was also soothing.

As he stood there, he thought about his life, the good and the bad.

He thought about all the times he had chosen to stay in and create art instead of going out with people. "Maybe I should have made more effort to socialize... Maybe I should have taken more risks and stepped out of my comfort zone..."

He kept standing there, with his eyes closed, as he pondered his choices.

"It's a shame that I didn't have many friends over the years. In the end, I had none. I never went to a party or had a girlfriend. Just... art? Sounds a bit boring, but I guess this is what it is."

"But then again," he reminded himself, "I had followed my passion. I had poured my heart and soul into my art and music, and that had brought me a sense of fulfillment that few other things could match."

"What else could I have done to change my life?" he thought, shaking his head, trying to banish such thoughts. Dwelling on the past was pointless. There was no point in regretting what couldn't be changed.

Opening his eyes, he took a look at his surroundings once again. The fog, the endless gray sky, was a stark contrast to the vibrant blue one he'd known.

He had tried to call out, to yell, to scream, but his voice remained mute, betraying him, leaving him unheard in this strange, unending world.

His aimless journey continued, shrouded in confusion. Suddenly, a distant sound reached his ears, faint yet distinct. He moved his head to figure out where it was coming from.

The soft noise gradually grew louder, revealing itself as a delicate piano melody. Just as suddenly as it had started, it stopped.

Alex stood still, wondering if he had imagined the sound.

Driven by curiosity, he moved toward the musical notes. He glimpsed indistinct shapes in the distance. 

He pressed forward as the mysterious figures drew closer, gradually becoming more distinct. They transformed into people, but they were unlike any he had ever seen — they floated in the air, frozen in unmoving poses and facial expressions. Some were full of fear, some smiling.

He approached them, unable to explain what he was seeing. As he reached out to touch one, a sudden realization hit him.

They were not alive, just like him.

He approached one, a girl. She floated just above the ground; her skin was pale, and her eyes were wide open, staring blankly into space. She was suspended in the air, her legs dangling beneath her.

He stared at her, trying to make sense of what he was seeing. His hand touched her cold, lifeless skin. It felt strange and unnatural.

Alex's heart sank. Is this the world of the dead?

He looked around, seeing hundreds of floating corpses, each frozen in their final moments. He didn't recognize any of the faces, and the thought of being surrounded by the deceased made him shudder.

"Am I going to become one of them, eventually?" he asked himself, looking down at his hands and his body. He was dead, too, wasn't he?

He moved on, searching for any sign of life in the sea of bodies. 

"Who are they? Why are they frozen like this? And why am I different?" Alex wondered as he walked, his sense of time slipping away, guided occasionally by the distant piano's melody that helped him to navigate in this strange place.

In this place, there was no day or night, no breeze to break the stillness. He was surrounded by countless bodies suspended in time, their expressions frozen forever.

The piano's notes grew stronger, pulling Alex forward and giving him motivation not to stop. "I know this music—it's my composition!" he realized, a mixture of astonishment and disbelief filling his heart.

His music in the afterlife? It was strange. This whole place was not something he expected. He had always imagined the afterlife as a peaceful place, not this desolate and frightening landscape.

With no other option, Alex continued his search, determined to find the source of the music. He couldn't help but wonder how long he had been walking in this world. Seconds, minutes, days, weeks?

The piano's melody grew louder as he moved closer, the notes guiding him through the lifeless realm. With each new step he took, the piano's notes seemed to resonate within him. He could feel the notes vibrating through his bones, and his heart began to beat once more in sync with the music's rhythm.

The sound of the music was deafening, and he could feel the vibrations reverberating through his body.

Eventually, what he was looking for came into view, and the found source left him stunned.

"It's her..." He realized, stupefied.

The piano was floating in the air, suspended by nothing, defying gravity itself, played by a young girl with closed eyes whose body danced in rhythm with the music. 

The figure before him was exactly how she'd looked the day they had first met, the day his life had changed forever, back when he was five.

She floated in the air, just like the piano. Her silky white dress was thin and almost transparent, and her long, fiery red hair floated around her as if suspended in water. Her skin was full of freckles, her lips red, and closed eyes.

Her fingers flew over the keys, and the music poured out, filling the air around them with a haunting melody. Alex couldn't tear his gaze from her, captivated by her skill and the way she seemed to lose herself in the music. As the melody swelled, their surroundings transformed.

Suddenly, Alex was floating. He felt weightless, his body drifting through the air. He could feel his heart beating stronger as he approached her and his blood pulsing through his veins. He realized that he could speak again.

— "This is amazing..." he whispered, his eyes filling with tears.

He felt... great. No pain that was his follower over the year. No suffering. Did he feel... alive? The true meaning of it.

The fog was gone, and the world was bathed in the warm light of the setting sun. The barren land had become a lush field of flowers, and the sky was a vibrant mix of oranges, pinks, and purples. He glanced back down at the ground, and no sign of people from before could be seen.

He didn't know where the others had gone, but he didn't care. All that mattered was that she was here. He turned his attention back to her.

Alex floats there, watching her, unable to believe his eyes. "I finally found her..." he thought, a flood of emotions washing over him.

After all this time, all the pain, and struggle, she was finally here.

The piano's notes began to change, the melody growing softer and slower.

She opened her eyes, as blue as the summer sky, meeting his gaze. Her smile was radiant and pure, speaking volumes without a single word.

Alex couldn't take his eyes off her. She was all that he could see, and she was all that was in front of him. Her beauty and grace mesmerized him. She was everything he'd ever dreamed of and more.

As the final note echoed, she extended her hands towards him, inviting him to take them.

Alex's heart soared, and without a second thought, he reached out and held her hands in his.

Her skin felt soft and warm, sending shivers down his spine. It felt like he had waited forever for this moment.

"I've been waiting for you," she finally spoke. Her voice was like the tinkling of bells, a soft and melodious sound that seemed to fill the air around them. It was a sound he had never heard before, a sound he had longed to hear his entire life.

Her words washed over him, and the weight of his struggles and losses seemed to fade away.

— "So have I," he replied, his voice cracking with emotion.

Alex's mind raced. The girl from his childhood, the one who had haunted his dreams for so many years, was here.

— "I never thought I'd see you again," he confessed, a tear rolling down his cheek.

She smiled, wiping a tear from his face with her finger.

— "Where am I? And who are these people from before?" he asked calmly, his gaze never leaving hers.

"It is complicated... Everyone experiences this place differently. It's like a canvas that everyone paints with their colors and experiences. The longer you stay here, the more fitting for you it becomes. For some, it's a paradise where all their dreams and desires are fulfilled. For others, it's a prison, a place where they're forced to relive their worst memories over and over again. One way or another, it leads to the soul being cleaned from memories and regrets and returning to the cycle of life, to a new body, a new story."

— "Why am I the only one who can move?" he asked.

"I intervened not to let your soul fully rest so you could be here, now, and meet me," she explained.

Alex took a moment to process her words. He didn't quite understand, but it didn't matter.

— "Who are you?" he asked, his voice filled with wonder and awe. This was a question he had wanted to ask for his entire life.

She smiled, her eyes shining with a mysterious light.

"My name is Elysia, and I'm the goddess of music and art," she spoke with a kind and gentle voice. Hearing those words sent shivers down his spine, and he couldn't believe what he was hearing.

Alex was speechless. He had always known she was special, but a goddess?

He wanted to say something, anything, but the words wouldn't come. He stood there, his mouth agape, unable to form a coherent thought.

Elysia laughed, a light and melodious sound that filled Alex's heart with joy.

"I'm sorry, I'm probably overwhelming you," she apologized, her eyes sparkling with amusement.

Alex shook his head, struggling to find his voice.

— "No, no, not at all," he said, his cheeks turning a deep shade of crimson.

An awkward silence hangs upon them. She smiled with a hint of sadness in her eyes.

"I'm sorry, Alex," she said, her voice trembling slightly. "I'm sorry for all the pain and suffering you went through."

Her words caught him off guard, and his heart ached at her apology. He was about to respond, to tell her it was okay, but she cut him off, continuing before he had the chance to speak.

"It was all my fault, I'm sorry, Alex. I shouldn't have appeared in your room back then. You were just a child, and I wasn't supposed to meddle with the living," she explained, her voice full of remorse.

Her words echoed in Alex's mind, and he felt as if his world was crashing down around him. — "You shouldn't have appeared? What do you mean?" he asked, as confusion rose within him.

Her eyes glistened with unshed tears. She looked away to hide it, a slight frown forming on her face.

"You see, I'm not like you. I'm not human. I'm an entity that can only interact with the living during certain times, so it is safe for them. I'm not even sure how it's possible that I met you that day... it was an accident, really. I had no idea that my presence would haunt you for the rest of your life," she continued.

Alex stared at her, his mind racing as he tried to understand what she was saying.

"I should have never shown myself to you. I'm so sorry, Alex. I never meant to hurt you, but I can see that my presence did. Every time you saw me, you lost years of your life. Every time I wanted to ignore you, and each time you managed to amaze me... I was selfish, and I'm so sorry for everything."

Alex was left speechless, unable to find the right words. He could see the guilt and sorrow in her eyes, and he knew she meant every word.

— "Are you saying that your appearance caused my illness? That my desire to see you again brought me here, to the world of the dead?"

"Yes," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper.

A moment of silence passed between them.

Alex had to admit her presence had brought him nothing but misery and suffering, and he had paid a high price for it. He had given up everything to see her again, and now, hearing her admit it, he felt empty and broken.

"It is true... I know I was selfish, and I'm sorry..." She paused for a moment. "All I wanted is to hear you play for me, that's all..." 

He stared at her, trying to process what he had just heard.

— "This is a lot to take in," he paused, struggling to find the right words. "Elysia... if I hadn't seen you, I'd never have had the courage to create the music I did. It was you who inspired me and the drive I needed to push through all the hardship and pain," he finally said, his voice breaking.

"But the price was too high, Alex. You gave up your life for a mere glimpse of me. You wasted your precious time and your family, too."

Alex looked into her eyes, seeing the conflict within them. She was right; he had given up his life, and he had made his family suffer because he was obsessed with her. But in his heart, he knew it was worth it.

— "I'd do it again," he admitted, his voice barely audible.

She smiled, a spark of hope flickering in her eyes.

"Are you sure?" she asked, her voice tinged with doubt.

Alex nodded, his resolve unwavering.

— "I'm positive. Even though my life was short, I did what I love, and I did it because of you." he declared, his voice filled with conviction.

He held her hands tightly, a determined expression on his face.

She gazed at him, a mixture of surprise and admiration in her eyes.

Alex looked up at her, his eyes filled with longing. He had spent his entire life chasing after her, and now that he was here, he didn't want to leave.

— "Can I stay here with you?" he asked, his voice trembling slightly, a faint smile tugging at his lips.

"That's something I can't give you," she said harshly.

Alex's smile faded, and he could feel his heart breaking at her words.

— "What do you mean?" he asked, his voice laced with fear.

She gently caressed his face, a sad smile gracing her lips.

"I can't stay with you, Alex," she whispered, her eyes shimmering with tears.

— "But why?" Alex's heart sank at her words.

She hesitated, a mixture of pain and guilt written on her face.

"This place will affect you the longer you stay here, Alex. The longer you stay here, the more frozen in time you'll become. Your memories, your personality, everything will become a distant echo, and eventually, you'll get your soul cleaned. This is the fate of those who linger here for too long, and I don't want that to happen to you. I want you to live your life, to find happiness, and to move on. I'm sorry, Alex. "

Her words struck him like a knife to the heart. 

"You deserve more. You deserve a full and happy life, not one cut short by my selfish desires," she concluded.

Alex's heart was shattered into a million pieces.

"And more importantly, I want to fix what I did to you. You deserve a second chance. A second chance to live your life, to be happy and free, without being haunted by me."

— "What do you mean?" asked Alex, his voice trembling slightly.

She took a deep breath, her eyes glistening with tears.

"You'll get a chance to live your life again, Alex. You'll get a new body, in a new world, in a place where my presence is stronger, and I can ensure, or at least try my best, for you to have a better life than before."

Alex's eyes widened at her words. A new body, a new life? He couldn't believe what he was hearing.

After a long pause and minutes of silence, while looking into her eyes, Alex finally found his voice.

— "Alright... If this is your wish, then I agree," he whispered, his voice quivering with emotion.

She smiled, a wave of relief washing over her.

"Good," she replied, her voice laced with hope.

Elysia's eyes sparkled with gratitude as she reached for her piano. "Before you go, Alex, there's something I want to play for you, a melody I wrote just for you."

She positioned herself back in front of the floating piano, her fingers hovering over the keys. As she began to play, the haunting melody filled the air once more. It was a bittersweet tune, a reflection of their shared past and the uncertain future.

As Elysia played, tears welled up in Alex's eyes. He couldn't help but be moved by the beauty of her music, and he knew that this would be the last time he would see her.

Slowly, he moved closer to Elysia and sat down beside her. He closed his eyes, letting the music wash over him, and then he began to play as well. His fingers danced across the keys of a piano, forming a duet.

The harmony between their music was magical. It was as if their souls were intertwined through the notes, creating a symphony that transcended the boundaries of life and death. The music swelled, reaching a crescendo that filled the entire world around them.

As they played together, Elysia looked at Alex with a mixture of sadness and joy. It was a farewell and a celebration all in one. They poured their hearts and souls into the music.

When they finally reached the end of the piece, they let the final notes linger in the air.

Alex turned to Elysia, his eyes filled with longing. "Will we ever meet again?"

Elysia leaned in and pressed her lips gently against his. It was a soft, lingering kiss that conveyed all the love and care she felt for him. When they parted, she looked into his eyes and whispered, "No, Alex..." she paused, "This is a goodbye. But I'll always be with you in your heart."

And then, with a final, wistful smile, the world around them began to fade. The colors bled into darkness, and Alex felt himself being pulled away from Elysia. He reached out, trying to hold onto her, but she simply mouthed the words, "Live a happy life," before she disappeared into the void.

Darkness enveloped Alex, and he felt weightless once more, as though he were drifting through the cosmos. Distant stars and galaxies streaked past him, leaving luminous trails in their wake. Yet, none of this cosmic spectacle could capture his attention. His heartbeat stopped once more, and his tears continued to stream down his face as he fixated on the spot where she had been.

As he drifted farther into the unknown, he whispered his farewell into the void.

— "Goodbye, Elysia..."

With those words, he closed his eyes, surrendering to the infinite expanse of the universe. The stars and galaxies continued their celestial dance around him.

Next chapter